diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/mixins.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/mixins.py
index 849a4834905e..3ac4795680ff 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/mixins.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/mixins.py
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
 Common mixins for module.
 import json
+import logging
 from unittest.mock import patch
+from django.http import Http404
+from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
+from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
 from rest_framework import status
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class PermissionAccessMixin:
@@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ def test_permissions_unauthenticated(self):
         self.assertEqual(error, "Authentication credentials were not provided.")
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
-    @patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'DISABLE_ADVANCED_SETTINGS': True})
+    @patch.dict("django.conf.settings.FEATURES", {"DISABLE_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": True})
     def test_permissions_unauthorized(self):
         Test that an error is returned if the user is unauthorised.
@@ -40,3 +46,20 @@ def test_permissions_unauthorized(self):
         error = self.get_and_check_developer_response(response)
         self.assertEqual(error, "You do not have permission to perform this action.")
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+class ContainerHandlerMixin:
+    """
+    A mixin providing common functionality for container handler views.
+    """
+    def get_object(self, usage_key_string):
+        """
+        Get an object by usage-id of the block
+        """
+        try:
+            usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key_string)
+            return usage_key
+        except InvalidKeyError as err:
+            log.error(f"Invalid usage key: {usage_key_string}", exc_info=True)
+            raise Http404(f"Object not found for usage key: {usage_key_string}") from err
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/__init__.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/__init__.py
index d5b41dd5b99a..8914306902fb 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/__init__.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/__init__.py
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
-from .vertical_block import ContainerHandlerSerializer
+from .vertical_block import ContainerHandlerSerializer, VerticalContainerSerializer
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/vertical_block.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/vertical_block.py
index 630f558f05ec..4f985572bbb8 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/vertical_block.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/serializers/vertical_block.py
@@ -91,3 +91,21 @@ def get_assets_url(self, obj):
                 "assets_handler", kwargs={"course_key_string": context_course.id}
         return None
+class ChildVerticalContainerSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+    """
+    Serializer for representing a xblock child of vertical container.
+    """
+    name = serializers.CharField(source="display_name_with_default")
+    block_id = serializers.CharField(source="location")
+class VerticalContainerSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+    """
+    Serializer for representing a vertical container with state and children.
+    """
+    children = ChildVerticalContainerSerializer(many=True)
+    is_published = serializers.BooleanField()
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/urls.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/urls.py
index 66760ea3c303..e43d0762babe 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/urls.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/urls.py
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
-    VideoDownloadView
+    VideoDownloadView,
+    VerticalContainerView,
 app_name = 'v1'
@@ -107,6 +108,11 @@
+    re_path(
+        fr'^container/vertical/{settings.USAGE_KEY_PATTERN}/children$',
+        VerticalContainerView.as_view(),
+        name="container_vertical"
+    ),
     # Authoring API
     # Do not use under v1 yet (Nov. 23). The Authoring API is still experimental and the v0 versions should be used
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/__init__.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/__init__.py
index b7415b78c29a..4b302d4235f1 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/__init__.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/__init__.py
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
 from .help_urls import HelpUrlsView
-from .vertical_block import ContainerHandlerView
+from .vertical_block import ContainerHandlerView, VerticalContainerView
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/tests/test_vertical_block.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/tests/test_vertical_block.py
index ff117c5ecfe6..23a318c5f5ff 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/tests/test_vertical_block.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/tests/test_vertical_block.py
@@ -5,63 +5,174 @@
 from rest_framework import status
 from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tests.utils import CourseTestCase
-from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
-from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import BlockFactory  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
+from xmodule.modulestore.django import (
+    modulestore,
+)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
+from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import (
+    BlockFactory,
+)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
+from xmodule.modulestore import (
+    ModuleStoreEnum,
+)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
-class ContainerHandlerViewTest(CourseTestCase):
+class BaseXBlockContainer(CourseTestCase):
-    Unit tests for the ContainerHandlerView.
+    Base xBlock container handler.
+    Contains common function for processing course xblocks.
