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<pb n="305" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="I" />
<div1 type="article">
<byline>JANUARY 9, 1883, AND ADJOURNED APRIL 13, 1883</byline>
<byline>AUSTIN 1883</byline>
<pb n="306" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="II" />
<pb n="307" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="1" />
<head type="sub">GENERAL LAWS OF TEXAS.</head>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER I.</head>
<salute>An Act making an Appropriation for the Mileage and Per Diem Pay of the Members, and Per Diem Pay of the Officers and Employees of the Eighteenth Legislature.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the sum of eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of mileage and per diem of the members, and the payment of the per diem of the officers and employees of the Eighteenth Legislature of the State of Texas.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The certificate of the Secretary of the Senate, approved by the President thereof, or the certificate of the Chief Clerk of the House, ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proved by the Speaker thereof, shall be sufficient evidence to the Comp<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />troller, upon which he shall audit the claims and issue warrants upon the Treasurer for the respective amounts.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. And whereas, the Eighteenth Legislature, for the payment of the officers and members of which this law is enacted, is in session, and public policy requires their immediate payment, therefore an emergency exists that, this law take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>January 17, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER II.</head>
<salute>An Act making an Appropriation to defray the Con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tingent Expenses of the Eighteenth Legislature.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses of the Eighteenth Legislature. That (except in cases of accounts for printing done and stationery furnished) the certificate of the chairman of the Committee on Contingent Expenses, that an account has been exam<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ined and approved by said committee, and countersigned by the Presi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dent of the Senate or the Speaker of the House, as the case may be, shall be sufficient authority to authorize and require the Comptroller of<pb n="308" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="2" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>Public Accounts to draw his warrant on the State Treasury for the pay<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of any claim against said fund. The accounts for printing and stationery shall take the course prescribed by the Revised Statutes.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas it is of sufficient public importance that the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tingent expenses of the Legislature be promptly paid, in order that the material furnished and labor performed, may be procured at cash prices, and the want of such appropriation to pay the contingent expenses of the Eighteenth Legislature, creates an imperative public necessity that the rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days in each House should be suspended, and it is so suspended, and this act take effect from and after its passage.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>January 19, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER III.</head>
<salute>An Act entitled An Act to withdraw the Public Lands of the State of Texas, from sale.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That all the public lands heretofore authorized to be sold, under the act entitled “An Act to provide for the sale of the unappropriated public land of the State of Texas, and the investment of the proceeds of such sale,” approved July 14, 1879, be and the same is hereby withdrawn from sale; Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall be construed to return the land reserved by an act entitled “An Act to provide for the sale of a portion of the unappropriated public lands of the State of Texas, and the investment of the proceeds of such sale,” approved July 14, 1879, and the act amendatory of such act, approved March 11, 1881, to the mass of the public domain, but the same shall be construed to be reserved for the purposes for which said land was originally set apart and designated by said act, until the Legislature shall otherwise provide.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas these lands are being daily sold, to the great detri<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of the State, an imperative public necessity exists for the immedi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ate passage of this act, and that the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days should be suspended and this bill take ef<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>January 22, at one o’clock and thirty minutes, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER IV.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Articles 245 and 247 of the Revised Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Articles 245 and 247 be amended so as to read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 245. A county attorney for counties in which there is not a resident criminal district attorney shall be elected by the qualified voters of each county, who shall be commissioned by the Governor and hold his office for the term of two years.</p>
<p>Article 247. When a resident criminal district attorney is elected rand has qualified, and there is in the county of his residence, a county<pb n="309" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="3" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>attorney, such county attorney shall cease to perform the functions of such office, and there shall be no county attorney in such county during the time there may be a resident criminal district attorney therein. By the term, criminal district attorney, is meant an attorney for a crim<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />inal district court.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>January 24, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER V.</head>
<salute>An Act authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to employ additional Clerks, and fixing their Salaries.</salute>
<p>Section. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Commissioner of the General Land Office be and is hereby au<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />thorized to employ six additional assistant clerks in the General Land Office for not more than ninety days after the passage of this act, at, a salary not exceeding seventy-five dollars per month for each clerk.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The fact that over four thousand surveys have not yet been reached for examination, and the further, fact that work on other files are necessarily suspended till these surveys are examined and indexed, cre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ates an imperative public necessity that the rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, should be suspended and an emergency exists that it take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>January 26, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER VI.</head>
<salute>An Act to withdraw from sale, all the School, Uni<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />versity and Asylum Lands, heretofore by any law of this State au<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />thorized to be sold.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That all the school, university and asylum lands heretofore authorized by any law of this State to be sold, are hereby withdrawn from sale from the passage of this act until after the expiration of ninety days from the adjournment of the Legislature.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby suspended until ninety days after the adjournment of this Legislature.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Whereas these lands are being daily sold, to the great detri<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of the State and an imperative public necessity exists for the im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mediate passage of the same, the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days should be suspended, and this bill take effect from and after its passage.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 3, 1883, a.t 10 o’clock and 30 minutes a. m.</date></dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<pb n="310" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="4" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER VII.</head>
<salute>An Act concerning Public Lands heretofore surveyed by Railroads, or Corporations, or any Company or Person, for the benefit of Public Free Schools of this State.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That any and all public lands heretofore surveyed by railroads or cor<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />porations, or any company or any person in this State, for the benefit of the public free schools of this State, by virtue of any certificate, valid or invalid, void or voidable, be and the same are hereby declared to be lands belonging to the public free schools of this State.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Whereas, the protection of the interest of the public free schools creates an imperative public necessity for the suspension of the constitutional rule which requires that all bills be read on three several days, said rule is therefore suspended, and an emergency exists that this act should take effect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved at <date>2 o clock p. m., February 3, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect from and after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER VIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 1265, of Chapter 8, Title 29 of the Revised Civil Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 1265 of Chapter 8, Title 29, of the Revised Civil Statutes of this State, be amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows: viz:</p>
<p>Article 1265. “An answer setting up any of the following matters, unless the truth of the pleadings appear of record, shall be verified by affidavit</p>
<p>1. That the suit is not commenced in the proper county.</p>
<p>2. That the plaintiff has not legal capacity to sue.</p>
<p>3. That the plaintiff is not entitled to recover in the capacity in which he sues.</p>
<p>4. That there is another suit pending in this State between the same parties for the same cause of action.</p>
<p>5. That there is a defect of parties plaintiff or defendant.</p>
<p>6. A denial of partnership as alleged in the petition, whether the same be on the part of the plaintiff or defendant.</p>
<p>7. That the plaintiff or defendant alleged in the petition to be duly incorporated, is not duly incorporated.</p>
<p>8. A denial of the execution by himself, or by his authority, of any instrument in writing upon which any pleading is founded in whole or in part, and charged to have been executed by him, or by his authority, and not alleged to be lost or destroyed. Where such instrument in writing is charged to have been executed by a person then deceased, the affidavit will be sufficient if it state, that the affiant has reason to believe, and does believe that such instrument was not executed by the decedent or by his authority.</p>
<p>9. A plea denying the genuineness of the endorsement or assignment of a written instrument, as required by Article 271.</p>
<pb n="311" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="5" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>10. That a written instrument upon which a pleading is founded, is without consideration, or that the consideration of the same has failed in whole or in part.</p>
<p>11. That an account which is the foundation of the plaintiffs action, and supported by an affidavit is not just, and in such case the answer shall set forth the items and particulars which are unjust.</p>
<p>12. That the contract sued upon is usurious.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 5, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER IX.</head>
<salute>An Act amending Article 4000 of the Revised Civil Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 4000 of the Revised Civil Statutes be amended so as to read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 4000. “There shall be printed not less than eight thousand “copies of the laws of a general nature, and as many more as the printing “board may require, not to exceed twelve thousand in all; and fifteen hun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />"dred copies of the special laws, including all acts for the private relief, “all acts incorporating towns and cities, all acts having a local applica<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />"tion, all acts of a personal nature, and all acts incorporating private as<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />"sociations, of every description that may be passed at each session of “the Legislature, and one thousand copies of the journals of each house “of the Legislature.”</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas, the type is set from day to day for the publication of the journal, and the same can now be done at a saving of expense to the State; therefore an imperative public necessity and emergency exist that the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days be suspended, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 6, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER X.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 240, of Title 8, Chapter 6, of the first section of an Act entitled “An Act to adopt and establish a Penal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the State of Texas” passed February 21, 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 240, of Title 8, Chapter 6 of the first section of an act en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />title “An Act to adopt, and establish a Penal Code and a Code of Crim<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />inal Procedure for the State of Texas," passed February 21, 1879, be so amended as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 240. If any officer authorized by law to demand or receive fees of office, or any person employed by such officer, shall wilfully de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mand, or receive higher fees than are allowed by law, or shall wilfully de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mand or receive fees not allowed by law, he shall be punished by fine not less than twenty-five, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 9, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<pb n="312" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="6" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XI.</head>
<salute>An Act to diminish the civil jurisdiction of the County Court of Morris County and to conform the jurisdiction of the District Court to such change.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the County Court of the County of Morris shall have and exer<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cise general jurisdiction of probate courts, to probate wills, to appoint guardians for minors, idiots, lunatics, persons non compos mentis and common drunkards, to grant letters testamentary and of administration, to settle accounts of executors, administrators and guardians, and to transact all business appertaining to the estates of deceased persons, minors, idiots, lunatics, persons non compos mentis and common drunk<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ards, including the partition, settlement and distribution of the estates of deceased persons, and to apprentice minors as prescribed by law and to issue all writs and process necessary to the enforcement of their jurisdic<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion and to punish contempts under such provisions as are, or may be provided by law throughout the State.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That said County Court shall have original jurisdiction over all misdemeanors, except those involving official misconduct and said court shall also have appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases of which justices of the peace and other inferior tribunals of said county have original jurisdiction.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That said County Court shall have jurisdiction in the judg<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment and forfeiture of all bonds and recognizances taken in criminal cases, of which cases said court has jurisdiction.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That the County Judge of said county shall have authority, either in term time, or in vacation to grant writs of certiorari, man<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />damus and all other writs and process necessary to the enforcement of the jurisdiction of said court and shall also have power to issue writs of habeas corpus in all cases in which the Constitution has not conferred the power on the District Court, or the judge thereof.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. That the district court of said county shall have jurisdiction in all civil matters and cases over which the county court of said county has jurisdiction under the general laws of this State, except as otherwise provided in this act and all such cases are hereby transferred to the dis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />trict court of said county and all writs and processes issued out of the county court in said cases shall be valid and the same shall be returnable to the next term of the district court to be held in and for said county.</p>
<p>Sec 6. That the clerk of the court of the county aforesaid be and he is hereby required within twenty days after the passage of this act to make a fair and complete transcript of all the entries on his civil docket theretofore made in cases which by the provisions of this act are trans<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ferred to the district court of said county and file the same together with the original papers of all said cases, together with a certified bill of the costs in each case with the clerk of the district court of said county and all such cases shall immediately be docketed and numbered con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />secutively by the clerk of said court beginning with the lowest number and shall stand on the docket, of said court as appearance cases for the next term of said court: And for making up said transcript, said clerk shall receive twenty cents for each hundred words, and fifty cents for each certificate, to be taxed as costs against the party cast in the action.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<pb n="313" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="7" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Sec. 8. Whereas, the immediate operation of the provisions of this act will save the county herein named a large and unnecessary expense, and thereby an emergency exists, which justifies that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted; and whereas, the time for holding the term for civil business in said county is near at hand creates an imperative public necessity which authorizes the suspension of the rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days, and said rule is so suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 9, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XII.</head>
<salute>An Act to prevent certain county officers, their depu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties and employees from purchasing property at tax sales.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That if any sheriff, or collector of taxes of any county in this State, dep<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />uty sheriff, or deputy collector, or any employee of such sheriff or collec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tor authorized by him to collect or receive taxes, or to assist in any way in making sales for the collection of taxes, shall in the county where he resides, bid for, purchase, or attempt to purchase, or. be in any way inter<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ested in the purchase of any property, either real or personal, at any sale of such property, made or attempted to be, for the collection of State and county taxes, or either, he shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than one thousand ($1000) dollars and any such officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of official misconduct and upon conviction shall be removed from office.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 9, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XIII.</head>
