diff --git a/docs/modules/maintain-cluster/pages/enterprise-rest-api.adoc b/docs/modules/maintain-cluster/pages/enterprise-rest-api.adoc
index a09e7d6a6..33d009914 100644
--- a/docs/modules/maintain-cluster/pages/enterprise-rest-api.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/maintain-cluster/pages/enterprise-rest-api.adoc
@@ -474,3 +474,200 @@ curl -X 'DELETE' \
"message": "CP Subsystem is not enabled!"
+== Dynamic Configuration Update REST Endpoint
+You can use the `/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update` REST endpoint to change dynamic server configurations (for more info, see xref:configuration:dynamic-config.adoc[Dynamic Configuration for Members]). With dynamic configuration you can change existing configurations dynamically, as well as add new configurations for Hazelcast data structures.
+The endpoint requires that you send a XML/YAML server configuration file with the changes required. The response will be two lists in JSON format. The first list includes the newly added configuration among the configurations sent to the server. The second list includes ignored configurations which were in the sent configuration list but could not be applied at the server (examples of these could include static rather than dynamic configurations, which can not therefore be applied dynamically, or duplicate configurations already added).
+Whether a dynamic configuration can be applied or not depends on the request. For some updates, it is allowed to change configuration parameters of an existing configuration while for some others you are not allowed to change the configuration. Please see the xref:configuration:dynamic-config.adoc[Dynamic Configuration for Members] section on details about which configuration parameters can be changed dynamically and which can not be changed.
+Let's walk through some example requests and responses.
+=== Add New MapConfig Using XML Configuration
+Here is an example POST request for adding a new `MapConfig` for my-map:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:8443/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
+ -d '
+ '
+This request creates a configuration for a new map named `my-map`. The in-memory format is set to `BINARY`, while statistics are enabled and the backup count is set to `2`.
+In response to this request we should receive a response body such as:
+ "addedConfigs": [
+ {
+ "sectionName": "map",
+ "configName": "my-map"
+ }
+ ],
+ "ignoredConfigs": []
+As the response indicates, a new map config is added to the `map` section with the name `my-map` and the requested dynamic configurations are applied.
+=== Add New MapConfig Using YAML Configuration
+Here is an example POST request for adding a new `MapConfig` for my-map-yaml using the YAML configuration:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:49567/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/cluster/config/update' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlcyI6IltcImFkbWluXCJdIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE3NTk3MDM1LCJleHAiOjE3MTc1OTc5MzV9.pYtBEvBy2KxrRfFOMSK3k9kS37SayEPCSEcYJlMpHMc' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d 'hazelcast:
+ map:
+ my-map-yaml:
+ in-memory-format: BINARY
+ statistics-enabled: true
+ backup-count: 2'
+We send a request to create a new config for the new map to be created named `my-map-yaml`. The in-memory format is set to BINARY while the statistics is enabled and the backup count is set to 2.
+When we send this request we receive the response body similar to this:
+ "addedConfigs": [
+ {
+ "sectionName": "map",
+ "configName": "my-map-yaml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "ignoredConfigs": []
+As you can observe from the response, a new map config is added for map with name my-map-yaml and all the requested dynamic configurations are applied.
