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<pb n="769" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="1" />
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<byline>JANUARY 13, 1885, AND ADJOURNED MARCH 31, 1885.</byline>
<byline>AUSTIN 1885</byline>
<pb n="770" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="2" />
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">NOTE.</head>
<salute>Constitution of the State of Texas, Article III.</salute>
<p>Sec. 39. No law passed by the Legislature, except the general appro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />priation act, shall take effect or go into force until ninety days after the adjournment of the session at which it was enacted, unless in case of an emergency, which emergency must be expressed in a preamble or in the body of the act, the Legislature shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, otherwise direct; said vote to be taken by yeas and nays, and entered upon the journals.</p>
<pb n="771" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="3" />
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main"><b>SPECIAL LAWS.</b></head>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">H. B. No. 473.] No. 1.</head>
<salute>An Act to amend sections three (3), four (4), five (5), one hundred and six (106), one hundred and seventeen (117), one hundred and fifty-six (156) and one hundred and fifty-eight (158), of an act to incorporate the city of Galveston, and grant a new charter, approved August 2nd, 1876, amended by an act approved April 5th, 1881, amended by an act approved March 7th, 1883.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That section three (3) of said act be and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>Section 3. The municipal government of the city shall consist of a city council composed of the mayor and one alderman from each ward, a majority of the aldermen elected shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except at called meeting or meetings for the imposition of taxes, when three-fourths of the aldermen elected shall be required, unless herein otherwise specified.</p>
<p>The other officers of the incorporation shall be a recorder, a treasurer, an assessor, a collector, a clerk, a chief of police, an engineer (who shall also be superintendent of streets), an attorney, an auditor, a health physi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cian, a harbor master, and such other officers and agents as the city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil may direct; all of whom, except the mayor, aldermen, clerk and chief of police, shall be elected by ballot by the Aldermen, at a meeting to be held on the second Monday after each biennial election upon the nomination of the mayor, or in case no person shall then be nomi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nated by him, or if the person so nominated shall not be elected, then as soon thereafter as possible; upon the nomination of the mayor. Pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided, that if any nomination of the mayor is not confirmed by a ma<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />jority of the council, the person, so nominated shall hold the office to which he was nominated until the next regular meeting of the city council, when the mayor shall nominate again; and if such per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />son so nominated is not confirmed, it shall be the duty of the mayor to continue to nominate some person for such office at each regular meeting of the city council thereafter until his nomination shall be confirmed by a majority of the city council; and each nominee of the mayor shall hold the office to which he was nominated until after another nomination by the mayor at the next regular meeting of the city council. But the mayor shall not nominate the same person<pb n="772" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="4" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>more than twice for the same office. The clerk and chief of police shall be appointed by the mayor on the second Monday after each biennial election or as soon thereafter as possible. All of said officers so nomi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nated and elected shall hold their offices until the second Monday after the next succeeding biennial election and until the nomination, and elec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion and qualification of their successors; and in such election a ma<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />jority of all the aldermen elected shall be necessary to a choice. The officers appointed by the mayor as aforesaid, shall hold their offices until the second Monday after the next succeeding biennial election, unless earlier removed by the mayor, or by the city council under the authority vested in it by this charter, and until the appointment and qualification of their successors. The duties of the harbor master shall be such as have been, or may be prescribed by the city council, and he shall receive for his services such compensation as the city council may determine, not to exceed eighteen hundred dollars per annum, and shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of ten thousand dollars.</p>
<p>Section 2. That section four (4) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>Section 4. Elections for mayor and aldermen shall be held biennially on the first Monday in June at such place or places as the city council may direct, and of which thirty days previous notice shall be given by publication in one or more newspapers of said city; provided, that the next biennial election shall be held on the first Monday in April, 1885, of which only twenty days notice shall be necessary, provided, that the present officers shall hold over until their successors are elected and quali<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fied as herein provided. Said elections shall be ordered by the mayor or the city council; for the purpose of holding such elections, and others ordered, the city council shall appoint bienially, in July or earlier, in each ward some competent and suitable person, who shall be the presid<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing officer at all elections held in his ward.</p>
<p>The presiding officer in each ward shall select two judges and two clerks who, with the presiding officer, shall be managers of the elections. The presiding officer and judges must be qualified voters in the city. The city council shall provide for their compensation, and by ordinance regu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />late and define their powers and duties, and determine the hours of open<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing and closing the polls. The mayor, or acting mayor, whenever an elec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion is ordered, shall give the required notice, and issue to the presiding officer a writ of election; and every published notice of election shall state the officer or officers to be elected, the place where the election will be held and the name of the presiding officer thereat. In case the officer so appointed is unable, fails, refuses or neglects to to act, or the city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil have failed to appoint, and in case no appointed presiding officer ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pears to open the polls, the attending qualified electors at the place for holding such election, such qualified electors as may be present at the time to open such poll may appoint such officer, who shall perform the same duties and shall have like power and authority to act as the original ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="773" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="5" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>pointee, but in such case the managers in their returns or otherwise, shall certify that the presiding officer failed to attend or neglected to act, and that the person acting as such, was duly chosen by the electors present; provided, that, if from any cause an election cannot be, or is not held on the day aforesaid, such election shall be held as soon there<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />after as the order can be made and the necessary notices given. And the city council shall have full authority to designate the day for such elec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion; and provided further, that the presiding officers for any election under this act may be appointed at any time prior to such election by the mayor in case of vacancy.</p>
<p>Section 3. That section five (5) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>Section 5. At the biennial elections provided for in this charter there shall be elected by the qualified electors of said city, voting by ballot, a mayor who shall hold his office for two years from, the date of said elec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion and until his successors shall be elected and qualified. And at the same time there shall be elected one alderman from each ward of the city by the qualified electors of the whole city, who shall hold his office for two years from the date of said election, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified; provided, that the per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />son so elected shall be and remain a resident of the ward which he is elected to represent as such alderman, and if he shall, during the term of his office, remove from such ward his office shall be declared vacant. The person receiving the highest number of votes in the whole city for mayor shall be declared elected, and the person in any ward receiving the highest number of votes in the whole city cast for alderman of such ward shall be declared elected. In case the person elected mayor or alderman shall refuse to accept the office, the mayor, acting mayor or the city council shall order another election, and in case a vacancy in the office of mayor or alderman by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, it shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a new election to be ordered by the mayor, acting mayor or the city council, and all new or special elections shall be conducted in the same manner as herein pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided for at a biennial election; provided, that in special elections five days notice thereof shall be deemed sufficient.</p>
<p>Section 4. That section one hundred and six (106) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as fol<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lows, to-wit:</p>