<salute>An Act making an appropriation for the deficiency in the amount appropriated for Public Printing for the year begin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ning Feb. 28, 1882, and ending Feb. 28, 1883.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That three thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated out of any monies in the Treasury, not otherwise appropri<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ated, to supply the deficiency in the amount appropriated for public print<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing for the year beginning Feb. 28, 1882, and ending Feb. 28, 1883.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The fact that the appropriation for the purpose above speci<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fied, has been exhausted, and there is now no money in the Treasury sub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ject to drafts, for current printing, creates an imperative public neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sity requiring that the constitutional rule that bills be read on three several days be suspended, and that this bill take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 10, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<pb n="314" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="8" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XIV.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 800, of Chapter 3, Title 9 of the second section of “An Act to adopt and establish a Penal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the State of Texas,” passed February 21, 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 800, Chapter 3 of Title 9 of the second section of “An Act to. adopt and establish a Penal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the State of Texas,” passed February 21st 1879, be so amended as to read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 800. When the same defendant has been convicted in two, or more cases, and the punishment assessed in each case, is confinement in the penitentiary, or the county jail for a term of imprisonment, judg<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment and sentence shall be rendered and pronounced in each case in the same manner as if there had been but one conviction, except that the judgment in the second and subsequent convictions shall be, that the punishment shall begin when the judgment and sentence in the preced<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing conviction have ceased to operate, and the sentence and execution thereof shall be accordingly.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 12, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XV.</head>
<salute>An Act requiring the printing and publication of two thousand five hundred copies of the General Laws of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Legislatures and the General Laws of the called ses<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sion of the Sixteenth Legislature.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Printing Board are authorized and required to contract for the printing and publication, for the use of the State, of two thousand five hundred copies of the General Laws of the regular and called sessions of the Sixteenth Legislature, and the same number of copies of the General Laws of the regular session of the Seventeenth Legislature.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. There not being a sufficient number of copies of the above laws in existence for the use of the officers of the State, creates an emer<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gency requiring that this law take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 12, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Tabes effect immediately.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XVI.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 1135, Chapter 1, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 1135, Chapter 1, Title 28 of the Revised Civil Statutes, be and the same is hereby amended so as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 1135. The county judge shall keep his office at the county seat of the county and shall attend at said office from day to day. He shall not absent himself from the county, or the State without the per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="315" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="9" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>mission of the commissioners’ court, to be entered on the minutes of the court, nor shall be so absent himself with such permission for a longer period than ninety days.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 12, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XVII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Articles 669 and 670 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Articles 669 and 670 of the Code of Criminal Procedure be amended so as to read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 669. When two or more defendants are jointly prosecuted, they may sever in the trial upon the request of either.</p>
<p>Article 670. When a severance is claimed, the defendants may agree upon the order in which they are to be tried, but in case of their failure to agree, the court shall direct the order of trial.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 12, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XVIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to provide for the Purchase of a Site for, and the Establishment, Location and Construction of a Branch Asylum in North Texas, for the Care and Treatment of the Insane, and to make an appropriation therefor.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That there shall be established and maintained, a branch asylum for the care and treatment of the insane, the same shall be located at least one hundred and fifty miles from the city of Austin, and in North Texas.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The Governor shall appoint three commissioners, who shall select the site for said branch asylum, who shall receive the sum of five dollars per day, and their actual and necessary expenses incurred during the time of such service, which time shall not exceed thirty days; their accounts to be certified by the president of said board of commissioners, and approved by Governor, which shall be sufficient evidence to the Comptroller upon which to audit the claims, and draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the respective amounts; and said board of commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioners, in selecting the site for said asylum, shall make such selection with a view to its accessibility and convenience to the greatest number of inhabitants; the supply of water, building material and fuel, drainage, fertility of soil and healthfulness, and the same shall contain at least four hundred acres and not more than two thousand acres of land.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That when said board shall have made their report to the Governor, and the same has been approved by him, they shall, after thorough investigation, take title to the land selected, in the name of the State, for the use and benefit of the State Lunatic Asylum.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The Governor of the State shall appoint, a board of managers to consist of five persons, citizens of the State, who shall be governed by existing laws, and whose duties shall be the same as now prescribed by Title 8 of the Revised Civil Statutes.</p>
<pb n="316" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="10" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Sec. 5. The Governor shall appoint, by and with the consent and ad<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vice of the Senate, a superintendent of said branch asylum, whose duties, qualifications, terms of office and emoluments shall be the same as are now or may hereafter be provided by law for the Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. The support and general management of said asylum shall be the same in every respect as are provided in Title 8 of the Revised Civil Statutes.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. That the superintendent of said asylum and a building super<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visor, who shall be employed by the Governor, shall supervise the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />struction of all buildings erected upon said asylum grounds, as provided for in this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 8. That there shall be. constructed, upon said grounds, so se<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lected, permanent and substantial buildings, sufficient to accommodate at least five hundred inmates; said buildings to be provided with mod<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ern improvements for furnishing water, heat, ventilation and sewerage; and the Governor shall immediately after the passage of this act, and receiving the report of the commission provided for in the second sec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion of this bill, advertise for plans and specifications for said buildings for sixty days, and he, together with the Comptroller and Treasurer, shall let the contract for the construction of said building, according to such plan and specifications as they may adopt, to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall give a good and sufficient bond for the completion of the buildings, according to the contract.</p>
<p>Sec. 9. That there shall be appropriated out of the general revenue of this State, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred thou<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sand dollars for the payment of the lands selected for a site, and ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />penses incurred in procuring same, and for the advancement of the im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />provements herein provided for, and it is further provided, that sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pended in the erection of temporary buildings upon the site selected, for the immediate accommodation, care, maintenance and treatment of the insane.</p>
<p>Sec. 10. Whereas, there are a large number of insane persons in the jails throughout this State, who are much in need of immediate treat<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment, and whose condition is growing worse from their confinement, cre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ates a public emergency and imperative necessity that the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days be suspended, and that the same take effect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XIX.</head>
<salute>An Act making a special appropriation for the sup<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />port of the Supreme Court at Galveston, Tyler and Austin.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sary, be and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Supreme Court at Galveston, Tyler and Austin for the year ending February 28th,<pb n="317" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="11" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>1883. For fire-proof safe $300. For furniture, repairing, carpeting and furnishing court rooms and judges rooms $1000. For postage and contin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gent expenses $500. For purchase of law books for library $1000. Which amounts, or so much thereof as may be required, shall be expended un<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />der the direction and with the approval of the Chief Justice of the Su<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />preme Court.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas, there is no appropriation for the purposes enumer<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ated in this bill and the same being necessary immediately, therefore an imperative public necessity and an emergency exists that the constitu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days, be sus<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pended and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XX.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 1083 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 1083 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas, be so amended as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 1083. Grand jurors shall each receive two dollars per day for each day and for each fraction of a day that they may serve as such.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas, grand juries are now in session in many counties of this State, who are justly entitled to the benefits of this law, therefore an emergency exists that this law shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXI.</head>
<salute>An Act to Provide for the Improvement and Repair of the Lunatic Asylum and the Enlargement of the Asylum Grounds, and to make an Appropriation therefor.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That there shall be appropriated out of the general revenues of the State, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of purchasing land, stock, furniture, putting in heating apparatus, supplying gas, erecting an addition to the old asylum building, kitchen and laundry buildings and furnishing same, repairing old buildings and water closets, drainage, re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />placing wooden with iron stairways in new building, erecting offices, cot<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tages and four temporary buildings, the same to be expended under the direction of the Board of Managers of the State Lunatic Asylum.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas there are a number of insane persons in the State who are confined in the jails and as it is the duty of the Legislature to make immediate provision for their relief, therefore an imperative pub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lic necessity exists that the rule requiring this bill to be read on three<pb n="318" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="12" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>several days in each House should be suspended, and an emergency that this act should take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 1000, of Chapter 1, Title 13, of the second section of An Act to adopt and establish a renal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure for the State of Texas,” passed February 21st, 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 1000, of Chapter 1, Title 13, of the second section of “An Act to Adopt and establish a Penal Code and a Code of Criminal Pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cedure for the State of Texas,” passed February 21st, 1879, be so amended as to read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 1000. If other persons than the justice, jurors, counsel for the State, and the accused and his counsel are present at the inquest, they shall not interfere with the proceedings, and no question shall be asked a witness except by the justice, the accused or his counsel, counsel for the State or jurors, and the justice may fine any person violating this article for contempt of court, in any sum not to exceed twenty dol<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lars, and may cause such person to be placed in the custody of a peace officer and removed from the presence of the inquest.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Articles 314 and 315, Chapter 3, Title 9, of the Penal Code of the State of Texas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Articles 314 and 315, Chapter 3, Title 9 of the Penal Code, be and they are hereby amended so as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 314. If any person shall go into, or near any public place, or into or near any private house and shall use loud and vociferous or obscene, vulgar or indecent language, or swear or curse, or yell or shriek or expose his person, or rudely display any pistol or other deadly weapon, in a manner calculated to disturb the inhabitants of such public place or private house, he shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars.</p>
<p>Article 315. A public place within the meaning of the two preced<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing articles, is any public road, street or alley, of a town or city, or any inn, tavern, store, grocery or workshop, or place at which people are assembled or to which people commonly resort for purposes of business, amusement, recreation or other lawful purpose.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 19, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<pb n="319" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="13" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXIV.</head>
<salute>An Act amendatory of an Act to amend section eleven of an Act entitled “An Act to protect the Wool Growing In<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />terest of the State of Texas,” approved March 25th, 1879, and of an Act amendatory thereof, approved March 9, 1881.</salute>
<p>Section 1. “Be it enacted, by the Legislature of the State of Texas: “That Section 11 of an act of the Legislature of the State of Texas, en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />titled “An act to protect the wool growing interest of the State of “Texas,” approved March 25 A. D. 1879,” shall be amended so as to “read as follows:</p>
<p>“Sec. 11. The following counties shall be exempted from the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />"visions of this act: viz: Anderson, Angelina, Bowie, Cass, Chambers, “Cherokee, Collin, Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Fayette, Fort “Bend, Franklin, Freestone, Grimes, Gregg, Hardin, Hill, Harris, Harri<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />“son, Hunt, Henderson, Hopkins, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, “Kaufman, Lamar, Lee, Liberty, Leon, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, “Morris, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Panola, Polk, Rains, Red River, “Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Smith, Shelby, Titus, Trin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />“ity, Tyler, Van Zandt, Wood, Walker, Waller, Colorado and Upshur.”</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whereas there are large flocks of sheep, many of which are diseased with scab, now being held in counties heretofore exempted from the provisions of said act, and which are not so exempted in this amend<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment, whereby the interest of the wool growers, of such counties is greatly impaired, there is therefore an imperative public necessity for the immediate passage of this act, and that it take effect from and after its passage.</p>
<dateline>Passed <date>February 1, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<p>The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proval on the first day of February, 1883, and was not signed by him, nor returned to the House in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.</p>
<signed>JOS. W. BAINES, Secretary of State.</signed>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXV.</head>
<salute>An Act to repeal “An Act to persons who have been Permanently Disabled by Wounds received while in the service of this State or of the Confederate States, a Land Certificate for 1280 Acres of Land.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That an act entitled “An act granting to persons who have been perma<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nently disabled by wounds received while in the service of this State or of the Confederate States, a land certificate for 1280 acres of land,” ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proved April 9th, 1881, be and the same is hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The fact that the vacant public domain is exhausted, creates an emergency which requires that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Passed <date>February 2, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<pb n="320" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="14" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proval on second of February, 1883, and was not signed by him, nor re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />turned to the House in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.</p>
<signed>JOS. W. BAINES, Secretary of State.</signed>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXVI.</head>
