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Worx Landroid robotic mower 2017 API

The Landroid robotic mower models released by Worx in 2017, such as WR201SI, WR105SE and WR110MI, use a completely different means of communication than the API of previous models.

Both the mower and the app connect to an AWS server and communicate via MQTT.


Obtaining a certificate

The app authenticates itself to the MQTT broker via a client certificate.

In order to obtain the certificate the app connects to If you want to try things for yourself, I recommend Postman.

First it needs to log in to get an auth token. It does so by POSTing form data (not JSON) to The form data needed is

  • email = the e-mail address of the user registered via the app
  • password = the password of the user registered via the app
  • type=app
  • platform=android (for Android app)
  • uuid = unique device identifier. For Android this will be the Android ID. You can display the Android ID of your phone with the help of an app.

In addition to these, there must be an X-Auth-Token HTTP header with a "guest token" (similar to client ID in OAuth2 Client Credentials). You can get this for example by sniffing the network traffic or reverse engineering (assuming that is legal in your country) the APK of the official Android app. It also seems someone posted the token here.

The response will be JSON looking something like this

  "id": 123,
  "name": "Your Name",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "created_at": "2017-06-22 12:13:14",
  "updated_at": "2017-06-22 12:13:14",
  "city": null,
  "address": null,
  "zipcode": null,
  "country_id": 752,
  "phone": null,
  "birth_date": null,
  "sex": null,
  "newsletter_subscription": null,
  "user_type": "customer",
  "api_token": "1...X", // <- API token!
  "token_expiration": "2067-06-10 12:13:14",
  "mqtt_client_id": "android-ANDROID_ID" // ANDROID_ID = your device ID 

Then the app sends a GET request to with the value of the api_token in the previous result, as the X-Auth-Token HTTP header.

The result of that request is JSON with a Base64 encoded PKCS12 certificate. It looks something like this:

  "pkcs12": "ABCD...1234"

To get the binary PKCS12 certificate, this string needs to be Base64 decoded. (On Windows, this can be done using certutil -decode input.file output.file). This certificate turns out to be an AWS IoT Certificate (CN = AWS IoT Certificate).

Connecting to MQTT

The app will then connect to the MQTT broker,in the Android case, with the help of the Android SDK (in particular AWSIotMqttManager). The server will be or similar in another AWS region, depending on your country. The port is 8883. The MQTT topics are named with the MAC address (without semi colons) of the lawn mower; DB510/MAC_ADDRESS/commandIn and DB510/MAC_ADDRESS/commandOut respectively.

On the .../commandOut topic, the mower will publish data as UTF-8 encoded JSON, looking something like this:

  "cfg": { // Configuration - supposedly, this can be sent to commandIn topic to update config  
    "lg": "it", // Language
    "tm": "11:12:13", // Time of mowers clock
    "dt": "22/06/2017", // Date of mowers clock
    "sc": {  // Schedule  
      "m": 1, // Schedule mode
      "p": 0, // Mowing percentage
      "d": [ // Daily schedule
        ["10:00", 240, 1], // Start time, working time (minutes), edge cutting enabled
        ["11:00", 300, 1],
        ["12:00", 300, 0],
        ["13:00", 300, 0],
        ["14:00", 300, 1],
        ["15:00", 180, 0], 
        ["16:00", 405, 1]
    "cmd": 0,
    "mz": [0, 0, 0, 0], // Multi zone
    "mzv": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], // Multi zone percentages
    "rd": 120, // Rain delay (minutes)
    "sn": "..." // Serial no
  "dat": {  
    "mac": "AABBCCDDEEFF", // MAC address of the mower
    "fw": 2.59, // Firmeware version
    "bt": {  
      "t": 29.0,
      "v": 19.79,
      "p": 87,
      "nr": 622,
      "c": 0 // Charging, 1 = yes, 0 = no
    "dmp": [0.4, -2.5, 14.3],
    "st": { // Statistics 
      "b": 123, // Blade
      "d": 456, // Distance (meters)
      "wt": 789 // Total work time (minutes)
    "ls": 1, // Status code
    "le": 0, // Error code
    "lz": 0,
    "rsi": 52,
    "lk": 0