<p>Section 106. To regulate and prevent the carrying on of manufac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tories and works dangerous in promoting or causing fires; to regulate the building and erection of cotton presses and sheds; to regulate and pre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vent the piling or storing of wood, lumber and other combustible arti<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cles or materials on the levees, wharves, streets and sidewalks.</p>
<p>Section 5. That section one hundred and seventeen (117) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to-wit:</p>
<p>Section 117. There shall be created a board of health com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />posed of the mayor, the health physician, the city engineer, the<pb n="774" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="6" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>chairman of the committee on hospital and health and the chairman of the committee on finance and revenue. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The mayor shall be chairman of the board, but in his absence the board may elect a chairman pro tem. The health physician shall be secretary of the board, and shall keep a record of its proceedings in a book kept for that purpose. The board shall have power to adopt rules and regulations for its government and fix the time and place for its regular meetings. Extra meetings may be called at any time by the mayor or any three members of the board upon written notification of its members.</p>
<p>Section 6. That section one hundred and fifty-six (156) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to wit:</p>
<p>Section 156. The city council shall have power to remove any other officer for incompetency, corruption, malconduct, malfeasance or non<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />feasance in office, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard in his defense under the same rules herein provided for the trial and removal of the mayor and aldermen.</p>
<p>Section 7. That section one hundred and fifty-eight (158) of said act be, and the same is hereby amended so that hereafter it shall read as follows, to wit:</p>
<p>Section 158. No member of the council stall hold any other employ<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment or office under the city government while he is a member of said council, unless herein otherwise provided; and no member of the city council or any officer of the corporation shall be directly or indirectly interested in any work, business or contract, the expense, price or con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sideration of which is paid from the city treasury or by an assessment levied by an ordinance or resolution of the city council, nor be the surety of any person having a contract, work or business with said city, for the performance of which security may be required; and no member of the city council shall have any authority to employ any labor or purchase any article for the use of the city under any ordinance or resolution whatever, either as a committee or otherwise, but the same shall be done by some officer or agent of the city designated for that purpose by ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nance of the city. Any alderman or officer of the city violating the pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />visions of this section, shall forfeit his seat in council or office and shall thereafter be ineligible to any office in or under the city government.</p>
<p>Section 8. Whereas, an urgent necessity and emergency exists that the city council of Galveston should be elected by a vote of the whole city in order to secure a more popular representative government; and whereas, the regular biennial election will take place before the adjourn<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of the Legislature, therefore it is hereby enacted that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage; and whereas, this act requires that a notice of the regular biennial election of twenty days shall be published before the said election shall take place on the first Monday in April, 1885; therefore an imperative public necessity exists, requiring the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and it is so enacted.</p>
<pb n="775" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="7" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>I hereby certify that the within H. B. No. 473 originated in the House and passed the same February 21st, 1885, by a two-thirds vote—ayes 75, noes 1.</p>
<signed>A. D. SADLER, <lb/>Chief Clerk House of Representatives.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>I hereby certify that the within H. B. No. 473 passed the Senate February 24th, 1885, by two-thirds vote, ayes 24.</p>
<signed>WM. NEAL RAMEY, <lb/>Secretary of the Senate.</signed>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 26th, 1885</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">S. H. B. No. 237.] No. 2.</head>
<salute>An Act to alter the corporate limits of the city of Waco.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the corporate limits of the city of Waco be altered so as to dismiss from said corporation a part of that territory east of the Brazos river, known as East Waco, or the Fifth ward of the said city, leaving the eastern boundaries of said city of Waco as follows: Beginning at the original point of beginning as defined by the act of incorporation of the city of Waco, approved April 21, 1871, a cottonwood on west bank of the Brazos river, (about seven or eight hundred yards below the mouth of Waco creek), marked with a blaze on three sides and three hacks on the other; thence up the west margin of the said river to the centre of the mouth of Waco creek; thence across the Brazos river N, 45 E to the east bank thereof; thence, up said east bank with its meanderings to the south line of the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Railway; thence, with the south line of said right of way, N 45 E to a point 170 varas, more or less, N 45 E from the point at which said right, of way crosses the east line of the Hood tract, and which point is also S 28 E from the N E corner of Susan Reed’s one-half acre lot; thence, N 28 W to the N E corner to the said Susan Reed’s one-half acre lot in W. M. Walton’s line; thence S 62 W to the east line of the Paul Quin college property; thence, with the east line of said college tract N 52½ W to the N E corner of said Paul Quin college tract; thence S 37½ W with the north line of said college tract, and of Turners’ tract to stake on the west line of Dallas street; thence, with the west line of Dallas street, N 52½ W, crossing the Houston and Texas Central R. R. to the N E corner of block No. 4, owned by J. W. Mann; thence, S 37½ W, to the east margin of the Brazos river; thence, up the east margin of said river to the point at which the present north line of the city crosses the river.</p>
<p>Section 2. That whereas, a large indebtedness is being daily contracted by said city, rendering oppressive taxation neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sary, for which no benefit is received; and whereas, the is<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />suance of bonds is now contemplated by said city of Waco, creating a liability upon all the property now in said city; and,<pb n="776" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="8" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>whereas, delay in the final passage of this act would result in great finan<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cial injury to many people, thereby creating an emergency and impera<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tive public necessity for the suspension of the constitutional rule requir<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing bills to be read on three several days, therefore said rule is hereby suspended and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.</p>
<p>I hereby certify that S. H. B. Ho. 237 originated in the House and passed the same February 21st, 1885, by a two-thirds vote, ayes 77.</p>
<signed>A. D. SADLER, <lb/>Chief Clerk House of Representatives.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>I hereby certify that S. H. B. No. 237 passed the Senate February 25th, 1885, by a two-thirds vote, ayes 22, nays none.</p>
<signed>WM. NEAL RAMEY, <lb/>Secretary of the Senate.</signed>
<dateline>Approved <date>February 27th, 1885</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">S. B. No. 137.] No. 3.</head>
<salute>An Act to repeal sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 83, 198, 199 and 200, and to amend sec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions 2, 4, 5, 6, 29, 33, 43, 45, 70, 74, 78, 103, 120, 197, 201, 202 and 203, of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the city of San Antonio, and grant a new charter to said city,” approved August 13th, 1810, and to repeal “An act to incorporate the city of San Antonio,” approved July 11th, 1856; and “An act to amend the act to incorporate the city of San Antonio,” approved February 11th, 1860; also, “An act to amend an act entitled ‘an act to incorporate the city of San Antonio and grant a new charter to said city,’ approved April 18th, 1879.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Texas: That sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 83, 198, 199 and 200, of “An act to incorporate the city of San Antonio, and to grant a new charter to said city,” approved August 13th, 1879, and “An act to amend an act entitled ‘an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the city of San Antonio and grant a new charter to said city,” approved April 18th, 1879, be and the same are hereby repealed; and that sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 29, 33, 43, 45, 70, 74, 78, 103, 120, 197, 201, 202 and 203 of said act be so amended as hereafter to read as follows, to wit:</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 2.</head>
<p>The bounds and limits of said city within which said corporation shall have jurisdiction, shall include a square of which the sides shall be equi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />distant from what is known as the cupola of the Cathedral of San Fer<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nando, and three miles therefrom, east, west, north and south, or six<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />miles square.</p>
<pb n="777" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="9" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 4.</head>