<salute>An Act to restore the Jurisdiction of the County Courts of the Counties of Parker, Uvalde, Red River and Starr, and to restore Criminal Jurisdiction to the County Court of Henderson County, and to repeal all laws in conflict therewith.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That all the civil and criminal jurisdiction which the county court of Parker, Starr and Uvalde counties had, and that all the criminal jurisdic<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion which the county court of Henderson county had, under the Consti<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fution and laws of the State of Texas prior to the twenty-fifth day of February 1881, be and the same is hereby fully restored, and that so much of the act approved February 25th 1881, entitled “An act to dimin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ish the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the county courts of Henderson, Parker, Uvalde, Lampasas, Blanco, Bexar, Kimble, Nueces, Gillespie,<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />Kendall, Wheeler, Oldham, Bandera, Wharton, McMullen, Medina, Frio, Dimmit, LaSalle, Hidalgo, Starr, Zapata, Duval and Burnet counties, and to conform the jurisdiction of the district and justices’ courts of said counties to such change,” as relates to Parker, Uvalde and Starr counties, and as relates to the criminal jurisdiction of the county court of Henderson county be and the same is hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That all the civil and criminal jurisdiction which the county court of Red River county had under the Constitution and laws of Texas prior to the 8th day of July 1879, be and the same is hereby fully re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />stored, and that so much of the act entitled “An Act to diminish the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the county courts of Erath, Comanche, Eastland, Red River, Palo Pinto, Stephens, Throckmorton, Taylor, Calla<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />han, Panola, Cass, and Bowie counties, and conform the jurisdiction of the district courts of said counties to such change,” approved July 8th, 1879, as relates to Red River county, be and the same is hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That all causes now pending in the district courts of the counties of Parker, Uvalde, Red River and Starr, and all criminal causes now pending in the district court of Henderson county, over which the county courts of said counties have exclusive jurisdiction under the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visions of this act, and the laws giving jurisdiction to county courts, shall be transferred to the county courts of said counties.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That the clerks of the district courts of the said counties of Parker, Uvalde, Red River, Starr and Henderson, shall within thirty days from the date that this act takes effect, transfer to the clerks of the county courts of said counties all the original papers in causes transferred under this act, together with a certified transcript of all the entries made on the docket of the district court in such causes, and a certified bill of all costs accrued in such causes, and for making out such transcript of the docket, the clerks of the district court shall be allowed such fees as<pb n="321" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="15" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>are now allowed for making out transcripts in cases of appeal, such fees to be taxed as costs in such suits.</p>
<dateline>Passed <date>February 3, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<p>The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proval on the third day of February, 1883, and was not signed by him, nor returned to the house in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.</p>
<signed>JOS. W. BAINES, Secretary of State.</signed>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXVII.</head>
<salute>An Act to provide for the payment of certain debts of the State, out of that half of the proceeds of the sale of the Public Lauds, not belonging to the Common School Fund.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That one-half of the proceeds of the sale of public lands is declared to consti<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tute a part of the common school fund and not subject to appropriations herein made.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The bonds for the sum of one hundred and thirty-four thou<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sand four hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty-six cents, dated the first day of January 1867, due twelve years after date and hearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from date, executed by the State to the University fund, under the Act of November 12th 1866, and also the certificate of indebtedness for the amount of ten thousand three hundred dollars and forty-one cents, issued by W. L. Robards, Comp<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />troller of Public Accounts on the eighth day of June 1865, are declared to be valid debts due from the State to the University of Texas, and the sum of two hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and seventy-two. dollars and fifty-seven cents ($256,272.57) of that half of the proceeds of the sale of public lands not belonging to the common school fund, shall be transferred to the University fund in payment of said certificate and bonds and the accrued interest on said bonds to the first day of August 1883, forty-five thousand one hundred and four dollars and twenty-two cents of which belongs to the available University fund, after which said certificate and bonds shall be fully discharged.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. The bonds for the sum of eighty-two thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars and eighty-two cents dated the first, day of Jan<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />uary 1867, due twelve years after date, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from date, executed by the State to the common school fund under the Act of November 12th 1866, are declared to be valid debts from the State to the common school fund: and the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand, two hundred and ninety-two dollars and forty-six cents ($150,292.46), out of that half of the proceeds of the sale of public land not already belonging to the common school fund shall be transferred to the common school fund in payment of said bonds and the accrued interest thereon up to August 1st 1883, after which said bonds shall be fully discharged.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The bonds for the sum of three hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and sixty-seven dollars and thirteen cents, dated the thir<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />teenth day of May 1865 bearing interest at the rate of six per cent<pb n="322" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="16" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>per annum from date and executed by the State to the common school fund under the Act of November 15th 1864 are declared to be valid debts<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />from the State to the common school fund and the sum of four hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />eight cents ($431,781.58) out of said half of the proceeds of sales of pub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lic lands, shall be transferred to the common school fund in full satisfac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion of said bonds: the above sum being the amount of the principal and the interest of said bonds, up to August 1st 1883, less the interest and sinking fund paid by the Houston and Texas Central Railway Company, the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railway Company and the Washington County Railway Company under protest on the amounts paid by them during the civil war, in State Treasury warrants on their respec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tive bonds to the special school fund given under the Act of August 13th, 1856, provided, only the principal of the amount due the common school fund as shown by Sections 3 and 4 of this Act, shall be the permanent common school fund and the interest thereon, shall be the available school fund.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. By the payment of said bonds as aforesaid the State does not recognize the validity of said attempted payments in said Treasury war<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />rants: and the interest and sinking fund hereafter collected on the amounts so attempted to be discharged in said warrants shall constitute a part of the general revenue of the State, and the State shall save the public school fund harmless from the assumed right of said railway com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />panies, or their successors, to apply the interest and sinking fund hereto<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fore or hereafter paid in treasury warrants to the principal or the interest of the bonds due from them to the school fund.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. The importance of this bill and the amount of business now before the Legislature creates an emergency for the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days and the same is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 23, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXVIII.</head>
<salute>An Act amend Title 11, Chapter 3 of an act en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />titled An Act to adopt and establish the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas," passed February 21st, 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That Title 11, Chapter 3 of an act entitled “An Act to adopt and establish the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas,” passed February 21, 1879, be amended by adding an additionan article, to be numbered Arti<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cle 257a, to-wit:</p>
<p>Article 257a. The district or county attorney shall be entitled to ten per cent commissions on the first thousand dollars collected by him in any one case for the State or county from any individual or company: and five per cent on all sums over one thousand dollars, to be retained out of the money when collected, and he shall also be entitled to retain the same commissions on all collections made for the State or for any county: Provided that ten per cent shall be allowed on all such sums heretofore collected since the adoption of the Revised Statutes. This<pb n="323" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="17" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>section shall also apply to money realized for the State under the escheat law.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 27, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXIX.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 180, Chapter 1, Title 7, of the Penal Code of the State of Texas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That Article 180, Chapter 1, Title 7, of tire Penal Code, be and it is hereby, amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows.</p>
<p>Article 180. Any person who by loud or vociferous talking or swear<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing, or by any other noise, or in any other manner wilfully disturbs any congregation or part of a congregation assembled for religious worship and conducting themselves in a lawful manner or who wilfully disturbs in any manner any congregation assembled for the purpose of conduct<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing or participating in a Sunday school, or to transact any business re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lating to or in the interest of religious worship, or a Sunday school and conducting themselves in a lawful manner, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, and may be im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />prisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the jury.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXX.</head>
<salute>An Act amendatory of Title 83 and of the supple<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment thereto, of the Revised Civil Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Title 83 and the supplement thereto of the Revised Civil Statutes shall be so amended as hereafter to read as follows.</p>
<p>Article 4090. The Governor is empowered to issue his proclamation declaring quarantine on the coast, or elsewhere within this State, when<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ever in his judgment quarantine may become necessary, and such quar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />antine may continue for such length of time as the health of the State may require: Provided, Houston, in Harris county, shall be considered a coast town within the meaning of this act.</p>
<p>Article 4090a. It shall be the duty of the Governor of the State of Texas, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to select and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from the most skillful regular physicians of the State of Texas, one physician who shall be known as Health Officer of the State, and shall from previous and active practice be familiar with yellow fever and pledged to the importance of both quarantine and sanitation.</p>
<p>Article 4090b. Such Health Officer shall during the time he is actively engaged in public duty, receive for his services ten dollars per day and all necessary traveling expenses, a bill of which must be made out in<pb n="324" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="18" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>detail, then approved by the Governor, on which approved account the Comptroller shall issue his warrant on the Treasurer, for the amount of such approved account.</p>
<p>Article 4090c. When the Governor is informed, or has reason to be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lieve that the State of Texas is threatened at any point on the coast, or elsewhere within this State, with the introduction of yellow fever, or any other infectious or contagious disease, he shall immediately order such Health Officer to the point or points so threatened, with instructions to carefully examine into such information or alarm, and if satisfied that the report or information is true, and that there is danger to the State at such place or places, from the introduction of any of such diseases, the Governor shall immediately declare quarantine at such place or places, against the locality where any of such diseases point or are said to exist, or until such time as the same can be examined into or determined, hav<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing power to order State, county or municipal authorities to aid him in establishing and maintaining the same; Provided, that the Health officer of the State, may in cases of emergency, when from any cause the Gov<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ernor cannot act, have power and authority to establish, maintain and enforce a temporary quarantine anywhere within this State, whenever in his judgment such emergency exists; the facts in reference to which temporary quarantine shall be immediately reported to the Governor, who shall take such action, and issue such proclamations as he may deem proper, either continuing or discontinuing the same.</p>
<p>Article 4090d. The laws in regard to State quarantine shall remain and be in full force and operation on the coast or elsewhere in the State, as the Governor or Health Officer may direct, and be enforced as here<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tofore, with such additional changes as the provisions of this act pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />scribe, and with such additional changes in station and general manage<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment as the Governor may think proper.</p>
<p>Article 4090e. The law in regard to local quarantine by the inhab<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />itants of any point or points on the coast, or elsewhere in this State shall remain in full force: Provided that in all differences and disputes be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tween any such points contiguous or remote within this State, such dif<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ferences and disputes shall be immediately by the local health authori<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties, if any, and if none, by the inhabitants themselves, reported and sub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mitted to the Governor and on the receipt of such report he shall forth<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />with order the State Health, Officer to such points with instructions to investigate the same and report, the exact condition of things, and upon investigation of such report, shall issue his proclamation declaring the determination of the issue and by said proclamation the aforesaid differ<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ences shall be governed and determined.</p>
<p>Article 4090f. Said Health Officer shall give a bond with two good and sufficient sureties in the sum of ten thousand dollars, made payable to the Governor, to be approved by him, and conditioned for the honest and impartial performance of his duties, and such Health Officer shall hold his position for the term of two years, subject however, to removal at any time by the Governor whenever in his judgment the public, good demands such removal.</p>
<p>Article 4090g. Whenever quarantine is declared by the Governor, or by any county or corporate authorities in this State, it shall be the duty of such authorities to establish a quarantine station or stations where any person may be detained for such length of time as, in the dis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cretion of the quarantine officers, the public safety may demand: Pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided that all county and municipal quarantine shall be subordinate,<pb n="325" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="19" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>subject to and regulated by such, rules and regulations as may be pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />scribed by the Governor or State Health Officer.</p>
<p>Article 4090h. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of this State, county or city authorities as the case may be, to furnish persons detained by them at quarantine stations with necessary clothing, subsistence and shelter, not including crews or vessels except such as are removed by the quarantine officers from such vessels, and all accounts for necessary clothing, subsistence and shelter and all contracts for the construction of quarantine stations and wharves, and hire or purchase of boats or vessels, shall be approved and accepted by the State Health Officer and the Governor, and received by them after completion, if in accordance with contract specifications, and all accounts for the same and for all other expenses shall be approved by the Governor and when so approved, the Comptroller shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer in favor of the same for the amount specified.</p>
<p>Article 4090i. All the costs and expenses of enforcing and maintain<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing the general quarantine or such as are ordered by the Governor or State Health officer, shall be paid out of the fund appropriated for quar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />antine purposes. All quarantine officers appointed by the Governor shall be selected and commissioned by the Governor of the State and shall be paid by the State, and all health authorities of the State, or of any county or city thereof shall obey the rules and regulations prescribed by the Governor or State Health Officer. The regular officer in charge of reg<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ular established quarantine stations on the coast shall be allowed ten dollars per day while on duty; temporary officers, or those commissioned by the Governor to guard against threatened epidemics, or those tem<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />porarily assigned to duty by the Health Officer of the State, under the provisions of Article 4090c of this title shall be allowed and paid five dollars per day and such other pay for extra expenses actually incurred as may be deemed just by the Governor and State Health Officer. All quarantine officers, whether of towns, cities, counties or State, shall be authorized to administer oaths to any person or persons suspected of violating any quarantine regulations; and any person or persons swear<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing falsely shall be punished according to the provisions of the Penal Code.</p>
<p>Article 4091. It is hereby made the duty of any county, town or city authority upon the coast or elsewhere in Texas, at as early a day as prac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ticable, after the promulgation of the Governor’s proclamation declaring quarantine, to provide suitable stations, where, they are not now provided at sufficient distance from the usual places of landing of vessels or the depots of railroads coming into their respective counties, towns, or cities, and to select, appoint and employ a competent physician as health officer, subject to the approval of the Governor, at such stations, and to furnish said officer with such guards, employees and other things as may be nec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />essary to render such quarantine effective: and said county, town or city authorities may provide for the establishment and maintenance of quar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />antine, subordinate, subjected to and regulated by such rules and regula<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions as the Governor and State Health Officer may prescribe.</p>
<p>Article 4092. Whenever on the coast of Texas or elsewhere in this State the authorities of any county, town or city fail, refuse or neglect to establish quarantine as provided for in the preceding article, then and in that event, the Governor shall have the power, and it shall be his duty to appoint a health officer and to prescribe such regulations for the gov<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ernment of the same as he may deem necessary.</p>
