Please also refer to the documentation:
The UnifierLink
performs term unification with rewriting. It has the
general form
(Unifier A B R)
with A
and B
being terms with variables, and R
being a rewrite.
When executed, the variables apparing in A
and B
are aligned and
unified. If this succeeds (if there are results), then, for each result,
a copy of R
is generated, plugging in groundings for the variables
that were unified.
Note that this is almost the same thing as running
(Bind (Identical A B) R)
The primary difference between the UnifierLink
and the
combination is how bound variables are
handled. The variables to be unified in A
and B
can be declared
with the LambdaLink
; any other variables appearing in A
and B
are then treated as constants:
(Lambda (VariableList vars-in-A ...) A)
(Lambda (VariableList vars-in-B ...) B)
The rewrite in R
then only uses the union of the variables in A
and B
, with all other variables in R
treated as constants. This
will, in general, differ from the form
(VariableList vars-in-A vars-in-B)
(Identical A B)
An explicit example of such a difference is when (Variable "$X")
appears in vars-in-A
and in B
, but not in vars-in-B
. In this
case, the IdenticalLink
will treat X
as being bound in B
(because of the mash-up of variable decls in the BindLink
) and will
try to unify it. The UnifierLink
will keep the variable declarations
This difference makes the UnifierLink
far more suitable for performing
the unification and chaining of inference rules, where there may be
variable name collisions, and explicit call-outs of free and bound
variables. The last demo on this page provides an example of chaining
two rules together.
On the other hand, the BindLink
allows much more complex expressions,
such as
(VariableList ...)
(Identical A B)
(Identical P Q)
(Present S T U)
(Absent L M N))
A very simple example, that points out that basic unification can also be accomplished with the IdenticalLink.
-- the simplest example.
The following are translated from earlier unit tests. They represent "typical" cases that might be encountered in URE. They are very "meta" in what it is they are trying to do.
To understand the "meta" character here, note that URE rules have the general form
(VariableList X ...)
(Premise A)
(Premise B)
(Conclusion F))
Now, consider the need to join the above rule, with another, of the
same general form:
(Rule (VariableList Y...)(And (Premise C) (Premise D) ...) (Conclusion G))
If it helps, think of these rules as being in "Natural Deduction Style", although the presence of the AtomSpace means that these are also kind-of like Gentzen-style rules. If you don't know what Natural Deduction and Gentzen means, just ignore this comment; it has no real bearing on the demos.
Suppose that (Conclusion F)
can be unified with (Premise C)
Thus, the URE constructs, on the fly, expressions of the general form of
(VariableList vars X ... that are in F)
(Conclusion F))
(VariableList vars Y... that are in C)
(Premise C))
(Variable List X... Y...)
(Premise A)
(Premise B)
(Premise D)
(Conclusion G)))
The examples below demonstrate that such complex reductions are actually possible, and that they work correctly.
-- Unifier with typed variables.unify-complex-1.scm
-- A more complex example.
A longer demo, but "simpler" than the above.
-- Create a short proof tree, by chaining together two rules. The rules are from Minimal Implication Logic, written in Natural Deduction Style. Demonstrates how to do a single chaining step.