<p>The city council shall, prior to the first day of December 1886, divide the city into eight wards; the boundaries thereof shall be fixed by the city council and may be changed from time to time, as they may deem expedient, so that each ward shall contain, as near as possible, the same number of inhabitants or electors.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 5.</head>
<p>That on the second Monday in February, beginning with the year 1887, a mayor, recorder, collector, street commissioner and twelve alder<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />men, shall be voted for and the returns for such election shall be made as hereinafter provided.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 6.</head>
<p>That the first election under this act shall be held as provided in sec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion 5, and every two years thereafter, shall be the regular charter elec<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tion for elective officers. The terms of all aldermen elected prior to Feb<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ruary 1887, shall expire on the election of their successors, on the first Monday in February, 1887.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 29.</head>
<p>That all elections in the city shall be held in accordance with the State law governing elections and returns shall be made to the mayor in the same manner that returns are made under the State law. The qualifica<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions of voters shall be as prescribed in article 6 of the Constitution of the State. Provided, that at all elections wherein property tax payers only are allowed to vote, those only whose names apjoear on the last assessment roll of the city shall be deemed property tax payers.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 33.</head>
<p>The city council shall be composed of the mayor and aldermen. One alderman to be elected from each ward by the voters thereof, and four aldermen to be elected by the voters of the city at large. The aldermen shall hold office for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The aldermen elected as representatives of the different wards shall be residents thereof at least six months prior to their election, and shall vacate their office if at any time they should remove therefrom.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 43.</head>
<p>To borrow money on the credit of the city, and issue bonds therefor, to an amount not to exceed $50,000 during one year. To make a loan exceeding $50,000 the question must be submitted to the property tax payers, voters of the city, and if sustained by a majority of the votes polled, such loan shall be lawful. All bonds shall specify for what purpose they were<pb n="778" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="10" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>issued, and shall not be sold for less than their par value; provided, that no debt shall be contracted for the payment whereof such bonds are is<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sued until such bonds have been disposed of and the proceeds thereof paid into the city treasury; and when any bonds are issued by the city, a fund shall be provided to pay the interest and two per cent per annum on the capital, as a sinking fund, to redeem the bonds, which fund shall not be diverted or drawn for any other purpose; and the city treasurer shall honor no draft drawn on said fund except to pay interest or to re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />deem the bonds for which it was provided, and for the payment of such loan to levy a special tax over and above the general tax allowed by this act; provided, the rate of tax shall not exceed one-half of one per cent, and the rate of interest paid shall not exceed seven per cent; provided, also, no loan shall be made for any other purpose or purposes than those connected with the corporation of said city; and no loan shall be made to aid any private enterprise, railroad or undertaking not under the man<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />agement and control of the city council. The sinking fund for the re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />demption of any loan or debt to be invested, as fast as the same accumu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lates, in United States interest bearing bonds, bonds of the State of Texas, or in the city bonds, and such bonds, and the interest of said bonds, to be re-invested and to be sold when necessary to pay debts or loans.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 45.</head>
<p>To appropriate money and provide for the payment of the debts and expenses of the city; provided, that the bonded debt of the city shall not be increased nor other evidences of debt be issued, exceeding fifty thou<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sand dollars in any one fiscal year, unless authorized by a vote of the property tax payers as hereinbefore provided. The fiscal year shall com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />mence on the first day of March and terminate on the last day of Feb<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ruary following.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 70.</head>
<p>To restrain, regulate and prohibit the selling or giving away of any intoxicating or malt liquors by any person or firm, although duly li<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />censed by the State, when the place of business of such person or firm is connected with a house wherein gaming is permitted to be carried on; or where the same is connected with a vaudeville or other place where theatrical performances are held by whatever name called, when such places or vaudeville, has been declared by the city council to be a place where the idle, vicious and evil-disposed persons habitually congregate, or where indecent performances are allowed.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 74.</head>
<p>To prohibit and punish the owners, lessees or agents of theatres or other places wherein indecent, lewd or immodest dramatic or theatrical representations are given, and adopt<pb n="779" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="11" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>summary measures for removal or suppression of all such entertainments or establishments.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 78.</head>
<p>The city council shall have the right to enact all necessary ordinances to restrain and punish vagrants, mendicants, street beggars and prosti<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tutes; to restrain and control all gambling and punish the keepers of all games and gambling devices with as great a penalty as the same is pun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ished by the statutes of the State. The recorder’s court of the city of San Antonio shall have concurrent jurisdiction of all such misdemeanors, when committed in the corporate limits of the city of San Antonio.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 103.</head>
<p>The city council shall have the power to pass, publish, amend or re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />peal all ordinances, rules and police regulations not contrary to the Con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />stitution of the State, and necessary for the order or good government of the city, or the trade, commerce and health thereof, or that may be necessary and proper to carry into effect the powers herein vested in the corporation or any of its officers; to enforce the observance of all such ordinances, rules and police regulations and to punish violations thereof by fines and imprisonment, or either or both, or by work on the streets or other public works, as may be provided by ordinance and re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quired by the judgment of the court; provided that no fine shall exceed $200 dollars, and no period of imprisonment shall exceed ninety days in the county or city jail, except as herein otherwise provided, and for any fine, penalty and costs imposed by the recorder in the trial of any cause or complaint before him, executions may issue to collect such fines and costs to be levied and executed in the same manner that executions are from courts of justice of the peace. The same shall be issued by the recorder to the marshal, who in levying on property and selling, shall have like power and authority as the sheriff of the county in executions issued from the district or county courts, and the laws of the State so far as applicable shall apply to and be in full force and effect as to the execution issued from the recorder’s court, and any person upon whom any fine or penalty is imposed, may be committed until payment of same, with costs, and in default thereof may be imprisoned in the city prison, or may be required to work on the streets or other public works of the city for such time and in such manner as may be provided by ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nance; provided such imprisonment shall not exceed ninety days.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 120.</head>
