- Linux (GCC 4.x)
- MacOS (GCC 4.x, LLVM/clang 3.1)
- Windows (MS Visual Studio 9 2008)
- Windows (MS Visual Studio 10 20??)
Other combinations may be possible but are currently untested.
Required Dependencies
- `Boost`_, Version 1.38 or newer
- `Boost.UUID`_
- `Google Protocol Buffers`_
- |ubuntu| (Lucid) packages (
) are ok
- |ubuntu| (Lucid) packages (
- `CMake`_, Version 2.8 or newer
Optional Dependencies (building without these is possible, but some features will be missing)
- `Spread`_, Version 4.0 or newer
- The |ubuntu| (Lucid) package does not work (since it contains the outdated version 3)
- `Doxygen`_ for generation of API documentation
- `Lcov`_ for code coverage analysis
- `cppcheck`_ for static code analysis
$ sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler build-essential libboost-dev
For installing |project| and its dependencies from source on Darwin, we recommend to use `Homebrew`_, an easy-to-use package manager for MacOS.
$ brew install cmake boost protobuf
:term:`Spread`, is a powerful transport layer which is natively supported in |project|. To install :term:`Spread`, source archives are available after registration for download |spread_tarball|. Installation of Spread is straightforward on MacOS and Linux as it has no external dependencies and comes with a standard configuration script.
In the following sections, :samp:`{prefix}` specifies the target directory of the installation.
$ tar xzf spread-src-4.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd spread-src-4.1.0
$ ./configure --prefix=$prefix
$ make
$ make install
Installation of RSC, RSBProtocol and |project|
Clone |project| and its immediate dependencies from the `git`_ repository
"|branch|" branch of https://code.cor-lab.de/git/rsc.git
- |project| Protocol
- |project| C++
- Optionally: |project| C++ :term:`Spread` plugin (in case you want to use the spread transport)
Build and install the C++ implementation of |project| and its dependencies in the order given below:
Build and install RSC Library
$ cd rsc $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=:samp:`{PREFIX}` .. $ make install
Install |project| Protocol Definitions
$ cd rsb.git.protocol $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=:samp:`{PREFIX}` .. $ make install
These protocol definitions are shared across programming languages.
Build and install the C++ implementation of |project|
$ cd rsb.git.cpp $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix .. $ make install
Optionally, build and install the C++ :term:`Spread` plugin of |project|
$ cd rsb.git.spread-cpp $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix .. $ make install
The commands above only work, if all projects are installed into a common prefix (i.e. :samp:`{PREFIX}`). Otherwise, locations of required dependencies have to be specified explicitly. For example:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rsb \ -DRSC_DIR=/opt/rsc/share/rsc \ -DRSBProtocol_DIR=/opt/rsb-prototcol/share/rsb-protocol \ ..