<pb n="326" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="20" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Article 4093. It shall be the duty of all health officers and all quar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />antine authorities to stop each and every vessel from any infected port or district, notwithstanding the said vessel may have a clean bill of health, if deemed necessary (and such health officers or quarantine auth<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />orities shall have power so to do) to take the affidavit of the master of said vessel as to the health of himself and crew from the time of sailing from said infected port or district; and such officers and authorities shall de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tain said vessel at quarantine for such length of time as may be prescribed by the Governor and State Health officer, in their rules and regulations governing quarantine; and all such officers and authorities may use force if necessary in order to discharge the duties imposed upon them by the provisions of this title and the rules and regulations of the Governor and State Health Officer.</p>
<p>Article 4094. Any vessel arriving at any of the quarantine stations of this State, designated by the proper authorities from any infected port or district without a clean bill of health from the proper officers, from said port or district shall be taken possession of by the Health Officer, or other quarantine authority at the station at which said vessel arrives, and be held by the same until all fines that may have been assessed against the master of said vessel for a violation of the quarantine laws, rules and regulations shall have been paid, or until said vessel shall have been replevied in accordance with law.</p>
<p>Article 4095. The payment of the fine which may be assessed against the master of such vessel shall not operate as a release or discharge of the vessel from quarantine, but the same rules shall apply as in case of other vessels placed in quarantine.</p>
<p>Article 4095a. It shall be the duty of all health officers and quaran<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tine authorities to establish stations where they do not now exist, whereat railway trains or any other public or private conveyance coming from any infected port or district and entering within any county, town or city in this State may be stopped, the passengers examined and sworn in accordance with the provisions of this title, and such further action had and taken under such rules as may be prescribed by the Governor and State Health Officer.</p>
<p>Article 4097. It shall be the duty of the county, town or city authori<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties aforesaid, as soon as quarantine, ceases to exist, to forward to the Comptroller of the State an itemized account of all receipts and expendi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tures made by them and when approved by the Governor and State Health Officer, said Comptroller shall draw his warrant upon the Treas<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />urer for the payment of any balance that may be due said authorities or either of them, and pay into the treasury any excess of receipts over ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />penditures as a credit to the quarantine fund.</p>
<p>Article 4098. Nothing contained in this title shall be construed to pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vent any town, city or county from establishing any quarantine which they may think necessary for the preservation of the health of the same; Provided that the rules and regulations of such quarantine be not in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />consistent with the provisions of this title, and be consistent with and subordinate to said provisions and the rules and regulations prescribed by the Governor and State Health Officer.</p>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">Supplement.</head>
<p>Section 1. It is hereby made the duty of the several county commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioners’ courts of the counties of this State when required so to do by the proclamation of the Governor, or when under the provisions of this title where there is no corporation or city within such county to<pb n="327" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="21" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>appoint competent health officers, which officers shall appoint guards and other employees and to prescribe their duties in accordance with the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visions of this title and the rules and regulations of the Governor and State Health Officer, and such county to pay the same for their services such prices as may be deemed right, not exceeding the amount prescribed in Article 4090i.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Whenever the Governor and State Health Officer under any of the provisions of this title establishes quarantine and shall appoint health officers, guards and employees thereabout, their compensation shall be what is right; not exceeding that fixed in Article 4090i of this title.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That the Governor be and is hereby authorized and empow<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ered to buy a steam tug for service upon the coast of this State, when<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ever in his judgment such tug becomes necessary for the better enforce<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of the quarantine laws, rules or regulations. Said tug, when bought shall be placed in charge of the health officer at Galveston Texas, who shall have full control of the same, together with all quarantine stores, supplies and apparatus and responsible for the preservation of the same at all times, except when by order of the Governor or State Health Officer said tug is upon service elsewhere upon the coast; Provided the said steam tug shall be new, made to order upon plans and specifications ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proved by the Governor and State Health Officer and suited to its pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />posed use for quarantine purposes, and constructed with necessary ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pliances for disinfection fumigation and purification of vessels and car<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />goes; and provided further that the entire cost of said steam tug, en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gines, boilers, tackle and furniture, apparel and quarantine appliances shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The quarantine or health officer at Galveston, Texas shall give bond with two or more good and sufficient sureties payable to the Governor in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the care and preservation of said steam tug, and for the faithful performance of his duty.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the Governor and State Health Officer, upon completion of the disinfecting warehouse at Galveston, Texas to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the disinfection, or fumigation, or both, of all vessels and their cargoes and passengers arriving at Galveston from any infected port or district. The object of such rules and regulations being, to provide safety for the public health of the State, without unnecessary or arbitrary restrictions upon commerce and travel.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. There being no law upon the subject of quarantine, adequate to the protection of public health, and the near approach of the season of the year when quarantine will have to be declared, a public necessity and emergency exists requiring the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<pb n="328" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="22" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXI.</head>
<salute>An Act to provide for the payment of fees to county judges and justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables, district and county attorneys and district clerks for services rendered in certain, felony cases.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That county judges, justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables, district and county attorneys and district clerks shall be allowed the following fees.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. In all cases where county judges and justices of the peace shall sit as examining courts in felony cases, they shall be entitled to the same fees allowed by law for similar services in misdemeanor cases to justices of the peace, and ten cents for each one hundred words for writ<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing down testimony, to be paid by the State, not to exceed three dollars for all his services in any one case.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Sheriffs and constables serving process and attending any ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />amining court in the examination of any felony case shall be entitled to such, fees as are fixed by law for similar services, in misdemeanor cases, to be paid by the State, not to exceed four dollars in any one case.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. District and county attorneys, for attending and prosecuting any felony case before an examining court, shall be entitled to a fee of five dollars to be paid by the State, for each case prosecuted by him be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fore such court.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. The fees mentioned in sections 2, 3, and 4 of this act shall be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />come due and payable only after the indictment of the defendant for the offense with which he was charged in the examining court, and upon an itemized account sworn to by the officers claiming such fees, and ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proved by the judge of the district court.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. Only one fee shall be allowed for an examining trial though more than one defendant is joined in the complaint, and when defend<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ants are proceeded against separately, who could have been proceeded against jointly, but one fee shall be allowed in all the cases that could have been so joined, and the account of the officer and the approval of the judge must show that the provisions of this article are complied with.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. In habeas corpus proceedings in felony cases, the clerks of the district courts shall be paid by the State, upon the certificate of the judge, the following fees, not to exceed ten dollars in any one case: For taking down the evidence, ten cents for every one hundred words: for entering the judgment of the court, one dollar: for making out transcript in case of appeal, ten cents for every one hundred words.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 3, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 4411 of the Revised Civil Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 4411 of the Revised Civil Statutes be so amended, that it shall hereafter read as follows:</p>
<pb n="329" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="23" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Article 4411. No person shall be compelled to work on any public road or roads, more than five days in each year.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 5, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to reorganize the Twenty-fifth Judicial District of the State of Texas, and to provide the times for holding the district court therein.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Twenty-fifth Judicial District of the State of Texas shall be composed of the following counties: Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, Zapata, Webb, Encinal, Duval and Nueces.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Be it further enacted: That the said district court of said district shall be holden at the time hereinafter specified, to-wit: In the county of Cameron on the first Monday of September and February, and may continue in session four weeks: In the county of Hidalgo on the fourth Monday after the first Monday of September and February, and may continue in session one week: In the county of Starr on the fifth Monday after the first Monday of September and February, and may continue in session two weeks: In the county of Webb on the seventh Monday after the first Mondays of September and February, and may continue in session five weeks: In the county of Duval on the twelfth Monday after the first Mondays of September and February, and may continue in session two weeks: In the county of Nueces on the four<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />teenth Monday after the first Mondays in September and February, and may continue in session until the business is disposed of, not to exceed six weeks.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Be it further enacted: That the counties of Zapata, and Enci<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nal be and they are hereby attached to the county of Webb for judicial purposes.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. Be it further enacted: That all writs and process, civil and criminal heretofore issued by or from the district courts in the several counties of said district, and made returnable to the former terms of said courts as said terms are now fixed by law, shall be returnable to the next ensuing terms of said district courts, in each county, as they are pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />scribed in this act,—and all such writs or process that may be issued by or from said courts, at any time within five days next before the holding of the next ensuing terms of said courts, as prescribed herein are hereby made returnable to said terms respectively, and all such writs and pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cess hereinbefore mentioned, are hereby legalized and validated to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been made returnable to the term or terms of said courts, as the terms thereof are herein prescribed; Provided, that if any business should remain on the dockets of any county in said judicial district unfinished, the Judge of said district is hereby authorized and required, on application of a majority of the mem<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />bers of the bar of said county, to designate a time for holding a special term of said district court in any of said counties where such unfinished business may occur, by an order entered on the minutes of the district court of said county, said order to be published in a newspaper published in said judicial district for a period of thirty days before the<pb n="330" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="24" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>day for holding the said special term, stating the time and place where said court can be held; the expense of said publication to be paid by the county where such unfinished business is required to be transacted.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. Be it further enacted; That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. Be it further enacted; That the crowded condition of the civil and criminal dockets in the county of Webb, resulting almost in a denial of trial to litigants, creates an imperative public necessity and emergency for the suspension of the constitutional rule which requires that all bills shall be read on three several days, and the said rule is ac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cordingly suspended: and that this act take effect and be in force from and after the 9th (ninth) day of April A. D. 1883.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 5th 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXIV.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Chapter 16 of an act to adopt and establish the Revised Penal Code of the State of Texas, by insert<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing therein Article 789a.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Revised Penal Code of the State of Texas be amended by in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />serting Article 789a, as follows:</p>
<p>Article 789a. If any person shall fraudulently receive or conceal any property which has been acquired by another in such manner as that the acquisition comes within the meaning of embezzlement, knowing the same to have been so acquired, he shall be punished in the same manner as the person embezzling the same, would be liable to be punished.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXV.</head>
<salute>An Act to diminish the civil and crimina jurisdic<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion of the County Courts of Matagorda, Camp, Houston, Kerr, Mason, San Patricio, Live Oak, Donley, Young, Comal, Wilson and Atascosa.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the County Courts of the Counties of Matagorda, Camp, Houston, Kerr, Mason, San Patricio, Live Oak, Donley, Young, Comal, Wilson, and Atascosa, shall have and exercise the general jurisdiction of probate courts; shall probate wills, appoint guardians of minors, idiots, lunatics, persons non-compos mentis and common drunkards; grant letters testa<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mentary; settle accounts of executors, administrators, and guardians; transact all business appertaining to the estates of deceased persons, mi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nors, idiots, lunatics, persons non compos mentis and common drunkards, including the petition, settlement and distribution of estates of deceased persons, and to apprentice minors as prescribed by law; and to issue all writs necessary to the enforcement of its jurisdiction, and to punish con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tempts under such provisions as are, or may be provided by general law governing county courts throughout the State, and to have and to exercise<pb n="331" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="25" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>general jurisdiction over questions of eminent domain, as prescribed by law, but said county courts shall have no other jurisdiction civil or crim<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />inal.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the county clerks of Matagorda, Camp, Houston, Mason, Kerr, San Patricio, Live Oak, Donley, Young, Comal, Wilson, and Atascosa counties, within twenty days after the passage of this act, to make a full and complete transcript of all orders, on their respective dockets in cases now pending in the county courts of said counties respectively, of which cases, by the terms of this act exclusive jurisdiction is given to the district courts, and to deliver said transcript together with the original papers, and a certified bill of costs in each case, to the clerks of the district courts in their respective counties, and said district clerks shall enter said casts on their respective dockets for trial by said district courts, and all process now issued and returnable to the county court of said counties respectively of which the district courts of said counties has been given jurisdiction by this act, shall be return<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />able to the district court of said county by the officer executing the same, and all cases transferred by this act shall stand as appearance cases in said district courts, and shall be tried by said district courts as other cases. And the district court shall have and exercise all the civil and criminal jurisdiction heretofore vested in said county courts by the Con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />stitution and laws, and not divested by this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That all laws in coflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That in order to save much, unnecessary expense to the citi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />zens of Matagorda, Camp, Houston, Mason, Kerr, San Patricio, Live Oak, Donley, Young, Comal, Wilson and Atascosa, an imperative public necessity exists, that the constitutional rule requiring hills to be read on three several days should be suspended, and it is so suspended, and the same shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 16, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXVI.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend an act to create a Commission of Arbitration and Award and define the powers and duties thereof and to make appropriation to pay the salaries of the Judges thereof, approved Feby 9th, 1881.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That an act to amend an act entitled An Act to create a commission of arbitration and award and to define the powers and duties thereof and to make appropriation to pay the salaries of the judges thereof approved Feby 9th 1881, shall hereafter read as follows.</p>
