diff --git a/edalize/tools/efinity.py b/edalize/tools/efinity.py
index f62d4ed65..7987c3724 100644
--- a/edalize/tools/efinity.py
+++ b/edalize/tools/efinity.py
@@ -31,6 +31,26 @@ class Efinity(Edatool):
"type": "str",
"desc": "Speed grade (e.g. C4)",
+ "ip_gen": {
+ "type": "dict",
+ "desc": "IP generator",
+ "list": True,
+ },
+ "bitstream_gen": {
+ "type": "dict",
+ "desc": "Bitstream generator options",
+ "list": True,
+ }
+ }
+ BITSTREAM_MODES = ["active", "passive"]
+ BITSTREAM_FORMATS = ["bit", "bitbin", "hex", "hexbin"]
+ CLOCK_DIVS = ['DIV1', 'DIV4', 'DIV8']
+ "mode": "active",
+ "formats": ["bit", "hex"],
+ "clk_div": 'DIV8',
def setup(self, edam):
@@ -53,6 +73,21 @@ def setup(self, edam):
for i in ["family", "part", "timing"]:
if not i in self.tool_options:
raise RuntimeError("Missing required option '{}'".format(i))
+ for default in self.BITSTREAM_GEN_DEFAULTS:
+ if not default in self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']:
+ self.tool_options['bitstream_gen'][default] = self.BITSTREAM_GEN_DEFAULTS[default]
+ if not self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']['mode'] in self.BITSTREAM_MODES:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid bitstream_gen mode: {}".format(self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']['mode']))
+ for format in self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']['formats']:
+ if not format in self.BITSTREAM_FORMATS:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid bitstream_gen format: {}".format(format))
+ if not self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']['clk_div'] in self.CLOCK_DIVS:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid bitstream_gen clk_div: {}".format(self.tool_options['bitstream_gen']['clk_div']))
design_files = []
constr_files = []
@@ -124,6 +159,25 @@ def setup(self, edam):
dep_files.append(self.name + ".peri.xml")
+ # Add command to generate IP
+ if "ip_gen" in self.tool_options:
+ for ip_config in self.tool_options.get("ip_gen"):
+ module_name = ip_config.get("module_name")
+ commands.add(
+ [
+ self.efinity_python,
+ "gen_ip_" + module_name + ".py",
+ self.name,
+ self.tool_options.get("part"),
+ ],
+ [self.name + "_" + module_name],
+ [],
+ variables={
+ "EFXIPM_HOME": self.efinity_home + "/ipm",
+ },
+ )
+ dep_files.append(self.name + "_" + module_name)
@@ -140,6 +194,7 @@ def setup(self, edam):
"EFXPGM_HOME": self.efinity_home + "/pgm",
self.commands = commands
@@ -152,3 +207,10 @@ def write_config_files(self):
if self.isf_file:
# Create XML file with IO and hard blocks definitions
self.render_template("isf_to_xml.py", "isf_to_xml.py")
+ if "ip_gen" in self.tool_options:
+ for ip_config in self.tool_options.get("ip_gen"):
+ self.render_template(
+ "gen_ip.py.j2",
+ "gen_ip_" + ip_config.get("module_name") + ".py",
+ ip_config,
+ )
diff --git a/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/gen_ip.py.j2 b/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/gen_ip.py.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1670c013d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/gen_ip.py.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Get access to useful python package
+import os
+import sys
+# Tell python where to get IP Manager's API package
+ipm_home = os.environ["EFXIPM_HOME"]
+sys.path.append(ipm_home + "/bin")
+from efx_ipmgr import api_v2
+from ipm_api_service.design import IPMDesignAPI
+from ipm_api_service.projectxml import ProjectXML
+name = sys.argv[1]
+part = sys.argv[2]
+workdir = "."
+ipm = IPMDesignAPI(
+ device_name=part, family_name=name, project_path=workdir, is_verbose=True
+project_xml_path = workdir + "/" + name + ".xml"
+projectxml = ProjectXML(project_xml_path=project_xml_path, is_verbose=True)
+module_name = "{{ module_name }}"
+vendor = "{{ vendor }}"
+library = "{{ library }}"
+name = "{{ name }}"
+ module_name=module_name,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ library=library,
+ name=name,
+configs = {
+ {% for k, v in config.items() %}
+ "{{k}}": "{{v}}",
+ {% endfor %}
+ipm.config_ip(module_name=module_name, configs=configs)
+success, errors, param = ipm.validate_ip(module_name=module_name)
+if success:
+ result = ipm.generate_ip(module_name=module_name)
+ projectxml.add_ip(module_name=module_name)
+ projectxml.save()
diff --git a/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/newproj_tmpl.xml.j2 b/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/newproj_tmpl.xml.j2
index a4e8125ca..bfc1194dd 100644
--- a/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/newproj_tmpl.xml.j2
+++ b/edalize/tools/templates/efinity/newproj_tmpl.xml.j2
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
+ {% for k in tool_options.bitstream_gen.formats %}
+ {% endfor %}