This library contains methods and decorators to ease and automate Swagger documentation.
npm install --save @open-template-hub/swagger-decorators
This decorator helps you to define new route and can be specified on top of route class.
You must specify SwaggerRoute as the decorator argument.
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
@SwRoute( mySwaggerRoute )
export class MyRoute {
/// Route Methods
This decorator helps you to define new tag and can be specified on top of Route class.
You must specify SwaggerRoute as the decorator argument.
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
const mySwaggerTag = {
name: 'MyTag',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerTag;
// Second tag under same route
const mySecondSwaggerTag = {
name: 'MySecondTag',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerTag;
@SwRoute( mySwaggerRoute )
@SwTag( mySwaggerTag )
@SwTag( mySecondSwaggerTag )
export class MyRoute {
/// Route Methods
This decorator helps you to define new schema and can be specified on top of Schema class.
There are two types of Schema:
- Property Schema: Holds properties for Request Body and Response
- Parameter Schema: Holds parameters for Request Query and Path
You must specify SwaggerRoute as the first decorator argument for both Schema types.
The only difference for decoration, if you are defining a schema for parameters, you must set the second argument of @SwSchema, which is isParameterSchema, to true.
You can use Parameter Schema only with @SwParam parameters, and Property Schema can only be used with @SwProp properties.
Here you can see the example for Property Schema:
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute )
export class MySchema {
// Schema Properties
Here you can see the example for Parameter Schema:
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute, true )
export class MyParameterSchema {
// Schema Parameters
This decorator helps you to define new property and can be specified on top of Properties.
This decorator takes two arguments. First argument is the description of the property and set the second argument, which is required, to true if the property is required. You do not need to set anything for the second argument if the property is not required.
Default values set to property will be used as example.
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute )
export class MySchema {
@SwProp( 'The source application or service', true )
source: string = 'OTH Web UI';
@SwProp( 'Event creation time', true )
timestamp: number = 1666476669;
@SwProp( 'Can contain any kind of data payload' )
payload: any = { test: true };
This decorator helps you to define new parameter and can be specified on top of Parameters.
This decorator takes three arguments. First argument is the description of the parameter. Second argument specifies where this parameter will be stated, so it can be either PATH or QUERY and set the third argument, which is required, to true if the parameter is required. You do not need to set anything for the third argument if the parameter is not required.
Default values set to parameter will be used as example.
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute, true )
export class MyParameterSchema {
@SwParam( 'Filter for reporter', ParameterIn.QUERY )
reporter: string = 'service-user';
@SwParam( 'Limit for records to return', ParameterIn.QUERY, true )
limit: number = 5;
This decorator helps you to define new method and can be specified on top of route Methods. This decorator takes only one argument which is SwaggerMethod.
For better understanding, you can check all the properties for SwaggerMethod:
interface SwaggerMethod {
// Swagger Route
route: SwaggerRoute;
// Method Name
name: string;
// Method Summary
summary: string;
// Method Description
description: string;
httpMethod: HttpMethod;
// Responses that method will return
responses: Array<SwaggerResponse>;
// Identifies the security scheme
security?: SwaggerSecurityScheme;
// Tags that method classified
tags?: Array<SwaggerTag>;
// Parameter schemas if you have in-query or in-path parameters
parameterSchemas?: Array<string>;
// Request Body
requestBody?: SwaggerRequestBody;
Related Interfaces
- SwaggerRequestBody
interface SwaggerRequestBody {
// Request body content
content: SwaggerContent;
// Is request body required
required: boolean;
- SwaggerResponse
interface SwaggerResponse {
// Response code
responseCode: number;
// Response description
description: string;
// Response content
content: SwaggerContent;
- SwaggerTag
interface SwaggerTag {
// Tag name
name: string;
// Swagger Route
route: SwaggerRoute;
- SwaggerContent
interface SwaggerContent {
// Related schema
schema: SwaggerSchema;
// Is the content array of schema?