<p>Section 1. A Commission of arbitration and award, to consist of three persons learned in the law to be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate if in session, or without such advice and consent, if not in session, who shall hold their offices for two years from Oct. 1st 1883, and receive for their services the same salaries as judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Texas, be and the same is hereby created to be styled the Commission of Appeals of the State of Texas. In case of a vacancy on said commission by death or resignation of any member thereof during the vacation of the Legislature, it shall be the<pb n="332" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="26" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>duty of the Governor to fill the same by appointment and the person so appointed shall continue in office until the next session of the Legisla<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ture after the appointment.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That in addition to the powers and duties now conferred by said act the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of this State are hereby authorized and empowered to refer to the Commissioners of Appeals of the State of Texas, any civil case or cases now or hereafter pending be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fore said Courts for examination and report thereon: And it shall be the duty of said Supreme Court and Court of Appeals in order to relieve the dockets of said Courts of the great number of cases now encumbering them from time to time do refer to said Commissioners of Appeals, so many of said cases now or hereafter pending in said courts as may be rea<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sonably considered and acted upon bjr the same, at the several sessions thereof, having respect in such reference to the length of time such cases may have been pending as well as to promote an early disposition of the cases on the docket.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. When said commissioners of appeals have considered and de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />termined upon the proper disposition of any case referred to the same according to section 2 of this act, their opinion shall be submitted to<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gether with a brief synopsis of the case, to the court from which the case was referred, and the record shall be returned therewith. The re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ports so made may be used by the respective courts to facilitate them in reaching a conclusion upon the law and the facts in the case.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The opinions of said commissioners of appeals in cases referred to them by the supreme court, when adopted by said court, shall be pub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lished as the opinions thereof as in other cases.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. That in cases referred to the commissioners of appeals under this act the papers thereof shall not be refiled in said commission and only such additional costs as may be essential to carry into effect the provisions hereof shall be incurred by the parties to such cases by reason of the reference thereof.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. That section one of this act which provides for a continuance of the Commission of Appeals for two years from October 1st 1883 shall not take effect until October 1st 1883 and it shall become inoperative at said time in case an amendment to the judiciary article of the Constitu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion of the State shall before then be submitted by the Legislature to the electors of the State and adopted by the people providing for an increase of the judges of the Supreme Court.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. The accumulation of business on the dockets of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals is so great as to improperly retard the admin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />istration of justice, and this with the fact that the great number of bills awaiting consideration by the Legislature, may jeopardize, for want of time, the passage of this act, creates an imperative public emergency for the immediate passage of this act and that the rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended as a public necessity requires’ this act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 20, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<pb n="333" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="27" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXVII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Art. 838, Revised Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 838, Revised Statutes of the State of Texas, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:</p>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">Lee County.</head>
<p>Article 838. Beginning in Washington County at the north corner of the most northwestern De Witt survey; thence in a direct line to the junction of Alligator and Turkey creeks; thence down Turkey creek to its junction with Cedar creek; thence down Cedar creek to its confluence with the Yeuga; thence up the Yeuga to the mouth, of East Yeuga; thence up East Yeuga to the point where said stream is crossed by the Milam and Burleson County line; thence with said line to where it in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tersects the northeast boundary of the Richard Ross survey; thence in a direct line to the southeast corner of Williamson county; thence with the southeast line of Williamson county, south 71 degrees west to a point in the northeast line of the Isaac Corner league on the line of Bastrop county; thence with the Bastrop county line to a point in said line nearest the east corner of the Elias Marshall survey; thence in a direct line to the southwest corner of the David G. Green survey in Fayette county; thence in a direct line to the west corner of the A. J. Thompson survey; thence with the northwest boundary line of the same, and with the northwest boundary line of the Wood Taylor and the most northwestern DeWitt survey, to the place of beginning.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The near approach of the close of this session, and the best interests of said county, creates an imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three successive days be suspended and this act take effect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 20, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXVIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Chapter 2, Title 8 of the Penal Code by adding thereto Article 198a.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That chapter 2, title 8 of the Penal Code of this State be amended by adding thereto another article to be styled 198a which shall read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 198a. Any person suspected of violating any quarantine law or regulation, and who, upon being sworn by any one authorized to admin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ister an oath by the provisions of any law of this State, shall knowingly swear falsely about any matter concerning which the quarantine laws and regulations permit examination, shall be deemed guilty of false swearing, and shall on conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than five years.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. There being no provisions of the Penal Code providing ade<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quate punishment for violations of the quarantine laws, rules or regula<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="334" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="28" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>tions, therefore an imperative public necessity and an emergency exist for the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days and that this act should take effect from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 21, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XXXIX.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 4232 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, adopted by the regular session of the Sixteenth Legislature.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That article 4232 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, adopted by the regular session of the Sixteenth Legislature, be and the same is hereby so amended that it shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>“Article 4232. A bell of at least thirty pounds weight, or a steam “whistle, shall be placed on each locomotive engine, and the whistle “shall be blown, or the bell rung, at the distance of at least eighty rods “from the place where the railroad shall cross any public road or street, “and that such bell shall be kept ringing until it shall have crossed such “public road or stopped, and each locomotive engine approaching a “place where two lines of railway cross each other, shall, before reaching “such railroad crossing, be brought to a full stop; and any engineer “having charge of such engine, and neglecting to comply with any of “the provisions of this act, shall be fined in any sum not less than five “nor more than one hundred dollars for such neglect, and the corpora<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion operating such railroad shall be liable for all damages which shall “be sustained by any person by reason of any such neglect.”</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The near approach of the close of the session and the fact that there is no law in force to compel engineers in charge of trains, to comply with the necessary regulations in reference to railroad crossings, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity authorizing the suspen<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sion of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and demanding that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage; and it is accordingly so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 21, 1883.</date></dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XL.</head>
<salute>An Act to validate certain surveys heretofore inform<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ally or defectively made, in locating the county school lands of this State.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the surveys of all county school lands heretofore made, either ac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tually on the ground or by protraction, and returned into the General Land Office, according to law, and upon which patents have issued, are hereby declared valid surveys, and the title to the lands included within the lines of said surveys, as returned to the General Land Office, is hereby vested in the counties for which the same were made; and in all such sur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="335" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="29" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>veys the call for distance shall have precedence and control calls for rivers or natural objects, when the calls for distance will give the quan<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tity of land intended to be included in the survey, and the calls for nat<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ural objects or rivers will not; provided, this act shall not divest any vested right.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That whereas, great loss may occur from any delay in the final passage of this bill, creates an imperative public necessity that the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />stitutional rule requiring a bill to be read on three several days be sus<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pended, and an emergency that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 21, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLI.</head>
<salute>An Act to reorganize the twelfth, sixteenth, seven<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />teenth, twenty-ninth, thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth judicial districts, and to fix the times of holding the courts therein; to change times for holding the district courts in the seventh and fourteenth judicial dis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tricts, and in the counties of Kaufman, Sabine, San Augustine and Nacogdoches, and to provide for a district attorney in the sixteenth judicial district.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That from and after the first day of July, 1883, the counties of Stephens, Shackelford, Jones, Callahan, Taylor, Nolan, Mitchell, Howard, Runnells, Eastland and the unorganized Counties of Stonewall, Fisher, Scurry, Kent, Garza, Borden, Martin, Dawson, Lynn, Terry, Yoakum, Gaines and Andrews, be and the same are hereby constituted the twelfth Judicial District. That the district courts in the said district shall be held as fol<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lows: In the county of Stephens on the first Mondays in Feb. and Sept and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Shackelford on the third Mondays, in Feb. and September, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Jones on the fourth Mondays after the first Monday in Feb. and September, and may continue in session one week; in the county of Howard on the fifth Monday after the first Mondays in Feb. and September, and may continue in session one week; in the county of Mitchell on the sixth Monday after the first Mondays in Feb. and Sep<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tember, and may continue in session three weeks; in the county of No<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lan on the ninth Monday after the first Mondays in Feb. and Sept, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Taylor on the elev<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />enth Monday after the first Monday in Feb. and Sept, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Runnels on the thirteenth Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />day after the first Mondays in Feb. and Sept, and may continue in session one week; in the county of Callahan on the fourteenth Monday after the first Mondays in Feb. and Sept, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Eastland on the seventeenth Monday after the first Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />days in Feb. and Sept, and may continue in session until the business before it is disposed of; that the unorganized county of Stonewall shall be attached to the county of Jones; the county of Fisher to the county of Nolan; and the counties of Garza, Kent and Scurry to the county of Mitchell; the counties of Yoakum, Terry, Lynn, Borden, Dawson, Mar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tin, Gaines and Andrews to the county of Howard for judicial purposes.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The district courts in the fourteenth judicial district shall be<pb n="336" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="30" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>hereafter as follows: In the county of Falls, on the third Mondays in February and August and may continue in session five weeks; in the county of Bell on the fifth Mondays after the third Mondays in February and August and may continue in session seven weeks; in the county of McLennan on the twelfth Mondays after the third Mondays in February and August, and may continue in session eight weeks; provided, that this act shall not take effect as to Bell and Falls counties until the first day of April, 1883, and the next term of court for Bell county shall begin on the first Monday in April, 1883, and continue in session five weeks.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That the district court in and for Kaufman county be begun and holden on the twentieth Mondays after the first Mondays in January and July in each year, and may continue in session five weeks.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That the counties of Wheeler, Oldham, Donley, Collings<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />worth, Greer, Childress, Hall, Briscoe, Floyd, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Armstrong, Randle, Deaf Smith, Potter, Carson, Gray, Hemphill, Rob<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />erts, Hutchinson, Moore, Hartley, Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree and Lipscomb, be and the same are hereby constituted the thirty-fifth judicial district, and the district court shall be held in the counties com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />posing said district as follows: In the county of Oldham on the first Mondays in April and October, and may continue<sup> </sup>in session four weeks; in the county of Donley on the first Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session four weeks; in the county of Wheeler on the eighth Mondays after the first Mondays in April and October, and may continue in session four weeks; the counties of Sherman, Moore, Potter, Castro, Parmer, Deaf Smith, Hartley and Dallam, are hereby attached to the county of Oldham for judicial purposes; the counties of Carson, Randle, Armstrong, Swisher, Floyd, Briscoe, Hall and Childress are hereby attached to thecounty of Donley for judicial purposes; the coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties of Greer, Collingsworth, Gray, Hutchinson, Hansford, Ochiltree, Roberts, Hemphill and Lipscomb are hereby attached to the county of Wheeler for judicial purposes.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. The twenty-ninth judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Parker and Tarrant, and from and after the first day of July 1883, the district court shall be held therein as follows: In the county of Parker on the first Mondays in February and August, and may con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tinue in session six weeks; in the county of Tarrant, on the sixth Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />days after the first Mondays in February and August, and may continue in session until the business is disposed of.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. That the counties of Coleman, Burnet, Lampasas, Comanche and Brown, be and the same are hereby constituted the seventeenth ju<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dicial district: That district court shall be held in the seventeenth judi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cial district as follows: In the county of Comanche on the first Mondays in March and September, and may continue in session three weeks; in the county of Brown on the fourth Mondays in March and September, and may continue in session three weeks; in the county of Coleman on the third Mondays in April and October, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Burnet on the second Mondays in May and No<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vember, and may continue in session three weeks; and in the county of Lampasas on the third Mondays after the second Mondays in May and November and may continue in session until the business is disposed of.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. The seventh judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Smith, Henderson, Van Zandt, Wood, Upshur and Gregg. That from and after the fifteenth day of July A. D. 1883, the term of the district<pb n="337" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="31" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>court of the seventh judicial district shall be held annually at the follow<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing specified times: In the county of Henderson on the last Monday in February and the third Monday in August, and may continue in session three weeks; in the County of Van Zandt on the third Monday after the last Monday in February and third Monday in August, and may continue in session four weeks; in the county of Wood on the seventh Monday after the last Monday in February and third Monday in August and may continue in session four weeks; in the County of Upshur on the eleventh Monday after the last Monday in February and third Monday in August, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Gregg on the thirteenth Monday after the last Monday in February and the third Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />day in August, and may continue in session three weeks; in the county of Smith on the sixteenth Monday after the last Monday in February and the third Monday in August, and may continue in session until the busi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ness is disposed of.</p>
<p>Sec. 8. The thirty-fourth judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Jack, Young, Archer, Clay, Wichita, Wilbarger, Baylor, Throckmorton, Haskell, Knox, Hardeman, King, Cottle, Dickens, Motley, Crosby, Lubbock, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Bailey, and Cochran, and the district court shall be held therein as follows: In the county of Jack, on the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session three weeks; in the county of Clay on the third Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session three weeks; in the County of Wichita, on the sixth Mondays after the second Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />days in January and July, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Wilbarger, on the eighth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Archer, on the tenth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session one week; in the county of Baylor, on the eleventh Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session three weeks; in the County of Throckmorton, on the fourteenth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session one week; in the county of Young, on the fifteenth Mondays after the second Mondays in Janu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ary and July, and may continue in session three weeks. The counties of Hardeman and Cottle are hereby attached for judicial purposes to the county of Wilbarger, the county of Haskell to the county of Throck<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />morton, and the counties of Knox, King, Dickens, Motley, Crosby, Lub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />bock, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Bailey and Cochran to the county of Baylor.</p>