<p>The recorder shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city, and shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor is qualified, and for malfeasance or a failure to per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />form his duties, may be removed by the city council; he shall be the chief judicial magistrate of the city, and as such shall hold<pb n="780" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="12" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>a court within said city, by the name of recorder’s court of the city of San Antonio, which court shall have concurrent jurisdiction and cogni<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />zance of all misdemeanors, breaches of the peace, infraction of ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nances, and all other causes arising under the laws of said city; and said court shall also have concurrent jurisdiction of all misdemeanors arising under the criminal laws of the State within said city limits in which the punishment is by fine only, or by fine or imprisonment, or by both; pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided, that no fine shall exceed two hundred dollars, or period of impris<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />onment exceed ninety days in the city or county jail, except as herein otherwise provided; and provided furiher, that said court shall have con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />current jurisdiction of all cases for keeping disorderly houses or houses of prostitution within the limits of said city. And said court shall be deemed always open for trial of said cases. Said court shall have full power, authority and concurrent jurisdiction in all cases arising under the ordinances of said city, or the State law as hereinbefore limited; and over any breaches and violations thereof and of any and all persons thus offending, including vagrants, gamblers, prostitutes and keepers of dis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />orderly houses, and to try and determine all suits, actions and complaints charging a violation of any ordinance or aforesaid laws, and may grant new trials on motion in writing, showing sufficient cause and duly sworn to, and all prosecutions, trials and proceedings had in said court under this act, shall be governed by the laws and rules regulating trials, prose<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cutions and proceedings in a justices court in force at the time, and shall be a bar to prosecutions for the same offense in other courts. The recorder may require of any person arrested under the provisions of this act a bond for his or her good behavior and to keep the peace, or for his or her appearance before said court, with good and sufficient sure<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ties, which bond, as well as all other bonds taken in any proceedings in said court, shall be payable to the city of San Antonio. He shall have full power and authority to issue subpoenas for witnesses, and to compel their attendance by process of an attachment. He may punish all con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tempts by fine and imprisonment, or either; may issue subpoenas, writs of capias, warrants of arrest, search warrants, executions and all process known to law, which a justice of the peace of- this State may lawfully is<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sue, and all of said writs and process shall run in the name of the city of San Antonio, be issued, served and executed in the same manner as the like process would be when issued by a justice of the peace, unless herein otherwise provided. He shall also have full power and authority to admin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ister official oaths and all oaths and affirmations, and give certificate there<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />for. The recorder shall be ex-officio justice of the peace, and he shall possess and execute in the city, in criminal cases, all the powers and duties of such officer, and shall have the same authority and like power with jus<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tices of the peace in the prevention and suppression of crime. Provided, that in no case shall be entertain jurisdiction in civil suits. The city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil may determine what costs, if any, shall be charged for proceedings in, and for all process issued in said court; and the recorder shall per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />form such other duties as may be prescribed by any ordinance of said<pb n="781" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="13" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>corporation that may properly and lawfully be required of said officer as the judge of said court, and as are not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of this State; provided, that all money collected from fines, of whatever character, imposed by the recorder shall be paid into the city treasury for the use of the city. The recorder shall receive the sum of $1200.00 per annum, and be allowed no fees in cases arising from the violation of the city ordinances, but only in State cases, when thereto authorized by the city council.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 197.</head>
<p>The city council shall be invested with full power and authority to grade and macadamize, curb, pave, repair or otherwise improve any ave<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nue, plaza, street or alley, whenever they shall declare, by a vote of three<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />fourths of all the aldermen, that such improvement is for the public interest.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 201.</head>
<p>In the widening or straightening of any street, avenue or alley, the city council shall determine, by ordinance, the manner and extent of such widening and straightening. Upon the tiling of such ordinance, and the plan of the proposed widening or straightening, with the county clerk, it shall be the dirty of the county judge to appoint three disinterested freeholders of the city as commissioners, who after being duly sworn to act with fidelity and impartiality, shall carefully estimate the value of the property necessary to be taken for such widening or straightening, making a separate estimate in the case of each owner. It shall be there<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />after the duty of the commissioners to estimate the benefit accruing to any property on the street and in the vicinity that they may consider benefitted by such improvement, filing with their report a list of the owners of such property, and the amount of the supposed benefit, stating separately in each case. On the filing of such report with the city clerk, the city council shall at their first meeting thereafter, give five days pub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lic notice, through the official journal, at what time said reports shall be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />acted upon, (which shall not be less than ten days after the expiration of said notice) and all parties feeling aggrieved by the action of said commissioners may be heard by the council on appeal.</p>
<p>The action of the city council shall be limited to the increase of value of the award for property taken, or decrease of the assessment for supposed benefit to property by the improvement contemplated. The city council by tendering to the owner of the land taken the amount of the award may at once enter upon and appropriate said land to the purposes of opening, widening or altering said street, alley, etc. The benefits re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ported and as may be revised by the city council, shall be assessed as a special tax against the property, and shall be payable at such time as the council may direct; and said tax shall be a lien upon the property until payment thereof, and the city collector shall pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ceed to collect the said tax in the same manner as other taxes<pb n="782" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="14" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>are collected, provided that, if deemed necessary, the city council may proceed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section 200 as an additional remedy for the collection of the tax herein assessed.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 202.</head>
<p>That in addition to the power and authority granted to the city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil to collect said assessments as taxes, as aforesaid, they shall have the further and additional remedy of instituting suit, in the corporate name, in any court having jurisdiction, for the recovery against any owner of said property, for the amount due for any such work so made as afore<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />said, and the city council shall provide, by resolution or ordinance, under the provisions of this act, for carrying out and executing the powers in this title conferred; and may adopt such resolutions, and enact such ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nances, and make such rules and regulations as they-may deem neces<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sary therefor.</p>
<div4 type="section">
<head type="main">Section 203.</head>
<p>Whenever the city council shall deem it necessary to take private property for the use of the city such property may be taken for such pur<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pose by making just compensation to the owner thereof. If the amount of such compensation cannot be agreed upon, it shall be the duty of the city council to cause to be stated in writing the particular property required, the name of the owner and his residence, if known, and file the same with the city clerk. Thereafter the city clerk shall notify the. owner or agent, if known, of the filing of such statement. The damage to accrue to the owner by reason of such condemnation, shall be assessed by three disinterested freeholders of the city, one to be selected by the owner of the property, one to be selected by the mayor, the third to be selected by the two thus appointed, who after being duly sworn to per<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />form the duties of their appointment with fidelity and impartiality, shall assess the damages to accrue by reason of such condemnation. In the event that the owner of the property shall fail to appoint the commis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sioner hereinbefore provided for, within ten days from the service of the notice of the city clerk, the mayor shall appoint such commissioner. In the event that the two commissioners cannot agree upon the selection of the third, then the county judge, on application, shall appoint the said commissioner. The city council shall provide, by ordinance, for the serv<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ice of the notice hereinbefore provided for, and shall also provide the method of assessing the damages to accrue to the owner of the property.</p>
<p>Section 2. The fact that it is important to the interest of the general public of said city that the changes in the charter of said city made by this act go into effect immediately creates an emergency and an impera<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tive public necessity which requires the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and that this act take effect from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<pb n="783" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="15" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>I do hereby certify that the within S. B. No. 137 originated in the Senate and passed the same by a two-thirds vote February 6th, 1885, 21 ayes, 1 nay.</p>
<signed>WM. NEAL RAMEY, <lb/>Secretary of the Senate.</signed>
<div4 type="addendum">
<p>I do hereby certify that the within S. B. No. 137 passed the House by a vote of 74 ayes, 2 nays, February 20th, 1885.</p>
