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235 lines (164 loc) · 8.05 KB


File metadata and controls

235 lines (164 loc) · 8.05 KB


.. program:: send


:samp:`rsb send {[OPTIONS]} {EVENT-SPEC} {[DESTINATION-URI]}`


Send an :term:`event` constructed according to :samp:`{EVENT-SPEC}` to :term:`listeners <listener>` on :term:`scopes <scope>` specified by :samp:`{DESTINATION-URI}`.

:samp:`{EVENT-SPEC}` is treated as follows:

The definition of the :term:`data type` specified in :samp:`{MESSAGE-TYPE-NAME}` can be loaded automatically using the :option:`common --on-demand-idl-loading` option.


When written as part of a shell command, some of the above forms may require protection from processing by the shell, usually by surrounding the form in single quotes ('). For example:

$ rsb send '' ...            # empty payload
$ rsb send '#P"my-file"' ... # read payload from my-file

:samp:`{DESTINATION-URI}` designates the destination :term:`scope` to which the :term:`events <event>` should be sent and the :term:`transport` configuration which should be used for sending the :term:`event`.

.. seealso::

      For details regarding the URI syntax of
      :samp:`{DESTINATION-URI}` for specifying :term:`transport` and

      The usual commandline options are accepted.

      The usual IDL-related options are accepted.

.. option:: --method METHOD

   Set the :term:`method field` of the :term:`event` being sent to
   :samp:`{METHOD}`. Default behavior is sending an :term:`event`
   without :term:`method field`.

.. option:: --meta-data, -D NAME=VALUE

   Set the :term:`meta-data` item :samp:`{NAME}` to :samp:`{VALUE}` in
   the :term:`event` being sent. This option can be specified multiple
   times for distinct :samp:`{NAME}` s.

.. option:: --timestamp, -T NAME=YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS[.µµµµµµ[+ZH:ZM]]]

   Set the :ref:`timestamp <meta-data>` named :samp:`{NAME}` to
   :samp:`{VALUE}` in the :term:`event` being sent. This option can be
   specified multiple times for distinct :samp:`{NAME}` s.

.. option:: --cause, -c PARTICIPANT-ID:SEQUENCE-NUMBER

   Add the :term:`event id` specified by
   :samp:`{PARTICIPANT-ID:SEQUENCE-NUMBER}` to the :ref:`cause vector
   <meta-data>` of the :term:`event` being sent. This option can be
   specified multiple times.


  • $ rsb send '' 'spread:/mycomponent/state'

    Send an :term:`event` without a payload to the :term:`channel` designated by the :term:`scope` /mycomponent/trigger.


    Note the use of single quotes (') to allow specifying an empty payload.

  • $ rsb send '"running"' 'spread:/mycomponent/state'

    Send an :term:`event` whose payload is the string running to the :term:`channel` designated by the :term:`scope` /mycomponent/state.


    Note the use of single quotes (') to prevent the shell from processing the double quotes (") that identify the payload as a string.

  • $ rsb send 5 'spread:/somescope?name=4803'

    Send an integer. Use :term:`Spread` :term:`transport`, like in the previous example, but use the "daemon name" option of the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport` instead of specifying host and port.


    Note the use of single quotes (') to prevent elements of the destination URI from being processed by the shell (not necessary for all shells).

  • $ cat my-data.txt | rsb send -- - 'socket:/printer'
    $ cat my-data.txt | rsb send -- -:binary 'socket:/printer'
    $ rsb send '#P"my-data.txt"' 'socket:/printer'
    $ rsb send '#P"my-data.txt":latin-1' 'socket:/printer'
    $ rsb send '#P"my-data.txt":binary' 'socket:/printer'

    Two ways of sending the content of the file :file:`my-data.txt` to the :term:`scope` /printer using the socket :term:`transport` (with its default configuration). This form can only be used for sending string payloads.


    Note the use of single quotes (') to prevent elements of the pathname #P"my-data.txt" from being processed by the shell.

  • $ rsb send                                                  \
      -I…/rst-proto/proto/stable/                               \
      -l…/rst-proto/proto/stable/rst/robot/RobotCollision.proto \
      'pb:.rst.robot.RobotCollision:{kind: "SELF" collision_detail: { geometry: { contact_points: [ { x: 0 y: 1 z: 2 frame_id: "foo" }, { x: 3 y: 4 z: 5 } ] } object_1: "o1" } }' \


    $ rsb send                                                  \
      -I…/rst-proto/proto/stable/                               \
      --on-demand-idl-loading=blocking                          \
      'pb:.rst.robot.RobotCollision:{kind: "SELF" collision_detail: { geometry: { contact_points: [ { x: 0 y: 1 z: 2 frame_id: "foo" }, { x: 3 y: 4 z: 5 } ] } object_1: "o1" } }' \

    In the above examples, the :program:`send` tool is used to send a protocol buffer message to :term:`scope` /collisions. The protocol buffer message is of type rst.robot.RobotCollision with kind enum field set to SELF and an embedded rst.kinematics.ObjectCollision message with two contact points in the collision_detail field.

    The specification of the message content uses the syntax produced/consumed by the various TextFormat classes of the protocol buffer API and the --decode/--encode options of the :program:`protoc` binary.


    Note how the definition of the protocol buffer message type is loaded either explicitly using the :option:`-l (--load-idl) <common --load-idl>` commandline option or implicitly using the :option:`--on-demand-idl-loading <common --on-demand-idl-loading>` commandline option. Both methods require specifying a search path using the :option:`-I (--idl-path) <common --idl-path>` commandline option.


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