<p>Sec. 9. From and after July 15th 1883, the district courts in the counties of Sabine, San Augustine and Nacogdoches, in the third judicial district, shall be held as follows: In the county of Sabine on the last Mondays in January and August, and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of San Augustine on the second Mondays after the last Mondays in January and August and may continue in session two weeks; in the county of Nacogdoches, on the fourth Mondays after the last Mondays in January and August, and may continue in session four weeks. The courts in the other counties of said third district shall be held as provided by law.</p>
<p>Sec. 10. The sixteenth judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Williamson and Travis, and district courts shall be held therein as follows: In the county of Williamson, on the second Mon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />days in May and November and may continue in session six weeks; in<pb n="338" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="32" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>the county of Travis on the first Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session until the business disposed of.</p>
<p>Sec. 11. There shall be a district attorney for the sixteenth judicial district, who shall be appointed by the Governor, after this act takes effect as to said district, and shall hold his office until the next general election, at which time his successor shall be elected.</p>
<p>Sec. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force as to the sixteenth and seventeenth judicial districts, from and after the first Monday in August A. D. 1883.</p>
<p>Sec. 13. Be it further enacted: That all writs and process return<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />able to the district courts of the several counties mentioned in this act, shall be returnable to the first terms of said courts, respectively begun and held under the provisions of this act, except as in this act is other<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />wise provided, and shall be as valid as if no change had been made in the times of holding said courts.</p>
<p>Sec. 14. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and they are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 15. The fact that the district courts of many counties in this State have more business than can be disposed of within the time now allowed them by law, and this act extends the time and affords the neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sary relief, and that the session of the Legislature is drawing to a close, and this act cannot probably be reached in regular order in time to secure its passage, creates an emergency and imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days be suspended and it is suspended, and that this act take effect from and after its passage, except as in this act is otherwise provided, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 27, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLII.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 951, Title 24, of the Re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vised Statutes of the State of Texas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That Article 951, Title 24, of the Revised Statutes, be so amended as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>“Article 951. The Clerk of the District Court, Clerk of the County “Court, and Justices of the Peace, shall each make a full and complete “report under oath in writing, to the Commissioners Court at each reg<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ular term thereof, of all fines imposed and judgments rendered, and “jury fees collected in their respective courts in favor of or for the use “of the county, which reports shall be filed in the office of the clerk of ‘The county court of the county for which the same are made.”</p>
<p>Sec. 2. And that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 27, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<pb n="339" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="33" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to authorize the Secretary of State to sell copies of the General and Special Laws of the State.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas; That the Secretary of State be, and is hereby authorized to sell copies of the General and Special laws of the State of Texas, that have been or may hereafter be published, at a price not to exceed twenty-five per cent above cost of publishing; provided, that a sufficient number of all laws published be reserved from sale for the use of the State; and provided further, that any money realized in excess of the costs attending such sale, shall be placed to the account of the general revenue in the State treasury.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The near approach of the end of the present session of the Legislature endangering the passage of this bill, creates an imperative necessity for the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and it is so suspended, and the pressing demand for these laws creates an emergency that this act should take ef<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 27, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLIV.</head>
<salute>An act to provide for an organization of a board to direct, supervise and control the work of obtaining and presenting statements, accounts and abstracts showing the amount and character of the claims of the State of Texas against the government of the United States for moneys expended by said State in protecting her frontiers; to prepare proper vouchers, and to obtain and present neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sary proof in support of said claim as required by an act of Congress entitled “An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to examine and report to Congress the amount of all claims of the States of Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Nebraska, California, Kansas and Nevada, and the Territories of Washington and Idaho for moneys expended, and in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />debtedness assumed by said States and Territories, in repelling in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vasion, and suppressing Indian hostilities and for other purposes;” ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proved June 27th 1882: to provide means and to employ the necessary clerical force to enable said board to discharge its duties, and to make an appropriation to pay the expenses of the same.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Governor, Comptroller of Public Accounts and Adjutant Gen<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />eral be and they are hereby constituted a board to arrange and present to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States all statements, ac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />counts and abstracts, or other necessary data as evidence of the claims of the State of Texas against the Government of the United States for moneys expended in defence of her frontiers, in accordance with an act of Congress authorizing the presentation of such claims, approved June 27th 1882.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That said board shall have power to employ such clerical force as may be necessary, at prices to be fixed by the board; to send for persons and papers, and to administer oaths; to call on all State and county officers for official statements that may he required; to inspect and copy records, and to do all things necessary and requisite to enable them to arrange, state, and abstract such accounts and claims named in<pb n="340" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="34" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>the first section of this act, in the manner required by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States under authority of said act of Con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gress; and to obtain and submit proof of the correctness and justice of said claims.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That said board, if they deem it advisable and proper, may delegate any and all such authority as is herein granted to them, except the power of approving accounts for expenses incurred by virtue of this act to any person or persons they may employ or select to carry out any of the purposes of this act; provided, that this delegation of power to any person or persons so selected by the board, shall be in writing signed by the president of the board and attested by the Adjutant General with his official signature and seal of office.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That said board are hereby empowered to expend any and all sums of money under the appropriation hereinafter made in this act, necessary in searching for, arranging and presenting statistics, accounts, vouchers, or other proof requisite to make out and sustain the said claims.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. That said board when they shall have prepared the abstracts and accounts of the said claim of Texas, shall file the same with the Sec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />retary of the Treasury of the United States, accompanied with such vouchers or other evidence in support thereof as they may have obtained.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. The Comptroller shall draw his warrant upon the State Treas<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />urer for such sums as may be required under the provisions of this act, upon the certificate of their correctness by the president of said board, attested by the Adjutant General, whether the same shall be for salaries to clerks or other help, or for ordinary or extraordinary expenses made necessary in carrying out the provisions of this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. That the Governor shall be president of the board herein pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided for.</p>
<p>Sec. 8. That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treas<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ury not otherwise appropriated, to pay for clerical or other labor and all necessary expenses of every character incurred in carrying out the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visions of this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 9. Whereas the present financial needs of the State of Texas re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quire that she shall collect all moneys due her as soon as possible, and the time within which the duties to be performed under this act is limited and said duties and the work and labor to be performed, in order to properly present the claims and demands of the State of Texas to the Government of the United States are very great and arduous, therefore an emergency exists and an imperative public necessity demands that the onstitutional rule requiring all bills to be read on three several days, be suspended, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<pb n="341" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="35" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLV.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 4724, Chapter 3, Title 95 of the Revised Statutes, to fix and equalize the compensation of asses<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sors of taxes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That article 4724, chapter 3, title 95 shall hereafter read as follows.</p>
<p>Article 4724. Each assessor of taxes shall receive the following com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pensation for his services which shall be estimated upon the total values of the property assessed, as follows: For assessing the State and county tax, on all sums of two millions of dollars or less, five cents for each one hundred dollars of property assessed, and all sums over two millions and less than five millions of dollars, two and one half cents on each one hun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dred dollars, and all sums over five millions of dollars, two cents on each one hundred dollars. Two-thirds of the above fees shall be paid by the State, and one-third by the county, and for assessing the poll tax, five cents for each poll which shall be paid by the State.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The near approach of the close of the session creates an emer<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gency requiring the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to he read on three several days, and said rule is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLVI.</head>
<salute>An Act to permit the State Fireman’s Association to erect a monument in the Capitol grounds in the city of Austin.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the State Fireman’s Association of Texas be and they are hereby permitted to erect a monument in the Capitol grounds in the city of Austin, at such a place therein as may be agreed upon between the Cap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />itol Board and the proper authorities of said association.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That said monument shall cost said association not less than five thousand dollars, and that the names of only those firemen who have lost their lives in discharge of their duty as firemen shall have their names engraved on said monument.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Whereas the patriotic firemen of the State of Texas are anx<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ious to begin at once the work upon a monument to their heroic dead, and whereas the days of this session of the Legislature are numbered, therefore an imperative public necessity and an emergency exist for the suspension of the rules and that this act take effect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after its passage.</p>
<pb n="342" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="36" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLVII.</head>
<salute>An Act to regulate, the condemnation of property in cities and towns for the purpose of opening, widening or changing public streets, avenues or alleys, or for water mains, or sewers.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That whenever the city council of any incorporated city or town shall deem it necessary to take any private property in order to open, change or widen any public street, avenue or alley, or for the construction of water mains, or sewers within or without the limits of such city or town, such property may be taken for such purpose by making just compensa<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion to the owner thereof. If the amount of such compensation cannot be agreed upon it shall be the duty of such city council to cause to be stated in writing the real estate or property sought to be taken, the name of the owner thereof and his residence if known, and file such statement with the county judge of the county in which said property is situated.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Upon the filing of such statement it shall be the duty of said judge in term time or vacation to appoint three disinterested free-hold<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ers and qualified voters of the county as special commissioners to assess the damages to accrue to the owner by reason of such proposed condem<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nation.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. The commissioners so appointed shall in their proceedings be governed and controlled by the laws in force in reference to the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />demnation of the right of way for railroad companies and the assessment of the damages therefor, the city or town occupying the position of the railroad company and all laws in reference to applications for the condem<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nation of the right-of-way for railroad companies including the measure of damages, the right of appeal and the like shall apply to an application by a city or town tinder this act for the condemnation of property for the purpose of opening, changing, or widening streets, avenues or alleys, or for the construction of water mains or sewers, the city or town to occupy the position of the railroad company.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. Article 478 of the Revised Statutes be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. The crowded condition of the business on hand and the near approach of the close of the session creates an imperative public necessity authorizing the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring hills to be read on, three several days and said rule is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLVIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to provide annual pensions for the surviv<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing soldiers or volunteers of the Texas devolution, and the surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence of Texas, and the surviv<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing widows of such soldiers or volunteers and signers.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That to every surviving soldier or volunteer who served in the war be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tween Texas and Mexico, in the army of Texas, at any time between the commencement of the Revolution at Gonzales in 1835, and the first day<pb n="343" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="37" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>of January 1837, and to every surviving signer of the Declaration of the Independence of Texas, and to every surviving widow of any such soldier or volunteer, or signer, who is and who has always been unmarried since the death of such soldier or volunteer, or signer, and so long as such widow may remain unmarried, there shall be and is hereby granted an annual pension of one hundred and fifty dollars as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that this act shall only apply to resident citizens of this State.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Each applicant for a pension under this act shall make appli<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cation in writing for the same to the county judge of the county of his or her residence, and such application shall state the name, age and resi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dence of the applicant; whether or not the applicant received any pen<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sion or veteran donation land certificate under any previous law; a list of the real and personal property owned by the applicant, and the present value of the same; and what property, and the value thereof, that such applicant may have sold or conveyed within twelve months prior to the date of such application. And in addition to the foregoing, each male applicant shall further state the time he rendered such service, and the command he served in; and each female applicant shall further state the name of her deceased husband, the date of his death, that she is unmar<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ried, and has so remained ever since the death of her husband, and shall further state, as accurately as she can, the time her said deceased husband rendered such service, and the command he served in. Should the applicant be a signer of such Declaration of Independence, or a widow of such signer, he or she shall state all that is hereinbefore, required, ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cept as to the military service, and in lieu of which, it shall state that the applicant was a signer of such Declaration of Independence, or is the widow of such signer, which application shall be subscribed and sworn to by the applicant, and the same shall be supported by the affidavits of at least two credible witnesses who reside in this State, and shall show that the facts stated by the applicant are true, and that the applicant is known and regarded in his or her neighborhood as a Texas veteran, or signer of the Declaration of Texas Independence, or the widow of a Texas veteran or signer of the Declaration of Texas Independence.