<signed>A. D. SADLER,<lb/> Chief Clerk House of Representatives.</signed>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 4th, 1885</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">S. B. No. 136.] No. 4.</head>
<salute>An Act for the relief of W. J. Salyer, and to validate donation warrant No. 509, and the survey made by virtue thereof, issued to G. W. Hock<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ley, Secretary of War, on August 14th, 1838, for 640 acres of land to John Sharp, the said Salyer being now the owner of said certificate.</salute>
<p>Whereas, the land certificate issued to John Sharp for 640 acres of land, on the 14th day of August, 1838, by the Secretary of War, was by omission not presented for approval to the Commissioner of Claims as required by law, said certificate being now in good faith located in Wil<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />liamson county, Texas.</p>
<p>Section 1. Therefore be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That said land certificate issued to the said Sharp as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby validated and declared a legal certificate, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office is hereby required to issue a patent by virtue of any location made by said certificate.</p>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">S. B. No. 46.] No. 5.</head>
<salute>An Act for the Relief of William S. Boothe, S. F. Grimes and the heirs of Henry Leftridge deceased.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Comptroller of the State of Texas is hereby authorized and re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quired to issue his warrant in favor of William S. Boothe, S. F. Grimes, both of DeWitt county, and the heirs of Henry Leftridge, deceased, on the Treasurer of the State of Texas, for the sum of five hundred and forty-one dollars, which sum of money was deposited in the Treasury of the State by M. G. Jacobs, as administrator of the estate of James Swin<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dells (supposed to be deceased) on the 22nd day of December, 1875, and which money is now held in the treasury to the credit of “settlement of estates” accounts.</p>
<pb n="784" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="16" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">S. B. No. 196.] No. 6.</head>
<salute>An Act for the relief of Z. C. Collier, Thomas Collier and Wm. Ramer.</salute>
<p>Whereas, The Commissioner of the General Land Office, by mistake, issued patents on valid land certificates as follows:</p>
<p>Patent No. 575, vol. 24, for 640 acres of land.</p>
<p>Patent No. 574, vol. 24, for 640 acres of land.</p>
<p>Patent No. 573, vol. 24, for 640 acres of land. (Said patents dated September 11th, 1876.)</p>
<p>Patent No. 611, vol. 24, for 640 acres of land, dated September 14th, 1876.</p>
<p>Patent No. 55, vol. 25, for 640 acres of land, dated September 12th, 1876.</p>
<p>Patent No. 83, vol. 25, for 640 acres of land, dated September 14th, 1876.</p>
<p>Patent No. 85, vol. 25, for 640 acres of land, dated September 15th, 1876.</p>
<p>Patent No. 86, vol. 25, for 640 acres of land, dated September 15th, 1876.</p>
<p>Patent No. 59, vol. 25, for 640 acres of land, dated September 12th, 1876.</p>
<p>And whereas, said patents are in conflict with older titles; and whereas Z. C. Collier is the lawful owner of all rights acquired by two of said patents, and Thomas Collier is the lawful owner of all rights acquired by fire of said patents, and Wm. Ramer is the lawful owner of all rights ac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />quired by two of said patents; therefore,</p>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the said Z. C. Collier, Thomas Collier and Wm. Earner may present to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the patents aforesaid for cancellation, and the said Commissioner of the General Land Office shall cancel said patents, and upon the cancellation of said patents, the Commissioner of the General Land Office is required and directed to is<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sue to the owner or owners of said patents, a. land certificate for 640 acres of land for each patent so cancelled; provided that if a sufficient quantity of the public domain for the location of said certificates cannot be found, the said parties shall have no further claim against the State by reason of anything contained in this act.</p>
<p>Section 2. The land certificates issued under the provisions of section 1, of this act may be filed and located upon any of the unlocated public domain of the State of Texas, and no charge shall be made for the is<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />suance of patents to land located by virtue of said certificates.</p>
<p>Section 3. When any survey or location shall be made by virtue of the certificates aforesaid, and there can not be obtained at that place suf<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ficient vacant land to satisfy said certificates or the unlocated balance of said certificates, then the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall issue, on demand, to the owner or holder of said certificates or unlocated balance, a certificate for the unlocated balance thereof, which may be located, surveyed and patented as provided for the certificates aforesaid.</p>
<pb n="785" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="17" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Section 4. The holder or owner of any certificate or unlocated bal<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ance, issued by virtue of this act, shall locate a corresponding quantity of land as called for in said certificate or unlocated balance, for the benefit of the permanent school fund before said land located by virtue of said certificate shall be patented.</p>
<p>Section 5. The rapid diminution of the public domain of the State of Texas creates an imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended, and it is so enacted.</p>
<p>NOTE.—The foregoing bill was presented to the Governor on the ------ day of March for his approval, but was not approved by him or returned to the house in which it originated with his objections thereto within the time prescribed by the Constitution and thereupon be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />came a law without his signature.</p>
<signed>J. W. BAINES, <lb/>Secretary of State.</signed>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">H. B. No. 174.] No. 7.</head>
<salute>An Act for the relief of Virginia E. Littlepage and to authorize the county court of Travis county to issue to her letters of administration on the estate of her father Caleb V. Littlepage.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the county court of Travis county be, and it is hereby fully author<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ized and required to issue letters of administration upon the estate of Caleb V. Littlepage to his daughter Virginia E. Littlepage upon her ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />plying therefor; notwithstanding the fact that the said Caleb V. Little<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />page has been dead more than four years, provided, however, that the said Virginia E. Littlepage shall comply with all the provisions of the laws relating to the estates of deceased persons, except as to the time in which application shall be made for such letters of administration.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 23d, 1885</date>.</dateline>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">H. B. No. 570.] No. 8.</head>
<salute>An Act to validate all acts done and ordinances passed by the city council of Mexia, prior to February 3rd, 1885.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That all acts clone and all ordinances passed by the city council of Mexia, in Limestone county, this State, from the incorporation of said city, under special charter and prior to the 3rd day of February, 1885, be and the same are hereby validated.</p>
<p>Section 2. The fact that the minutes of the proceedings of said city council have been lost or destroyed, and the further<pb n="786" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="18" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>fact that the present session of the Legislature is drawing to a close ren<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />dering the passage of this act improbable in the ordinary course of legis<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lation, creates an imperative public emergency, requiring that the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />stitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be sus<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pended, and the same is hereby suspended, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.</p>
<p>I hereby certify that H. B. No. 570 originated in the House and passed the same March 12th, 1885, by a two-thirds vote ayes 74.</p>
<signed>A. D. SADLER, <lb/>Chief Clerk House of Representatives.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>I hereby certify that H. B. No. 570 passed the Senate March 17th, 1885, by a two-thirds vote, ayes 22, nays none.</p>
<signed>WM. NEAL RAMEY, <lb/>Secretary of the Senate.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>The foregoing act was presented to the Governor for his approval March 23, 1885, hut was not signed by him, or returned to the house in which it originated with his objections thereto within the time prescribed by the Constitution and thereupon became a law without his signature.</p>
<signed>J. W. BAINES, <lb/>Secretary of State.</signed>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">H. B. No. 236.] No. 9.</head>
<salute>An. Act to authorize and require the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue a certificate for 1280 acres of land to J. B. Robertson, for military services in the army of the Republic of Texas.</salute>
<p>Whereas, J. B. Robertson has heretofore received from the State of Texas a bounty land warrant for 1280 acres of land for military service rendered the Republic of Texas from the 1st June 1836 to 1st June 1837, and whereas said warrant-has never been located and has been lost; and whereas in consequence of the destruction of the official records, a duplicate certificate can not be issued, and whereas, said Robertson has given notice as required by law in such cases that he will apply to this Legislature for a special law granting him a certificate for 1280 acres of land.</p>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: That the Commissioner of the General Land Office be and he is hereby authorized and required to issue a certificate for 1280 acres of land to said J. B. Robertson, the same to be located and patented on any of the unlocated public domain authorized by law to be located.</p>