+=== Add New Conflicting MapConfig For An Existing Map
+If you like to add the config with the same map name and a different configuration, then you get response code 400 meaning an invalid configuration is provided since you can not change an existing map configuration. Let's try this:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:8443/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
+ -d '
+ '
+The response has a `statusCode` of 400, and the error message adds further detail:
+ "statusCode": 400,
+ "message": "Cannot add a dynamic configuration 'MapConfig{name='my-map', inMemoryFormat='BINARY', metadataPolicy=CREATE_ON_UPDATE, backupCount=1, asyncBackupCount=0, timeToLiveSeconds=0, maxIdleSeconds=0, readBackupData=false, evictionConfig=EvictionConfig{size=2147483647, maxSizePolicy=PER_NODE, evictionPolicy=NONE, comparatorClassName=null, comparator=null}, merkleTree=MerkleTreeConfig{enabled=null, depth=10}, eventJournal=EventJournalConfig{enabled=false, capacity=10000, timeToLiveSeconds=0}, hotRestart=HotRestartConfig{enabled=false, fsync=false}, dataPersistenceConfig=DataPersistenceConfig{enabled=false, fsync=false}, nearCacheConfig=null, mapStoreConfig=MapStoreConfig{enabled=false, className='null', factoryClassName='null', writeDelaySeconds=0, writeBatchSize=1, implementation=null, factoryImplementation=null, properties={}, initialLoadMode=LAZY, writeCoalescing=true, offload=true}, mergePolicyConfig=MergePolicyConfig{policy='com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy', batchSize=100}, wanReplicationRef=null, entryListenerConfigs=null, indexConfigs=null, attributeConfigs=null, splitBrainProtectionName=null, queryCacheConfigs=null, cacheDeserializedValues=INDEX_ONLY, statisticsEnabled=false, entryStatsEnabled=false, tieredStoreConfig=TieredStoreConfig{enabled=false, memoryTierConfig=MemoryTierConfig{capacity=256 MEGABYTES}, diskTierConfig=DiskTierConfig{enabled=false, deviceName='default-tiered-store-device'}}, partitioningAttributeConfigs=null, userCodeNamespace=null}' as there is already a conflicting configuration 'MapConfig{name='my-map', inMemoryFormat='BINARY', metadataPolicy=CREATE_ON_UPDATE, backupCount=2, asyncBackupCount=0, timeToLiveSeconds=0, maxIdleSeconds=0, readBackupData=false, evictionConfig=EvictionConfig{size=2147483647, maxSizePolicy=PER_NODE, evictionPolicy=NONE, comparatorClassName=null, comparator=null}, merkleTree=MerkleTreeConfig{enabled=null, depth=10}, eventJournal=EventJournalConfig{enabled=false, capacity=10000, timeToLiveSeconds=0}, hotRestart=HotRestartConfig{enabled=false, fsync=false}, dataPersistenceConfig=DataPersistenceConfig{enabled=false, fsync=false}, nearCacheConfig=null, mapStoreConfig=MapStoreConfig{enabled=false, className='null', factoryClassName='null', writeDelaySeconds=0, writeBatchSize=1, implementation=null, factoryImplementation=null, properties={}, initialLoadMode=LAZY, writeCoalescing=true, offload=true}, mergePolicyConfig=MergePolicyConfig{policy='com.hazelcast.spi.merge.PutIfAbsentMergePolicy', batchSize=100}, wanReplicationRef=null, entryListenerConfigs=null, indexConfigs=null, attributeConfigs=null, splitBrainProtectionName=null, queryCacheConfigs=null, cacheDeserializedValues=INDEX_ONLY, statisticsEnabled=true, entryStatsEnabled=false, tieredStoreConfig=TieredStoreConfig{enabled=false, memoryTierConfig=MemoryTierConfig{capacity=256 MEGABYTES}, diskTierConfig=DiskTierConfig{enabled=false, deviceName='default-tiered-store-device'}}, partitioningAttributeConfigs=null, userCodeNamespace=null}'"
+Within the response body you can see the explanation "as there is already a conflicting configuration 'MapConfig{name='my-map'".
+=== Add New MapConfig For An Existing Map But With No Configuration Change
+As detailed above, you cannot add a map configuration with the same map name. If you send an update request with the same configuration and map name, this request will be ignored as there is no change. Let's look at this as an example:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:8443/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
+ -d '
+ '
+This request receives an `OK (200)` response code and the following body:
+ "addedConfigs": [],
+ "ignoredConfigs": [
+ {
+ "sectionName": "map",
+ "configName": "my-map"
+ }
+ ]
+As the response confirms, no configs are added and the provided config is ignored.
+=== Add New MapConfig With Duplicate Configs
+As you can see, you can not try adding a map config with the same map name. You can send an update request with the same configuration and map name, and you will observe that this update will be ignored since there is no change. Let's try the request again:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:8443/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
+ -d '
+ '
+We receive a response code OK (200) and the following body:
+ "addedConfigs": [
+ {
+ "sectionName": "map",
+ "configName": "my-duplicate-map"
+ }
+ ],
+ "ignoredConfigs": []
+As you see from the response, only one MapConfig is added since the duplicate one has exactly the same configuration.
+=== Try Adding Non-dynamic Static Configuration
+You can try to change a static config, for example the `cluster-name` and observe that it is ignored silently. Since it is not a dynamic configuration, it is neither in ignored nor in the added configs list.
+An example request:
+curl -X 'POST' \
+ 'http://localhost:8443/hazelcast/rest/api/v1/config/update' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
+ -d '
+ newInstanceName
+ '
+We receive a response code OK (200) and the following body:
+ "addedConfigs": [],
+ "ignoredConfigs": []
+As you can see from the response, the static configuration is ignored but not listed in the ignored configurations list.