diff --git a/src/components/Button/Button.mdx b/src/components/Button/Button.mdx
index bf0596bcd..4f390f4eb 100644
--- a/src/components/Button/Button.mdx
+++ b/src/components/Button/Button.mdx
@@ -1,30 +1,13 @@
import {ArgTypes, Canvas, Meta, Story} from '@storybook/blocks';
-import * as ButtonStories from './Button.stories';
import * as UtrechtButtonStories from './UtrechtButton.stories';
# Buttons
-Any additional props are passed down to the button component (or custom component, if using that).
## Variants
-### Utrecht variants
More information on the Utrecht buttons can be found
@@ -39,13 +22,6 @@ More information on the Utrecht buttons can be found
## Icon buttons
-### Utrecht variants
@@ -55,25 +31,8 @@ More information on the Utrecht buttons can be found
Passing the `disabled` prop sets the appropriate `aria-disabled` attribute.
-### Utrecht variants
-## Replacing the HTML element
-You can pass an alternative `component` to render instead of the default `a` tag. This may be
-- built in HTML tags, passing a string (e.g. `span`)
-- custom React components (e.g. `component={MyComponent}`)
## Props
diff --git a/src/components/Button/Button.stories.js b/src/components/Button/Button.stories.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4439e641e..000000000
--- a/src/components/Button/Button.stories.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-import {default as AnchorComponent} from 'components/Anchor';
-import Button, {VARIANTS} from 'components/Button';
-import FAIcon from 'components/FAIcon';
-export default {
- title: 'Pure React components / Button',
- component: Button,
- argTypes: {
- variant: {
- options: VARIANTS,
- control: {
- type: 'radio',
- },
- },
- extraVariants: {
- type: {name: 'array'},
- },
- children: {table: {disable: true}},
- onDisabledClick: {table: {disable: true}},
- },
- parameters: {
- controls: {sort: 'requiredFirst'},
- },
-const render = ({label, ...args}) => {label} ;
-export const ExtraProps = {
- name: 'Extra props',
- render,
- args: {
- title: 'Title attribute',
- label: 'Hover me',
- },
-export const Default = {
- render,
- args: {label: 'Default'},
-export const Primary = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Primary',
- variant: 'primary',
- },
-export const Secondary = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Secondary',
- variant: 'secondary',
- },
-export const Danger = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Danger',
- variant: 'danger',
- },
-export const Anchor = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'UtrechtButton',
- variant: 'anchor',
- },
-export const AnchorButton = {
- name: 'Anchor/button',
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'button tag',
- variant: 'anchor',
- component: 'button',
- },
-export const AnchorA = {
- name: 'Anchor/a',
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'anchor tag',
- variant: 'anchor',
- component: 'a',
- href: '#',
- },
-export const IconOnly = {
- name: 'Icon only',
- args: {
- title: 'Icon only',
- variant: 'icon-only',
- icon: 'pen',
- },
- render: ({icon, ...args}) => (
- ),
-export const IconOnlyDanger = {
- name: 'Icon only danger',
- render: IconOnly.render,
- args: {
- ...IconOnly.args,
- title: 'Icon only danger',
- variant: 'icon-only',
- extraVariants: ['danger'],
- },
-export const Disabled = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Button',
- disabled: true,
- onDisabledClick: () => alert('clicked disabled button'),
- },
-export const CustomComponent = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Button',
- component: 'div',
- value: 'div element',
- },
-export const Link = {
- render,
- args: {
- label: 'Link',
- component: AnchorComponent,
- },
diff --git a/src/scss/components/_button.scss b/src/scss/components/_button.scss
index 043ec5a3e..7ffd7d414 100644
--- a/src/scss/components/_button.scss
+++ b/src/scss/components/_button.scss
@@ -1,233 +1,8 @@
- * TODO: properly refactor these components, the styles are bonkers...
- */
-@use 'sass:math';
@use 'microscope-sass/lib/bem';
-@import '~microscope-sass/lib/grid';
-@import '~microscope-sass/lib/typography';
@import '@utrecht/components/dist/button/css/index.css';
@import '@utrecht/components/dist/button-link/css/index.css';
-@import '../mixins/prefix';
-$button-line-height: $typography-line-height-text-big * $typography-font-size-text-big;
-$button-line-height-px: math.div($button-line-height, ($button-line-height * 0 + 1)) * 16px;
-$button-padding-v: math.div(($grid-row-height - $button-line-height-px), 2) -
- $typography-size-border;
-$button-padding-h: $grid-margin-2;
-@mixin button-theme(
- $name,
- $color,
- $color-background,
- $color-border: var(--of-color-bg),
- $color-background-hover: null,
- $color-border-hover: null,
- $color-active: null,
- $color-background-active: null,
- $color-border-active: null,
- $force-colors: false,
- $color-border-focus: null
-) {
- // build the selector either as just the parent or the parent with modifier,
- // based on the theme name
- $sel: #{&};
- @if $name != '' {
- $sel: '#{&}--#{$name}';
- }
- // now output the actual CSS rules
- @at-root #{$sel} {
- @if $force-colors {
- color: $color !important;
- background-color: $color-background !important;
- } @else {
- color: $color;
- background-color: $color-background;
- }
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right
- // border color
- border-right-color: $color-border !important;
- border-bottom-color: $color-border !important;
- &:focus,
- &:focus-visible {
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right border color
- // issue: https: //github.com/nl-design-system/utrecht/issues/1406
- border-color: $color-border-focus !important;