<dateline>Approved <date>March 27th 1885</date>.</dateline>
<pb n="787" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="19" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div3 type="section">
<head type="main">H. B. No. 391.] No. 10.</head>
<salute>An Act amendatory of and supplementary to the several acts incorpo<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />rating the city of Dallas.</salute>
<p>Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That sections 2, 3, 7, 11, 20, 58, 59, 78, 79, 82, 96, 109, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 174, 188, 190, 199, 204, 209 and 211, of the act to incorporate the city of Dallas approved August 9 1876, and any and all amendments to said sections by the amendatory acts of July 9th, 1879, April 5th, 1881, and March 31st, 1883, be and the same are hereby re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pealed.</p>
<p>Section 2. That the boundaries of the corporation of Dallas shall be as follows: Beginning at the present initial point on the Trinity river midway between Main and Commerce streets; thence down said river, with its meanders, to the present southwest corner, which is three-fourths of a mile south of a line drawn east and west from said initial point; thence east with the present south boundary line to the present south<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />east corner of the corporation, which corner is one and a half miles east of a line drawn south from said initial point; thence north with the present east boundary, one and a half miles, to the present northeast corner of the corporation; thence northwest to the northwest line of San Jacinto street; thence southwest with said line to the northeast line of Pavilion street; thence northwest with said line to the northwest line of Ross street; thence southwest with said line to the northeast line of Allen street; thence northwest with said line to the northwest line of Flora street; thence southwest with said line to the northeast line of Ball street; thence northwest with said line to the northwest line of Cochran street, as shown on the city map; thence southwest with said line to the northeast line of Pearl street; thence northwest with said line to the west line of McKinney avenue; thence southerly with said line to the north line of Harwood or Clark street; thence west with said line, being the present boundary, 679 feet, more or less, to the northeast line of west Masten street; thence northwest with said line, being the present bound<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ary, 808 feet more or less, to the northwest line- of Payne street; thence southwest with said line; and in that course, being the present boundary, and including the land conveyed by John W. Payne and wife as a part of said street, 1730 feet more or less, to the original north line of the corporation; thence west with said line to the original northwest corner of the corporation, on the Trinity river; thence down said river, with it meanders, to the beginning.</p>
<p>Section 3. That any territory adjoining the present or future bound<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />aries of said corporation may, from time to time, in any size or shape de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sired, be admitted thereto, and become a part thereof, on application made or written consent given, to the council by the owner or owners of the land, or, as the case may be, by a majority of the legal voters resident on the land sought to be added. In all such cases the territory so added shall be described by metes and bounds in an ordinance accepting, assent<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" /><pb n="788" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="20" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>ing to and adding the same to the municipal corporation; and thereafter, the inhabitants such added territory shall, in all respects, be on an equal footing with the inhabitants of the original municipal territory. Pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided, that this section shall not apply to any part of the territory of the town of East Dallas, which shall only be added by a majority vote of the inhabitants thereof in the manner prescribed by law.</p>
<p>Section 4. The municipal government of the city of Dallas shall con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sist of a city council composed of the mayor and two aldermen from each ward. A majority of the aldermen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, hut a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such man<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ner and under such penalties as they may prescribe. At called meetings, or meetings for the imposition of taxes two-thirds of a full board shall be required. The other officers of the corporation shall be a city secre<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tary, treasurer, assessor and collector, a city attorney, a city engineer, a city marshal, a city superintendent of water works, a health officer, and street superintendent, and such other officers and agents as the city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil may hereafter create, all of whom shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city of Dallas, as now provided by the city charter, except the city secretary and city treasurer, who shall be elected by the city council at the first regular meeting in May, 1886, and every two years thereafter.</p>
<p>Section 5. That every ordinance passed by council shall be enrolled by the secretary within the next succeeding two days. It shall then be carefully compared with the original bill and all amendments, if any, by at least one member of such committee as may be charged with that duty by the council. If errors exist, they shall be corrected. If no errors exist, or, if found, then, after their correction, the member making the comparison, shall endorse on the margin the words, “correctly enrolled, this.... day of.........18....,” and subscribe his name thereto; whereupon he shall immediately deliver the same to the mayor for his -consideration. If the mayor approve the same, it shall become a law. If he fail to approve, or object to same, within three days, exclusive of the day of presentation, and Sunday, snould that day intervene, the same shall become a law without his signature. But if, within said time, he shall veto the same, presenting his objections to the council, if in session, otherwise filing the same with the secretary, then, on the next meeting of the council, in regular or adjourned session, after reading the objections of the mayor, the bill or measure vetoed shall stand as recon<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sidered; whereupon, if passed by a majority of the aldermen present, voting by ayes and nays, and entered on the journal, it shall become a law; or, in the discretion of the council, it may be altered or amended and passed and again submitted to the mayor as an original bill for his approval.</p>
<p>Section 6. That all ordinances, when passed, shall be pub<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lished one time under the general caption of “City Laws,” and printed in clear and legible style in such newspaper of the city as may annually, at the last regular meeting of the council in May, after at least five days public notice for bids, be awarded the<pb n="789" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="21" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>contract therefor. Each ordinance shall take effect at such time as in it may be stated; but, if no such time be named, it shall take effect from and after the day of its publication.</p>
<p>Section 7. That the council shall have the power to acquire, with or without the municipal limits, within a radius of five milies from the in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tersection of Main and Harwood streets, either by purchase, donation, bequest, condemnation or otherwise, suitable grounds for waterworks, public parks, hospitals, Cemeteries, house of correction or reform, or both, quarantine, asylums, dumping grounds, or other municipal necessity to the health and well being of the city; and also, the right of way to any and all such places, whether heretofore or hereafter acquired. When it may become necessary to condemn land, or the right of way for any such purpose, if beyond or outside the municipal limits, it shall be done under the State law in force at the time governing the condemnation of land for depot purposes and right of way for railroads, the mayor of the city, under direction of the council, acting in behalf of the corporation. If such land and rights of way be within the municipal limits, the same shall be condemned, when necessary, in the same manner as is by this act pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />vided for the condemnation of land for opening, widening, or extending streets, avenues or other highways. The municipal authorities of the city shall have the power to adopt all necessary means for the police, pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tection, peace, good order, improvement and use of the same; provided, that no such dumping ground shall be purchased or used on or nearer any public highway than four hundred feet; and, provided further, that all filth and offal removed from the city to such dumping ground shall be either burned or buried.</p>
<p>Section 8. That the council shall have the power to remove any offi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cer of the corporation, after due notice and fair hearing, for incompe<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tency, gross neglect of duty, bribery, corruption, malconduct, malfeas<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ance, or habitual drunkenness. An alderman after like notice and hear<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing, for either or any of said causes, may be expelled by a vote of two<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />thirds of the whole number of aldermen; taken by ayes and nays, and entered on the journals. When sitting on the trial of an officer, each alderman shall be under oath or affirmation, to be administered by the mayor, to hear and determine the case without prejudice, partiality, favor or affection. The vote on removal shall be taken by ayes and nays, and entered on the journals; and if two-thirds of the whole number of aldermen vote for such removal, the officer shall thereby stand removed, and no longer exercise the functions of the office.</p>
