- Handle issue with binary classifier setting output to [N,1] vs [N,2], #681
- Add missing dependency onnxconverter_common, fix multi regression with xgboost, #679, fixes issues No module named 'onnxconverter_common', onnx converted : xgboostRegressor multioutput model predicts 1 dimension instead of original 210 dimensions.
- Fix early stopping for XGBClassifier and xgboost > 2 #597
- Fix discrepancies with XGBRegressor and xgboost > 2 #670
- Support count:poisson for XGBRegressor #666
- Supports XGBRFClassifier and XGBRFRegressor #665
- ONNX_DFS_PATH to be set in the spark config #653 (by @Ironwood-Cyber)
- Sparkml converter: support type StringType and StringType() #639
- Add check for base_score in _get_attributes function #637, #626, (by @tolleybot)
- Support for lightgbm >= 4.0 #634