- border-right-color: $color-border-focus !important;
- border-bottom-color: $color-border-focus !important;
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the border-width
- border-width: 2px !important;
- }
- &:not([aria-disabled='true']):hover {
- @if $color-background-hover {
- background-color: $color-background-hover;
- }
- @if $color-border-hover {
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right
- // border color
- border-right-color: $color-border-hover !important;
- border-bottom-color: $color-border-hover !important;
- }
- }
- &:active {
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right
- // border color
- @if $color-active {
- color: $color-active !important;
- }
- @if $color-background-active {
- background-color: $color-background-active !important;
- }
- @if $color-border-active {
- // TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right
- // border color
- border-top-color: $color-border-active !important;
- border-right-color: transparent !important;
- border-left-color: $color-border-active !important;
- border-bottom-color: transparent !important;
- }
- }
- }
-.#{prefix(button)} {
- @include body;
- @include body--big;
- @include border(all, $color: transparent, $size: 2px);
- @include button-theme(
- '',
- $typography-color-text,
- $color-background,
- $color-border,
- $color-background-hover: var(--of-button-hover-bg),
- $color-border-hover: var(--of-button-hover-color-border),
- $color-active: var(--of-button-active-fg),
- $color-background-active:
- var(--of-button-active-bg, var(--utrecht-button-active-background-color)),
- $color-border-active:
- var(--of-button-active-color-border, var(--utrecht-button-active-border-color)),
- $color-border-focus:
- var(--of-button-focus-color-border, var(--utrecht-button-focus-border-color))
- );
- @include button-theme(
- 'primary',
- var(--of-button-primary-fg),
- var(--of-button-primary-bg),
- var(--of-button-primary-color-border),
- $color-background-hover: var(--of-button-primary-hover-bg),
- $color-border-hover: var(--of-button-primary-hover-color-border),
- $color-active: var(--of-button-primary-active-fg),
- $color-background-active: var(--of-button-primary-active-bg),
- $color-border-active: var(--of-button-primary-active-color-border),
- $color-border-focus:
- var(
- --of-button-primary-focus-color-border,
- var(--utrecht-button-primary-action-focus-border-color)
- )
- );
- @include button-theme(
- 'danger',
- var(--of-button-danger-fg),
- var(--of-button-danger-bg),
- var(--of-button-danger-color-border),
- $color-background-hover: var(--of-button-danger-hover-bg),
- $color-border-hover: var(--of-button-danger-hover-color-border),
- $color-active: var(--of-button-danger-active-fg),
- $color-background-active: var(--of-button-danger-active-bg),
- $color-border-active: var(--of-button-danger-active-color-border),
- $color-border-focus:
- var(
- --of-button-danger-focus-color-border,
- var(--utrecht-button-primary-action-danger-focus-border-color)
- )
- );
- appearance: none;
- border-radius: 0;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- padding: $button-padding-v $button-padding-h;
- text-decoration: none;
- float: left;
- @media print {
- display: none;
- }
- &:not([aria-disabled='true']) {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- // styling for disabled button
- &[aria-disabled='true'] {
- cursor: not-allowed;
- filter: saturate(0);
- opacity: 0.5;
- }
- .fa-icon:not(:last-child) {
- margin-right: $button-padding-h;
- }
- @include bem.modifier('icon-only') {
- color: var(--of-button-fg);
- background-color: transparent;
- border-style: none;
- --utrecht-button-hover-background-color: transparent;
- &:hover,
- &:active {
- --utrecht-button-hover-color: var(--of-button-fg);
- color: var(--of-button-fg);
- background-color: transparent;
- border-style: none;
- }
- &.#{prefix(button)}--danger {
- color: var(--of-button-danger-bg);
- }
- }
- // anchor variants, these map to utrecht components:
- // * UtrechtButton (the default)
- // * UtrechtButtonLink (`a` component)
- // * UtrechtLinkButton (`button` component)
- @include bem.modifier('anchor') {
- @include button-theme(
- '',
- var(--of-button-anchor-fg, var(--utrecht-link-color)),
- var(--of-button-anchor-bg),
- var(--of-button-anchor-color-border),
- $color-background-hover: var(--of-button-anchor-hover-bg, var(--utrecht-link-hover-color)),
- $color-border-hover: var(--of-button-anchor-hover-color-border),
- $color-active: var(--of-button-anchor-active-fg),
- $color-background-active: var(--of-button-anchor-active-bg),
- $color-border-active: var(--of-button-anchor-active-color-border),
- $color-border-focus:
- var(--of-button-anchor-focus-color-border, var(--utrecht-button-focus-border-color)),
- $force-colors: true // there will not be an anchor variant
- );
- // the OPPOSITE of what we normally do
- text-decoration: var(--utrecht-link-hover-text-decoration, none);
- &:hover {
- --of-button-anchor-fg: var(--utrecht-link-hover-color);
- text-decoration: var(--utrecht-link-text-decoration, underline);
- }
- }
// TODO: can be removed once there are utrecht design tokens for the bottom/right border color
// issue: https: //github.com/nl-design-system/utrecht/issues/1406
.utrecht-button {
diff --git a/src/scss/components/_file-upload.scss b/src/scss/components/_file-upload.scss
index 5ea2aa93c..66fc72283 100644
--- a/src/scss/components/_file-upload.scss
+++ b/src/scss/components/_file-upload.scss
@@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ we don't have strict BEM naming here.
button[ref='toggleCameraMode'] {
- @extend .#{prefix('button')};
- @extend .#{prefix('button--primary')};
display: inline-block;
float: none;
@include mobile-only {