<p>Section 9. That, in accordance with section ten, article eleven, of the State Constitution, the council may levy a special tax for one or more years for the purchase of ground, erection of buildings, and the support and maintenance of a. seminary, academy, or high school, in connection with the public free schools of the city. The council may, also, when deemed necessary, from time to time, levy a special tax in accordance with the State law, for the purpose of erecting additional public school houses, or for enlarging or repairing those already existing, as may be deemed best. The funds so raised shall be appropriated exclu<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sively for the purposes named, including the purchase of ground<pb n="790" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="22" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>when necessary, and shall be diverted to no other purpose. But the ag<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />gregate tax levied for either or all of said purposes in any one year shall never exceed one-fourth of one per cent, ad valorem, on the taxable prop<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />erty, real and personal, within the municipality. Nor shall such tax be levied until the question shall have been submitted to vote at a special or general election for that purpose, and approved by those entitled to vote thereon in the manner provided by the Constitution of the State. Such election shall be ordered by resolution of the council as in other cases of special elections.</p>
<p>Section 10. That the city council shall have the power to appropriate private property for the purpose of opening, extending or widening streets, avenues, alleys, or other highways, within the limits of the cor<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />poration; hut no such property shall be so appropriated or used without the consent of the owner or owners, until the same shall have been paid for. The council, for any such purpose, may acquire land by agreement to be affected through any person designated by the council, and reported by such person to the council for its approval or disapproval, or for any modification deemed necessary by the council, which, when made, shall be subject to the approval of the owner or owners of the land sought to be appropriated. When such an agreement cannot be made, the land de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />sired may be condemned for such public use by a board of six disinter<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ested appraisers, each of whom shall be a freeholder and legal voter in the city, and shall take an oath, to be administered by the mayor, or any alderman of the city “to determine the value of the land in question without prejudice or partiality.” The measure of damages shall be the actual value of the ground appropriated. To organize such board of ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />praisers, the mayor shall cause to be summoned twelve persons, qualified as aforesaid, and fix the time and place of their meeting, giving notice to the owner or owners of the lot or parcels of land sought to be condemned, or his, her or their agent or attorney, if resident of the city or county of Dallas, or, if non-resident, and the resident of the party be known, then such notice shall be sent by mail, taking the postmaster’s receipt there<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />for. The engineer shall immediately make, for the appraisers, and de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />liver to them at the time of their meeting, a map of the ground sought to be appropriated, showing, also, the ground to be affected thereby, and shall attend them in person, if desired by them, to furnish any other in<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />formation. When the persons summoned shall meet, the mayor, in be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />half of the city, shall select three of the number, and the other party or parties, or his, her or their agent or attorney, three others; and the six, thus chosen, shall constitute the board of appraisers. But if the owner or owners, his, her or their agent or attorney, fails or refuses, to make such selection, or cannot be found, then the mayor shall select by lot six of the twelve to serve as such appraisers. A majority of the appraisers agreeing shall be competent to make the award; but should they be equally divided, the six shall select as an umpire a seventh man, possess<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing the same qualifications, and to be sworn in the same manner, as themselves, when a majority of the seven shall be competent<pb n="791" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="23" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>to make the award. Their report, signed by those concurring, shall be sealed, indorsed, “Award of Appraisers,” addressed to the council, and delivered to the mayor, and shall be opened at the next meeting of the council, whether in regular, adjourned or called session, for its approval or rejection. The council shall tax the cost of opening, widening or extending streets, avenues or other highways against the lot or lots, parcel or parcels of ground in the immediate vicinity specially benefited, or en<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />hanced in value thereby, and the amount of such benefits as to such lot or parcel of ground taxed shall be determined at the same time, in the same manner and by the same appraisers making the assessment of dam<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ages in the corresponding case of condemnation; or the council may, when deemed just, tax a part of such cost to the respective lots or parcels of ground so benefited, and pay the remainder out of the city treasury. By ordinance, in each such case, before the action of the appraisers, the -council shall determine and set forth, whether the whole or a part, and if part, what portion of the cost shall be taxed against the grounds to be benefited by the opening, widening or extending or either, of the streets, avenues or other highway involved, and a copy of such ordinance, setting forth such facts, and describing by metes and bounds the ground pro<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />posed to be appropriated for such purpose, shall be delivered to the ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />praisers for their information and government. Their report and assess<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ment of such benefits shall be made conjointly with that on the con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />demnation of the ground. Such assessment of benefits, against each lot or parcel of ground, when approved by ordinance of the council, shall by virtue of such ordinance, be and constitute a. special tax against each lot or parcel respectively constituting a lien thereon, and shall be col<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lected as other taxes, excepting that the ground may be sold therefor at such time, not less than thirty nor more than sixty days after becoming delinquent, as may be provided in said ordinance; and all such taxes shall become due and payable thirty days after the levy so made by such ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nance. The assessor and collector, in case of the sale of such ground, shall execute and deliver to the purchaser such deed as is required by the State law in like cases; and, in all subsequent proceedings on the subject matter the law of the State in force at the time, so far as applicable, shall govern. Alleys through blocks shall be opened alone at the cost of the owners of ground in each respective block in such mode as the council may provide; and, for that purpose, the right of way may be condemned in the same manner as for opening, widening or extending streets, ave<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nues and other highways.</p>
<p>Section 11. That the fiscal year of the municipality shall begin and end annually at twelve o’clock (noon) on the third Monday in April, and -each year shall be designated by the year in which it begins. The coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil, not later than the twentieth of May, in the beginning of each fiscal year, shall examine the assessment rolls, and levy the annual tax for such year; but special taxes allowed by law may be levied, assessed and col<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lected at such time as the council may in each case, provide.</p>
<pb n="792" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="24" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<p>Section 12. That the city council shall have the power to fix the com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pensation of all city officers, and to regulate the fees of all jurors, wit<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nesses and others who render services under the charter and ordinance of said city. Whenever the council shall fix the compensation to be paid any officer, whether elected by the people or by the council, they shall make the same payable monthly out of the city treasury. No officers' salary shall be fixed at a sum to exceed fifteen hundred dollars per annum, except the salary of assessor and collector, which shall not exceed three thousand dollars per annum; provided, that the compensation of no offi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cer of the corporation shall be diminished during his term of office.</p>
<p>Section 13. That the council shall have the power to direct and con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />trol the laying and construction of street railways, or horse railroads in the streets, avenues, highways and alleys of the city, and to require com<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />pensation for their right of way over said highways, and to require such railroads, or railways, and all parts thereof, to be so constructed, laid, graded and kept in repair as to interfere as little as possible with ordinary travel and use of the streets, avenues and alleys, and require the space between the rails to be macadamized or paved and kept in repair by the persons or corporations operating or owning the same, as the railways be<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />yond such limits may be macadamized or paved. The city council shall have power to levy and collect the ordinary municipal taxes upon the roadbed, and all property of street railroads in said city, and in addition thereto the council shall power to levy and collect occupation or license taxes on each car used on such roads. Provided, that such corporation tax shall not exceed the one-half of the amount levied upon such cars by the State for the same year; and, if no such occupation tax is levied by the State, then none shall be levied by the city of Dallas. The city coun<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cil shall have the right to restrain the rate of speed of all railways and street railroads in the city limits so as not to exceed seven miles per hour, and to compel said street railroads to supply ample accommodations for the safety and convenience of the public, and may enforce the regula<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions by proper ordinances with suitable penalties for their violation.</p>