arrayOf?: boolean;
import {
} from '@open-template-hub/swagger-decorators';
const mySwaggerRoute = { name: 'MyRoute' } as SwaggerRoute;
const mySwaggerTag = {
name: 'MyTag',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerTag;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute )
export class MySchema {
@SwProp( 'The source application or service', true )
source: string = 'OTH Web UI';
@SwProp( 'Event creation time', true )
timestamp: number = 1666476669;
@SwProp( 'Can contain any kind of data payload' )
payload: any = { test: true };
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute )
export class MyPatchSchema {
@SwProp( 'Can contain any kind of data payload' )
payload: any = { test: true };
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute, true )
export class MyParameterSchema {
@SwParam( 'Filter for reporter', ParameterIn.QUERY )
reporter: string = 'service-user';
@SwParam( 'Limit for records to return', ParameterIn.QUERY, true )
limit: number = 5;
@SwSchema( mySwaggerRoute, true )
export class MyDeleteSchema {
@SwParam( 'Identifier of the object that will be deleted', ParameterIn.QUERY )
id: string = '8034c607-a41d-4f29-8737-4cc9233a8b53';
@SwRoute( mySwaggerRoute )
@SwTag( mySwaggerTag )
export class MyRoute {
@SwMethod( {
httpMethod: HttpMethod.GET,
route: {
name: 'Sub-route name',
parent: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerRoute,
name: 'myGet',
summary: 'Summary of the method',
description: 'Description of the method',
security: SwaggerSecurityScheme.BEARER,
tags: [ mySwaggerTag ],
parameterSchemas: [ 'MyParameterSchema' ],
responses: [
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
arrayOf: true,
responseCode: 200,
description: 'OK',
} as SwaggerResponse,
} as SwaggerMethod )
myGet = () => {
// Route method
@SwMethod( {
httpMethod: HttpMethod.POST,
route: {
name: 'Sub-route name',
parent: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerRoute,
name: 'myPost',
summary: 'Summary of the method',
description: 'Description of the method',
security: SwaggerSecurityScheme.BEARER,
tags: [ mySwaggerTag ],
requestBody: {
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
required: true,
} as SwaggerRequestBody,
responses: [
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
responseCode: 201,
description: 'Created',
} as SwaggerResponse,
} as SwaggerMethod )
myPost = () => {
// Route method
@SwMethod( {
httpMethod: HttpMethod.PUT,
route: {
name: 'Sub-route name',
parent: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerRoute,
name: 'myPut',
summary: 'Summary of the method',
description: 'Description of the method',
security: SwaggerSecurityScheme.BEARER,
tags: [ mySwaggerTag ],
requestBody: {
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
required: true,
} as SwaggerRequestBody,
responses: [
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
responseCode: 200,
description: 'Updated',
} as SwaggerResponse,
} as SwaggerMethod )
myPut = () => {
// Route method
@SwMethod( {
httpMethod: HttpMethod.PATCH,
route: {
name: 'Sub-route name',
parent: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerRoute,
name: 'myPatch',
summary: 'Summary of the method',
description: 'Description of the method',
security: SwaggerSecurityScheme.BEARER,
tags: [ mySwaggerTag ],
requestBody: {
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MyPatchSchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
required: true,
} as SwaggerRequestBody,
responses: [
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
responseCode: 200,
description: 'Updated',
} as SwaggerResponse,
} as SwaggerMethod )
myPatch = () => {
// Route method
@SwMethod( {
httpMethod: HttpMethod.DELETE,
route: {
name: 'Sub-route name',
parent: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerRoute,
name: 'myDelete',
summary: 'Summary of the method',
description: 'Description of the method',
security: SwaggerSecurityScheme.BEARER,
tags: [ mySwaggerTag ],
parameterSchemas: [ 'MyDeleteSchema' ],
responses: [
content: {
schema: {
name: 'MySchema',
route: mySwaggerRoute,
} as SwaggerSchema,
responseCode: 200,
description: 'Updated',
} as SwaggerResponse,
} as SwaggerMethod )
myDelete = () => {
// Route method
Add this codeblock to your index file, to the place after Routes are mounted where you are starting node application. This codeblock will generate all Swagger Documents by reading decorators. Change 'app' with the folder name where you want to keep and load Swagger Documents
if ( process.env.OTH_SWAGGER_ON_GENERATION === 'true' ) {
Path.join( __dirname, 'app' )
process.exit( 1 );
Add "swagger" command to package.json scripts
"scripts": {
"swagger": "OTH_SWAGGER_ON_GENERATION=true npm start"
You can use "swagger-ui-express" package to load Swagger UI from the generated "index.swagger" document spec.
npm i swagger-ui-express
if (
process.env.OTH_SWAGGER_ON_GENERATION !== 'true'
) {
const { SwaggerSpec } = require( './app/swagger/index.swagger' );
const swaggerUi = require( 'swagger-ui-express' );
const swaggerSpecification = new SwaggerSpec();
swaggerUi.setup( swaggerSpecification.getSpec() )
And when your decorators are stated in your code and ready, you can run and automate simply the "swagger" command:
npm run swagger
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