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Such application so signed by the applicant and two credible witnesses, shall be presented to the county judge, who shall hear evidence as to the property and the value of the same as stated in such application, and he shall then make his certificate under the seal of his office, attested by the clerk, stating his conclusions as to the value of the property owned by the applicant, and also the value of the property sold or conveyed by the applicant within twelve months previous to the date of his certificate; the county judge shall further state whether or not he believes the appli<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cant’s claim for a pension is a valid and just one, and that said person, veteran or widow, is in indigent circumstances, provided, that no appli<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cant shall be deemed to be in indigent circumstances who owns property exceeding one thousand dollars in value. Upon the hearing of such ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />plication, the State shall be represented by the county attorney, or some other attorney appointed by the court, and it shall be the duty of the county or other attorney, to summon witnesses to testify in behalf of the State, and to secure such other testimony, oral or written, as may be necessary to protect the interests of the State.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. Such application so prepared and certified to, shall be filed with the Comptroller of Public Accounts, whose duty it shall be to sat<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />isfy himself that the applicant is entitled to the pension herein provided,<pb n="344" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="38" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>and he may require further and additional proof of the identity of the applicant, the service rendered, or of any other fact, by affidavit or rec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ord evidence, provided, no pension shall be granted any one under this act, whose claim has been rejected by the Veteran Board of this State as fraudulent.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. No person shall be entitled to a pension under this act unless it shall be made to appear to the Comptroller from the evidence as re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quired in sections 2 and 3 of this act, that said person or veteran is in in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />digent circumstances, and is unable to provide a necessary support for himself or herself.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. The pension herein provided for shall begin on the first day of January 1883, and shall be paid quarterly in advance; that is to say thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year, and the Comptroller shall draw his war<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />rant for the same on the Treasurer, and upon presentation the Treasurer shall pay the same out, of any moneys in the Treasury which may be ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />propriated for this purpose.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. On or after the first of each quarter the pensioner shall make his affidavit, stating the county of his residence, and that he is the iden<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tical person to whom a pension has been granted under this act which affidavit shall be supported by the affidavit of some other credible per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />son to the same fact, and which affidavit may be made before any one authorized to administer oaths, which affidavit shall be filed with the<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />Comptroller, and upon the filing of the same the Comptroller shall draw his warrant for the quarter found to be due.</p>
<p>Sec. 8. The necessities of those herein provided for, creates such an emergency, that an imperative public necessity exists that the constitu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended, and that this bill take effect from and after its passage, and it is so en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />acted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 28, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER XLIX.</head>
<salute>An Act confirming patents and surveys by virtue of headright and bounty warrants issued under special laws enacted after March 31st 1870 and prior to April 17th 1876.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That all surveys and patents by virtue of headright or bounty warrants issued under special laws enacted after March the 31st 1870 and prior to April the 11th 1876 to which there is no valid legal objection other than that such special laws are supposed to be in conflict with the Constitution then in force, are hereby validated and confirmed and declared to be as binding upon the State as they otherwise would be if such special laws had been permitted by the Constitution; provided that, if such headright or bounty certificates have been forfeited under existing laws by location and survey on appropriated land, this act shall not be construed to revive the same; provided further, this act shall only apply to soldiers and heirs and actual settlers of Texas, and their vendees, to whom lands have been granted.</p>
<pb n="345" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="39" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Sec. 2. The confusion and uncertainty respecting this class of titles creates an emergency that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 31, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER L.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Article 1077 of Chapter 3 Title 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to fees paid for holding inquests.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That article 1077 of chapter 3, title 15 of the Code of Criminal Pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cedure be amended so as to hereafter read as follows:</p>
<p>Article 1077. A justice of the peace shall be entitled for issuing a summons for a jury and all other business connected with an inquest on a dead body including certifying and returning the proceeding to the proper court, the sum of five dollars, to be paid by the county; provided, that when an inquest is held over the dead body of a State penitentiary convict, the State shall pay the inquest fees allowed by law, of all offi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cers, upon the approval of the account therefor by the county commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioners’ court of the county in which the inquest may be held, and the superintendent of penitentiaries; and provided further, that no inquest shall be held on the dead body of a State penitentiary convict if said con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vict died from disease and was attended by a regular physician, and a certificate by said physician showing said facts, be filed in the office of the county judge of the county in which said convict died, and in the office of the Superintendent of Penitentiaries.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The fact that this bill may not be reached in the regular or<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />der, creates a necessity for suspending the rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days and it is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 31, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LI.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend Articles 1667 and 1693 of the Re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vised Statutes.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That article 1667 of the Revised Statutes be so amended as to read as fol<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lows :</p>
<p>“Article 1667. At the first regular or called session of the commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioners’ court in each county in each year, or as soon thereafter as “practicable, said court shall select and appoint some suitable and “competent person in each election precinct, to serve as presiding “officer of elections in said precinct, and said appointment shall be “noted upon the minutes of the court; provided, that the commissioners’ “court of any county may have the power when they deem advisable, to “appoint two presiding officers for each election precinct, one of whom<pb n="346" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="40" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>“shall be the presiding officer at the ballot box used for the deposit of “ballots cast for electors for President and Vice-President of the United “States, and members of Congress of the United States, and the other “presiding officer at the ballot box used for the deposit of ballots cast “for State, district and county officers.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That article 1693 of the Revised Statutes be so amended as to read as follows:</p>
<p>“Article 1693. In all elections by the people, the vote shall be by “ballot, which ballot may be either written or printed, or written in part, “or printed in part, which ballot shall be deposited in the ballot box “as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that whenever the commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioners’ court of any county shall have made an order appointing two “presiding officers in each election precinct, as provided in article 1667, “then one of said presiding officers shall be designated as the presiding “officer to receive and count, and return, as provided by law, the ballots “for electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, and “members of Congress of the United States, and the other of said pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />siding officers shall be designated as the officer to receive, count and re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />“turn the ballots cast for State, district and county officers; each to be “provided with a metallic or wooden box, to be used for said purpose: “and all laws in force pertaining to the holding of elections and making “returns thereof shall apply alike to the managers of the election at “each of said ballot boxes.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. The near approach of the close of the present session of the Legislature, and the probability that this bill will not become a law, cre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ates an imperative public necessity for dispensing with the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days in each house of the Legislature; and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 2, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LII.</head>
<salute>An Act to create the land districts of Mitchell and Howard.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the counties of Mitchell, Scurry, Kent, Garza, Dickens, Crosby and Lubbock be and the same are hereby made and constituted the Mitchell Land District, and the county surveyor of Mitchell county shall be the surveyor of said district. He shall keep his office in the town of Colorado City, and the records of all files and surveys of land in said district shall be kept in said office.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That the counties of Howard, Borden, Lynn, Hockley, Cock<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ran, Terry, Yoakum, Dawson, Gaines, Andrews and Martin be and the same are hereby made and constituted the Howard Land District, and the county surveyor of Howard county shall be the surveyor of said district. He shall keep his office in the town of Big Springs, and the records of all files and surveys of land in said district shall be kept in said office.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the General Land Office immediately after the taking effect of this act to furnish each of the surveyors named in this act, with a certified copy of the maps and field notes of all surveys in their said districts, which shall be filed in<pb n="347" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="41" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>their said offices and shall be public archives thereof, and it shall not be lawful for said surveyors to make any surveys within their said districts until said certified maps and field notes are received by them.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, in so far, as the same may effect the land districts hereby created, be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 2, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LIII.</head>
<salute>An Act to authorize and require the County Com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />missioner’s Courts of the several counties of this State to provide for the payment of all claims due teachers of public free schools audited as valid claims under acts of the Legislature of Texas approved August 7th 1876, or April 22nd A. D. 1879, and to audit and pay such claims as should have been presented to, and audited by the auditorial board provided by said acts.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the County Commissioners’ Courts of the several counties in this State are hereby authorized and required in cases where any part of claims audited as valid under an act of the Legislature of Texas approved August 7th 1876, entitled “An Act to ascertain the amounts due teachers for services rendered in public schools from September 1st 1873 to Jan<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />uary 1st 1876, and to provide for the payment of the same, or under the act approved April 22nd 1879 entitled “An Act to ascertain the amount due teachers for services rendered in public schools from September 1st 1873, to August 1st 1876, and to provide for the payment of the same” remains unpaid, to cause to be issued in favor of the holder of such claim, a warrant upon the county treasury against the school district owing such claim, for the amount due upon each claim.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That where the auditorial boards provided under said acts of 1876 and 1879 failed to act in any county, or where from any other cause, a just claim was not presented to, and audited by such boards in any county then the holder of such claim may present the same to the Commissioners’ Court of such county, who shall audit the same and issue a warrant therefor as is provided in section 1 of this act, and make pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vision for the payment thereof as indicated in section 3 of this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. That if there should not be money enough in the treasury of such county belonging to such school district to pay off the warrants pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided for in sections 1 and 2 of this act then said Commissioners’ Courts are hereby authorized and required to levy a special tax upon the tax<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />able property within such district, to be collected as other taxes, suffi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cient to pay off said claims; provided that when in any county in which the boundaries of the several school districts were never defined nor the amount of such claims is found to be so small as not to justify the levy<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing of a separate tax against such district, then the commissioners may in their discretion order such amount to be paid out of the general fund; provided further, that in counties in which school districts were never defined, the same shall be paid out of the general fund; and provided further, that where the tax to be levied on the district would be less than one tenth of one per cent on the one hundred dollars, then it shall be paid out of the general fund.</p>
<pb n="348" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="42" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Sec. 4. That all claims such as are mentioned in sections 1 and 2 of this act, which are not presented to the several Commissioners’ Courts within six months after this act Shoes into effect, shall be forever barred.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. The crowded condition of the business on hand, and the near approach of the close of the session creates an imperative public necessity authorizing the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and such rule is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 2, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LIV.</head>
<salute>An Act for the protection of the wool growing inter<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ests of the State of Texas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That whenever it appears from the assessor’s rolls, that there are as many as five hundred sheep owned and assessed for taxes in any county of this State, it shall be the duty of the commissioners’ court, of said county upon the application of one or more resident owners of sheep of said county, to appoint an inspector of sheep, who shall be a resident citizen of the county, and well versed in the scab and other diseases which usu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ally affect sheep; and said inspector shall hold his office for two years, or until his successor is qualified. Said inspector may appoint one or more deputies who shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, and may lawfully perform the same acts as the inspector of sheep, who may require of his deputies bonds for the faithful performance of duty.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Said inspector of sheep shall, within twenty days after re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ceiving notice of said appointment, and before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond with two or more good and sufficient sure<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties, in a sum to be fixed by the commissioners’ court, not less than one thousand, nor more than five thousand dollars, payable to the county judge and his successors in office, conditioned that he will faithfully and impartially discharge, and perform all the duties incumbent upon him as inspector of sheep. Said bond shall be approved by the commissioners’ court, and recorded in the office of the county clerk of said county.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the inspector of sheep, or his deputy, to carefully and minutely examine and inspect, at any time, sheep in his county, or which may be driven into or through his county, and which he has reason to believe, or is informed in writing by one or more sheep owners of the county, is affected with scab, or any other infectious or contagious disease.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The inspector shall be entitled to receive the sum of two cents per head, unless otherwise provided in this act, for all sheep inspected under the provisions of this act, provided, the inspector shall be entitled to only one cent per head for any number he may inspect for any one person in excess of two thousand head; in no one case shall his fees ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ceed fifty dollars. Such fees to be paid by the owner or person in charge of the sheep inspected; provided, that when an inspector shall inspect any sheep and find no scab to exist in the flock of sheep so inspected, then the fees for such services shall be paid by the party at whose instance such services were performed; and provided further, that the inspector shall have a lien for his fee, upon all sheep inspected by him and found<pb n="349" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="43" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>to be diseased with scab; also provided, that if any owner or person in charge of sheep affected with scab, report in writing to the county in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />spector or his deputy, that his sheep are so affected, amid that he proposes to take means forthwith to cure the same; it shall not be lawful for the inspector to inspect such flock, or receive any fees for the same within twenty days after said report, provided, the inspector in such cases shall prescribe limits for said flock. Provided, that if after the expiration of the twenty clays aforesaid, the inspector has received no notice in writing as hereinafter provided, from the party in charge of said flock, that he has thoroughly dipped his flock to cure the same as proposed, then the inspector shall be entitled to- receive from such parties in charge of such sheep, the same fee as though he had inspected said flock and found the same’ diseased; provided further, that no person shall be required to dip his ewe sheep if pregnant with lamb, at any time within twenty days be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fore or after lambing, but such person shall, nevertheless be required to hold such sheep within the portion of country prescribed by the county inspector for such sheep to be held in, during the time they are so affected with scab.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. Whenever any flock of sheep, in any county of this State, has been inspected and found to be afflicted with scab, it shall be the duty of the owner or person in charge of such flock, to thoroughly dip the same within twenty days from such inspection, and report such fact in writ<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing to the inspector; and if no such report be made by the said owner, or person in charge of said flock, then it shall be the duty of the inspec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tor to again inspect said flock, and may receive his fees as hereinbefore provided.</p>