<p>Section 14. That the city council shall have the power to pass all ordi<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />nances and adopt all resolutions, rules and police regulations not con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />trary to the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and necessary for the order and good government of the city or the trade, commerce and health thereof, or that may be necessary and proper to carry into effect all powers vested by the charter and amendments thereto, and to enforce all such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations, and punish viola<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions thereof by fines, imprisonment, or either, or both, or by work on the streets, or other public works as may be required by ordinance and the judgment of the court; and for any fine, penalty and costs imposed by the mayor or recorder, executions may issue to collect such fines and costs, to be levied and executed in the same manner that executions are from justice of the peace courts. The same shall be issued by the mayor or recorder to the marshal, who, in levying on property and selling, shall have like power and authority as the sheriff of the county<pb n="793" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="25" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>in executions issued from the district, or the county, or the justice of the peace courts; and the laws of the State, so far as applicable, shall apply to and be in full force and effect as to the executions issued from the mayor’s or recorder’s court. Provided, that whenever the courts of the State and the city courts have concurrent jurisdiction of an offense, the court which first acquires jurisdiction shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of such cause.</p>
<p>Section 15. That the city council shall have power by ordinance to cause to be graded, paved, macadamized, graveled, or otherwise con<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />structed, improved, or repaired, all streets, sidewalks, alleys and public highways, including cross streets in the city limits, at such times, to such an extent and out of such material and under such regulations as the city council may provide by ordinance. The owners of property, fronting or abutting on any street so improved shall pay pro rata the costs of two<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />thirds of such improvements, according to the number of front or abut<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ting feet; and the city shall pay the other third. Provided, that when any person or corporation owns or runs a street or horse railway on such street, avenue or alley, such person or corporation shall pay for paving of that part of the street between the rails of such street railway, and the owners of fronting or abutting property on such street shall each be re<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />lieved of this pro rata, of such sum so paid by the owner or owners of such railway. The city council shall have improved in the same manner as the rest of the streets all the intersections of streets when they cross the streets so improved, and to the middle of the street where an<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />other street enters, but does not cross the street being so improved. The improvement of intersections and abutments of other streets, to be paid for out of the general fund, except that portion of said im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />provement which may be occupied or used by said railways or street railroads which must be paid for as herein above provided for other por<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />tions of said roads, by the persons or corporations owning or operating the same. Whenever the city council determine, by ordinance, that such work shall be done, and the manner and extent of the same, they shall advertise for bids, giving the plans, specifications and extent of the im<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />provement. The work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder in the discretion of the city council, and with such bond as the council may determine. Said council shall levy a special tax on the property fronting or abutting on said street so improved pro rata according to the number of feet of front or abutment; and when railways or street railroads are operated on a street so improved the council shall levy a special tax upon the roadbed, ties, rails, fixtures, rights and franchises of such roads ac<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />cording to the pro rata share of expense of such improvement that may be due from said roads for paving the space between their rails. Said tax shall be levied after contract is let, and the time of payment of the same, and when it shall become delinquent shall be specified by ordinance. Said tax shall be used for the paying it of such improvement, shall be a lien from the time of levy, and shall be enforced as the collection of other taxes by advertisement and sale of the property, rights and franchises levied upon;<pb n="794" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="26" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>provided, it shall not be necessary to sell at the same time as for other de<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />linquent ad valorem taxes. If said special taxes be not paid in full in ten days from the completion of said work and levy of the special tax, then the assessor and collector shall proceed at once to advertise and sell said property for the special tax due thereon, giving the same notice, and executing similar deed as is given when property is sold by city for ad valorem taxes. Provided, the city council may, in its discretion, make the special paving tax delinquent, as follows: One-fourth of the total amount of levy to be due in thirty days, and delinquent in sixty days after levy, one-fourth to be due and delinquent in one year from the date of levy, one-fourth in two years and one-fourth of the entire levy due and delinquent in three years from the date of the levy of said tax; said tax to be levied and collected in the same manner as to heretofore provided, and to be a lien on all property against which it is levied.</p>
<p>Section 16. That owing to the near approach of the annual election in the municipal corporation an imperative necessity exists for suspend<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ing the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, and that the same should take effect from and after its passage and it is so enacted.</p>
<p>I hereby certify that H. B. No. 391 originated in the House and passed the same March 14th, 1885, by a two-thirds vote, ayes 78.</p>
<signed>A. D. SADLER, <lb/>Chief Clerk House of Representatives.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>I hereby certify that H. B. No. 391 passed the Senate March 23 d, 1885, by ayes 23, nays none.</p>
<signed>WM. NEAL RAMEY, <lb/>Secretary of the Senate.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>NOTE.—The foregoing bill was presented to the Governor for his ap<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />proval March 28, A. D. 1885, but was not signed by him or returned to the house in which it originated with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and therefore it became a law with<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />out his signature.</p>
<signed>J. W. BAINES, <lb/>Secretary of State.</signed>
<div3 type="addendum">
<p>THE STATE OF TEXAS, <lb/>Department of State. }</p>
<p>I, J. W. Baines, Secretary of State of the State of Texas, do certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing laws, passed by the Nine<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />teenth Legislature of the State of Texas, at its regular session, with the original enrolled bills now on file in this Department, and that they are true copies thereof; and I further certify that said Nineteenth Legisla<pc force="weak">-</pc><lb break="no" />ture convened in Austin, January 13, 1885, and adjourned March 31, 1885.</p>
<p>In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto signed my <floatingText rend="left"><body><p>[L. S.]</p></body></floatingText>name, and impressed hereon the seal of State, at Austin, this, April 20, A. D. 1885.</p>
<signed>J. W. BAINES, <lb/>Secretary of State.</signed>
<pb n="795" ed="gammelslawsoftexas" /><pb ed="unknown" n="27" /><fw type="header" place="top">Laws of the State of Texas.</fw>
<div2 type="act">
<head type="main">INDEX.</head>
<p>Boothe, W. S.—relief of.................................... 15</p>
<p>Collier, Thos.—relief of................................... 16</p>
<p>Collier, Z. C.—relief of................................... 16</p>
<p>Charters—Galveston.......................................... 4</p>
<p>Dallas........................................................... 19</p>
<p>San Antonio....................................................... 8</p>
<p>Waco.............................................................. 7</p>
<p>Dallas—charter amended..................................... 19</p>
<p>Galveston—charter amended................................... 4</p>
<p>Grimes, S. F.—relief of.................................... 15</p>
<p>Leftradge, Heirs of Henry—relief of........................ 15</p>
<p>Littlepage, Virginia E.—relief of.......................... 17</p>
<p>Mexia—validation of ordinances............................. 17</p>
<p>Rames, Wm.—relief of....................................... 16</p>
<p>Robertson. J. B.—bounty land warrant....................... 18</p>
<p>Salyer, W. J.—relief of.................................... 15</p>
<p>San Antonio—charter amended................................. 8</p>
<p>Waco—charter amended........................................ 7</p>