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Lesson 3: Generating optimized C code with Cython

Below are some key notes on how to use Cython to combine the best of both Python code and C code. See Cython Documentation for more details on Cython syntax.


  • Cython is different from numpy and mpi4py in that it is its own programming language

    • Files have a .pyx extension instead of .py

    • Very similar to Python, except with optional type information

      • The cython program is a source-to-source compiler that generates C code from cython code
      • This C code uses the internal Python API to define a python module that is entirely C code!
      • This C code is compiled with a C compiler and linked against libpython into a dynamic library file (e.g.:
      • Now, any python program can import my_library and use the compiled code!
      • Cython can also embed a main() function, turning your entire Cython program into a stand-alone binary
    • Language syntax

      • Variables and functions may be declared in different ways, and may also contain additional type information
        • Variables:
    # Python int object, just like in plain python
    x = 4
    # this works fine, since x is a regular Python object
    x = '''surprise! I'm a string, now'''
    # C variable with type information
    cdef unsigned int y = 0
    # this would fail to compile, since y is a C-level variable
    y = '''surprise! I'm a string, now'''
    - Functions:
    # plain python function
    # works just like in python
    def do_something(x):
        return 1.2
    # same as above, except cython knows more about types
    def double do_something(unsigned long x):
        return 1.2
    # notice the use of "cdef" -- this is a cython function that is not
    # accessible from the Python interpreter
    # This would get compiled into pure C code (very fast)
    cdef double do_something(unsigned long x):
        return 1.2
    # often, you want a very fast cython function, but also a small wrapper
    # function that is accessble in python.  You can use "cpdef" and have cython
    # generate the wrapper for you.  This is fast and accessible!
    cpdef double do_something(unsigned long x):
        return 1.2
    - Other syntax for C constructs:
        int A = 10
        int *pointer
        double B
    # "address of" operator
    pointer = &A
    # dereference
    *pointer = 5
    # casting
    B = <double>A
    - Calling external C code
    cdef extern from "stdio.h":
        void printf(char *s)
    # now, we can use the printf function from C!
    cdef int x = 10
    printf('x is equal to %d\n', x)
    - Works with any headers.  Just make sure include paths are set when
      compiling the C code.
    - Also, make sure you link in any necessary libraries.
    # need to make sure that you link against the math library
    cdef extern from "math.h":
        double fabs(double x)
    - Cython modules
      - Files that have cython definitions that can be imported in other
        cython files (just like a header file in C)
      - They use the `.pxd` file extension
      - Cython provides a number of modules that you can use right away
    # these are shortcuts for the above
    # notice the use of "cimport", the cython-level version of import
    from libc.stdio cimport printf
    from libc.math cimport fabs
    - Cython directives
      - Set various compiler options
    - file-wide setting: use a comment at the top of the file
    #cython: boundscheck=False
    - function-wide: use a cython decorator
    def unsafe_function(double *x):
        x[10] = ... # unsafe
    - block-wide: use a cython context manager
    def unsafe_function(double *x):
        with cython.boundscheck(True):
            x[10] = ... # safer, but slower
        x[20] = ... # this is still unsafe
  • Cython APIs for other libraries

    • Other libraries (like numpy and mpi4py) provide cython modules that you can use to access their lower-level APIs for maximum performance
      • Note that you generally need to include both the python and cython imports.
    # numpy cython API
    import numpy as np  # python import
    cimport numpy as np # cython API
    # define a variable using numpy's array type
    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] array = np.empty((10,))
    # this whole loop is compiled directly into raw C code
    cdef unsigned int i
    for i in range(array.shape[0]):
        array[i] = i*i
    # mpi4py cython API
    from mpi4py       import  MPI # python import
    from mpi4py       cimport MPI # cython API
    from mpi4py.mpi_c cimport *   # Very-fast cython API that maps directly to C
    cdef MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    cdef MPI_Status stat
    cdef int rank, size
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank)
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size)
    # define a variable using numpy's array type
    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] array = np.empty((10,))
    if rank == 0:
        ... # initialize array
    if rank == 0:
        MPI_Send(&array[2], array.shape[0] - 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 1, 0, comm)
        MPI_Recv(&array[0], array.shape[0] - 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm, &stat)

Exercise 3

  • Start in the laplace-mpi-cython/ directory
  • Edit the laplace_mpi_cython.pyx file and replace the missing sections of code with your own cython code
  • Type make run to run the application with your changes
    • Use the laplace-serial example as a reference implementation
  • Try to get the best performance by providing type information and using the low-level cython APIs wherever you can