Test general java topics, dates, jwt ...
Test jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin from json schema or object
- MethodExecutionTime, RunningTimeLoggingService
- FunctionObjectTest, JavaOptionalTest, TestReadAndWriteLock3
- FunctionParameterTest
- Test using springboot kafka admin to create topics
- Test springboot kafka template
docker-compose up # first time
docker-compose start
docker-compose stop
Test calling ms by using kafka to send out email
spring-boot-kafka-ms-email-files, docker-compose.yml
- Generic mock backend, file download
- CompletableFutureUtil, OperationTaskUtil, CompletableFutureBasicSyntax, CompletableFutureCallbacks
- CompletableFutureAllOfAnyOf, CompletableFutureCombines, CompletableFutureCompose
- GitHubLookupServiceRunner, GreetingService
- GitHubUserController
- GreetingServiceRunnerTest, GitHubLookupServiceTest
- Test login with OAuth2 and OpenId Connect providers
- Test login with social web sites, like github, facebook, google, linkedin
- Combining Spring Boot Auth Methods: Redis Sessions, Basic Auth and JWTs
For testing sonarqube
- Test Spring Session with Redis
- Test setup two way SSL
- Test SSO with jwt
Test SSO and Single Log Out (SLO) with JSON Web Token (JWT), Spring Boot and Redis
Could revise further!
Configure to use oopsmails-common-annotation and oopsmails-common-filter