<p>Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the inspector, or his deputy, after the expiration of ninety clays from the date of notification in writing, that any flock that is diseased, as provided in section 4, or from date of in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />spection of any diseased flock, or at any time they have reason to suspect said flock is afflicted with scab, to again carefully and minutely examine and inspect such flock or flocks, and if scab is still found to exist in said sheep, then the owner or person in charge of such sheep shall be required to again dip such sheep, as is required in the preceding section of this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 7. Whenever, by examination, inspection or otherwise, scab is found to exist in any flock of sheep in any county, the inspector shall at once notify the owner or person in charge thereof, of said fact, and shall prescribe certain limits within which said flock shall be herded until cured, provided, no person shall be so limited as to prevent him from herding or keeping his sheep on his own lands, or lands lawfully controlled by him, if the tracts of said land be so contiguous to each other, that in herding or driving the sheep, that the same will not go or he upon any tract or tracts of land of some other person; also provided, that the liberty given any person to hold diseased sheep anywhere upon lands lawfully controlled" by him, shall not in any way be construed to exempt him from the provisions of sections 5 and 6 of this act.</p>
<p>Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of any owner or person in charge of sheep in which scab is found to exist, to immediately notify all persons in charge of sheep in vicinity of said flock. And until he shall have ob<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tained a certificate from the inspector of his county, that his flock is cured, he shall not remove the same from the limits prescribed by said inspector.</p>
<p>Sec. 9. Any sheep being driven into or through any county in this<pb n="350" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="44" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>State shall be accompanied by a certificate from some inspector to the effect; that such sheep are free from scab; it shall state the date of in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />spection, and shall not be older than sixty days, and any person through whose range such sheep are being driven, or about to be driven, shall have the right to see said certificate upon request, and upon refusal to produce the same upon request, the party so refusing shall be guilty of a misde<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />meanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ceeding one hundred dollars, provided however, that said certificate shall not exempt said sheep from inspection at airy time.</p>
<p>Sec. 10. For inspections made under the provisions of the preceding section, the inspector shall be entitled to receive the sum of one cent for each head of sheep covered by the certificate.</p>
<p>Sec. 11. Any sheep Drought into Texas by rail, or other means of trans<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />portation, shall be disinfected by dipping or otherwise, before being re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />moved from within a limit which shall be prescribed by the county in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />spector at point of disembarkation, if infected with scab.</p>
<p>Sec. 12. Any inspector of sheep, who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this act, or who shall wilfully and knowingly give a false certificate in any case where he is required to give a certificate, or who shall wilfully, and with intent to harrass, or put to expense any owner or person in charge of sheep notify said owner or person in charge, that his flock is diseased, or who shall wilfully demand or receive any fee or compensation where none is allowed by law, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, and thereupon the office shall be deemed vacant, and the commissioners’ court may appoint another inspector for such county.</p>
<p>Sec. 13. Any owner or person in charge of sheep, who shall wilfully and knowingly violate any of the provisions of this act, where the pen<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />alty is not otherwise provided by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred, nor more than two hundred dollars.</p>
<p>Sec. 14. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<p>Sec. 15. The present law upon the disease of scab being wholly in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sufficient for the protection of the wool growers of this State, and the ne<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cessity for a more efficient law upon the subject, creates an imperative public necessity and an emergency that the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days be suspended, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<p>Sec. 16. The counties of Grayson, Freestone, Gonzales, Cooke, Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Morris, Titus, Cass, Marion and Bowie, are hereby exempted from the operation of this law.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 4, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<pb n="351" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="45" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LV.</head>
<salute>An Act to reserve and set apart three hundred and twenty-five leagues of land heretofore surveyed, for the benefit of the unorganized counties of the State and such organized counties as may have located their four leagues of school land; or any part thereof in conflict with valid prior locations or surveys, or which may from any cause fail to get title to the four leagues of land they are entitled to under the law.</salute>
<p>Whereas, the commissioner and the contractor under an act entitled “An Act to provide for designating and setting apart three hundred leagues of land out of the unappropriated public domain for the benefit of the unorganized counties, and to provide for the survey and location of the same,” approved March 26th 1881 have surveyed three hundred and twenty-five leagues. And whereas, some of the four leagues of land surveyed for some of the organized counties of this State, have been lo<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cated in conflict with other older surveys; and whereas, other instances of this kind may arise, therefore,</p>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the three hundred and twenty-five leagues of land heretofore sur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />veyed under the provisions of an act entitled, “An Act to provide for designating and setting apart three hundred leagues of land out of the unappropriated public domain, for the benefit of the unorganized coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties of the State, and to provide for the survey and location of the same, approved March 16th A. D. 1882, be and the same is hereby set apart and shall constitute a reservation out of which each of the unorganized coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties of this State, as it may be organized, shall be entitled to receive four leagues of land for free school purposes, and out of which such or<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ganized counties of this State, as may have located their certificate for four leagues of school land in conflict with or upon land already appro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />priated by valid prior location and survey, or which from any cause have failed to get title to their four leagues of school land, shall be entitled to receive so much of said land as may be necessary to secure to any such county the number of acres it may be entitled to from any cause, or that may be declared to be in conflict by the Commissioner of the General Land Office.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. Each of said leagues of land shall be numbered by the Com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />missioner of the General Land Office, in the order in which it was sur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />veyed, by the contractor or contractors, beginning at number one and ex<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tending to three hundred and twenty-five, and as each of the unorganized counties in this State shall be organized, such county shall be entitled to the first four leagues out of the reservation authorized by this act, which shall not have been patented to other counties for free school pur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />poses. Upon the payment to the Treasurer of the State the actual costs of surveying fees and legal interest thereon from time of payment by the State and upon the payment of such costs and interest, the Commissioner of the General Land Office is hereby required to issue patents to said county for four leagues of land as above provided, but said counties shall not be required to pay patent fees for said patents.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. Any organized county in this State, shall in like manner as provided in the preceding section of this act, be entitled to receive so much of said land, not exceeding four leagues, as shall be necessary to se<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cure to any such county, the number of acres of land heretofore located by such county, and which shall be declared to be in conflict with prior loca<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="352" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="46" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>tions, and surveys by the Commissioner of the General Land Office or by the decree or judgment of any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter. And it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, upon the written application of the county judge and any two of the county commissioners, accompanied by the decision of the Commissioner of the Land Office, or a certified copy of such decree or judgment, to issue patents to such county upon the same conditions and in like manner, as is provided for unorganized counties. Provided, if any such county should be entitled to receive a quantity less than one league, such land shall be surveyed at the expense of such county, in a square figure with at least two lines thereof (where more than one line is run) commencing on lines of original survey as may be selected by the county judge of the county that is entitled to the survey.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The sum of two hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the contractor at the contract price, for surveying said additional twenty-five leagues.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 7, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LVI.</head>
<salute>Ant Act to amend Sections three (3), six (6), and ten (10) of an act in relation to assignments for the benefit of creditors, and to regulate the same and the proceedings thereunder, approved March 24th, A. D. 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That section three (3) of an act of the Legislature of the State of Texas, en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />titled “An Act in relation to assignments for the benefit of creditors, and be regulate the same and the proceedings thereunder,” approved March 24th A. D. 1879, be and the same is hereby amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>“Section 3. Any debtor desiring so to do, may make an assignment for the benefit of such of his creditors only as will consent to accept their proportional share of his estate, and discharge him from their re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />spective claims, and in such case the benefits of the assignment shall be limited and restricted to the creditors consenting thereto, and such debtor shall thereupon be and stand discharged from all further liabili<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties to such consenting creditors on account of their respective claims, and when paid they shall execute and deliver to the assignee for the debtor a release therefrom; provided, that such debtor shall not be dis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />charged from liabilities to a creditor who does not receive as much as one-third of the amount due and allowed in his favor as a valid claim against the estate of such debtor.”</p>
<p>Sec. 2. That section six (6) of said act be and the same is, hereby amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>“Section 6. Every such assignee shall be a resident of this State and of the county in which the assignor resides, or in which his principal busi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ness was conducted, and he shall forthwith after the execution and deliv<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ery of the deed of assignment, cause the same to be recorded as herein provided, in the county of such assignee’s residence, and also in every<pb n="353" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="47" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>county in which there is any real property conveyed to him by such deed of assignment, and shall execute a bond, with sureties, to be approved by the judge of the county court of the county in which the assignee re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sides, or by the judge of the district court of the judicial district in which such county is situated, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge his duties as such assignee, and that he will make proportional distribution of the net proceeds of the assigned estate among the creditors entitled there<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />to, which bond shall be payable to the State of Texas, and shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which such assignee resides, and shall inure to the benefit of the assignor, and the creditor, or creditors, who may maintain an action thereon against such assignee and sureties, in his or their own name, jointly or severally, for any breach thereof, or violation of this law, by reason of which such assignor or creditor shall sustain damage, and upon the filing of said bond the assignee shall take possession of the assigned property, and proceed to execute the assign<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment, and if such assignee shall not, within five days after the delivery of the deed of assignment, execute an approved bond and file the same with the county clerk, as herein provided, such assignment shall, never<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />theless, take effect as against the assignor and his creditors, and it shall be the duty of the county judge, or judge of the district court, as afore<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />said, upon the application of the assignor, or any creditor, and being satisfied that such bond has not been given, approved and filed, to ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />point in writing another competent assignee, who shall, upon the exe<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cution of such bond, approved and filed as herein provided, take posses<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sion of the assigned property, and proceed to execute the assignment. And it is further enacted, that no fraudulent act, intent or purpose of the assignor or assignee shall have the effect to defeat the assignment or to deprive the creditor’s consenting thereto from the benefits thereof, but any such fraudulent act, intent or purpose on the part of the aesign.ee shall be sufficient cause for his removal, as being an unsuitable person to perform the trust, and any consenting creditor may be or become a party to prosecute or defend in any suit or proceeding necessary or proper for the enforcement of his rights under such assignments, or for the protec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion of his interests in the assigned property.”</p>
<p>Sec. 3. T-hat section ten (10) of said act be, and the same is, hereby amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>“Sec. 10. No assignment shall be declared fraudulent or void for want of any inventory or list, as provided herein, but the absence of the same shall be deemed prima facie evidence that the assignor or debtor has concealed or secreted some of his estate from his assignee or creditors, and whether the said list and inventory be prepared and filed or not, the judge of the district or county court, in whose court the proceedings shall have been filed, and having jurisdiction of the estate assigned, may, on the application of the assignee, or of any creditor of the assignor or debtor, or without such application, if the judge see fit, at all times require, upon such reasonable notice as the judge may direct, the as<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />signor or debtor, or any other person, to attend and submit to an exam<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ination, on oath, upon all matters relating to the disposition made, or status of the property of the estate assigned, including all transactions in the past hearing upon the rights of the assignee or creditors with respect to the estate in assignment, as contemplated in law. The judge may enforce attendance and obedience to the orders made by a writ or order directed to the sheriff, or any constable, commanding the arrest of the persons referred to in the writ or order, to be brought be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="354" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="48" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>fore the judge at a time named for the purpose of examination, as pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided herein, and such examination shall be in writing, and shall be signed by the persons examined, and shall be filed and attested or sworn to with the clerk of the court, wherein the proceedings are pending, for the use of those interested in the estate; provided, nevertheless, that no assignor or debtor shall be prosecuted or punished for any matter or thing disclosed by him on such examination as had above. The costs of such proceedings to be paid out of the estate assigned, or by the applicant for the examination, as the judge in each case may deem right and proper to order.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. The near approach of the close of the session creates an im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />perative public necessity authorizing the suspension of the rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and such rule is hereby suspended.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 7, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.</p>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LVII.</head>
<salute>An Act authorizing cities on the coast of Texas, to appropriate money and to issue bonds for improvement of their har<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />bors, and of the bars at the entrance thereof, and to levy a tax to pay for the same.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the boards of aldermen or other constituted municipal authorities of cities bordering on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, are hereby author<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ized and empowered to appropriate money to improve, and to aid in the improvement of their harbors and of the bars at the entrance thereof; provided, that they shall not thereby increase their aggregate debt be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />yond the amount of indebtedness limited by their charters respectively; such appropriations to be made out of any surplus funds which may at any time be on hand, and by the use or sale of any bonds heretofore au<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />thorized to be issued; provided, such bonds are not needed for the pur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />poses for which they were specially authorized; and also if necessary therefor, to issue and dispose of bonds with interest coupons attached, in such amounts as may be necessary, not to exceed the limit of indebtedness fixed by their charters.</p>
<p>Sec. 2. The city council or other constituted municipal authorities, as the case may be, shall levy an annual ad valorem tax on the property in said city, sufficient to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds, as required by the Constitution.</p>
<p>Sec. 3. The interest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually, and it shall not exceed five per cent.</p>
<p>Sec. 4. Said bonds shall not be sold at less than par.</p>
<p>Sec. 5. Whereas, the great demand for harbor improvements on the coast of Texas, and the near approach of the close of this session, creates an imperative public necessity and emergency for the suspension of the rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days, and it is so sus<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pended, and that the same take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>April 7, 1883</date>.</dateline>
<div2 type="addendum">
<p>Takes effect after passage.</p>
<pb n="355" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="49" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">CHAPTER LVIII.</head>