docker build -f ./build/Dockerfile -t opa-pdp:1.0.0 .
docker image ls | grep opa-pdp
inside test directory run - docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
docker logs -f opa-pdp
- oapi-codegen -package=oapicodegen -generate "models" openapi.yaml > models.go
Create a new directory under test/polices. For example - role
Inside this directory create a policy [i.e; rego file] named policy.rego. Version 1 i.e v1 is supported for rego files.
For contents you can see example of policy.rego under test/policies/role/policy.rego.
Inside test/policies/data create a new directory with the package name of policy.rego. For example test/policies/data/role
Create a file data.json under the newly created directory inside data. For example test/policies/data/data.json
In policy.rego the package declaration organizes the policy rules. This allows
The Rule allow evaluates to true/false based on the logic defined in policy.rego
Data.json is files is kept within the directory named after policy package name under data folders. For example policies/data/role/data.json.
To reference the data inside policy.rego we need to define rule as data.folder-name.attribute. For example you can refer to policy.rego under rules, data.role.user_roles.
To deploy a new policy opa-pdp need to be redpolyed i.e; docker-compose down and up need to be executed.
Create a tosca policy file that has policy.rego and data.json encoded contents.
For example refer to test/policy_deployment.yaml.
OPA emphasizes that each policy should have a unique policy-name/policy-id,
example: Not Allowed --> when policy with name is deployed and when not allowed for deployment since it carries the same hierarchy. Allowed --> Policy with name is deployed and when is allowed for deployment since it does not have the same hierarchy.
Policy and data key should start (prefixed) with policy-id. For ex refer totest/testresources/policy_deploy_single_policy.yaml.
Create a deploy.json file to deploy through pap. Refer to file under test/testresources/deploy.json.
send json {"onapName":"CDS","onapComponent":"CDS","onapInstance":"CDS","currentDate": "2024-11-22", "currentTime": "2024-11-22T11:34:56Z", "timeZone": "UTC", "timeOffset": "+05:30", "currentDateTime": "2024-11-22 12:08:00.123456+0000 ", "policyName":"role/allow","input":{"user":"alice","action":"write","object":"id123","type":"dog"}} to opa-pdp as shown in curl commands below.
"policyName":"[packagename in rego file]/allow" Policy to be refrenced as policyName:role/allow in case when policy's package name is role. Change it according to your package name of the policy.
"input":{"user":"alice","action":"read","object":"id123","type":"dog"} Input defines the specific data to be evaluated by the Rego policy