+    view_name = None
     def setUp(self):
-        self.chapter = BlockFactory.create(
-            parent=self.course, category="chapter", display_name="Week 1"
-        )
-        self.sequential = BlockFactory.create(
-            parent=self.chapter, category="sequential", display_name="Lesson 1"
-        )
-        self.vertical = self._create_block(self.sequential, "vertical", "Unit")
         self.store = modulestore()
-        self.store.publish(self.vertical.location, self.user.id)
+        self.setup_xblock()
-    def _get_reverse_url(self, location):
+    def setup_xblock(self):
-        Creates url to current handler view api
+        Set up XBlock objects for testing purposes.
+        This method creates XBlock objects representing a course structure with chapters,
+        sequentials, verticals and others.
-        return reverse(
-            "cms.djangoapps.contentstore:v1:container_handler",
-            kwargs={"usage_key_string": location},
+        self.chapter = self.create_block(
+            parent=self.course.location,
+            category="chapter",
+            display_name="Week 1",
+        )
+        self.sequential = self.create_block(
+            parent=self.chapter.location,
+            category="sequential",
+            display_name="Lesson 1",
+        )
+        self.vertical = self.create_block(self.sequential.location, "vertical", "Unit")
+        self.html_unit_first = self.create_block(
+            parent=self.vertical.location,
+            category="html",
+            display_name="Html Content 1",
+        )
+        self.html_unit_second = self.create_block(
+            parent=self.vertical.location,
+            category="html",
+            display_name="Html Content 2",
-    def _create_block(self, parent, category, display_name, **kwargs):
+    def create_block(self, parent, category, display_name, **kwargs):
         Creates a block without publishing it.
         return BlockFactory.create(
-            parent=parent,
+            parent_location=parent,
+            modulestore=self.store,
-            **kwargs
+            **kwargs,
+        )
+    def get_reverse_url(self, location):
+        """
+        Creates url to current view api name
+        """
+        return reverse(
+            f"cms.djangoapps.contentstore:v1:{self.view_name}",
+            kwargs={"usage_key_string": location},
+    def publish_item(self, store, item_location):
+        """
+        Publish the item at the given location
+        """
+        with store.branch_setting(ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.draft_preferred):
+            store.publish(item_location, ModuleStoreEnum.UserID.test)
+class ContainerHandlerViewTest(BaseXBlockContainer):
+    """
+    Unit tests for the ContainerHandlerView.
+    """
+    view_name = "container_handler"
     def test_success_response(self):
         Check that endpoint is valid and success response.
-        url = self._get_reverse_url(self.vertical.location)
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(self.vertical.location)
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+    def test_not_valid_usage_key_string(self):
+        """
+        Check that invalid 'usage_key_string' raises Http404.
+        """
+        usage_key_string = (
+            "i4x://InvalidOrg/InvalidCourse/vertical/static/InvalidContent"
+        )
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(usage_key_string)
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+class ContainerVerticalViewTest(BaseXBlockContainer):
+    """
+    Unit tests for the ContainerVerticalViewTest.
+    """
+    view_name = "container_vertical"
+    def test_success_response(self):
+        """
+        Check that endpoint returns valid response data.
+        """
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(self.vertical.location)
         response = self.client.get(url)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(response.data["children"]), 2)
+        self.assertFalse(response.data["is_published"])
+    def test_xblock_is_published(self):
+        """
+        Check that published xBlock container returns.
+        """
+        self.publish_item(self.store, self.vertical.location)
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(self.vertical.location)
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertTrue(response.data["is_published"])
+    def test_children_content(self):
+        """
+        Check that returns valid response with children of vertical container.
+        """
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(self.vertical.location)
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        expected_response = [
+            {
+                "name": self.html_unit_first.display_name_with_default,
+                "block_id": str(self.html_unit_first.location),
+            },
+            {
+                "name": self.html_unit_second.display_name_with_default,
+                "block_id": str(self.html_unit_second.location),
+            },
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(response.data["children"], expected_response)
     def test_not_valid_usage_key_string(self):
         Check that invalid 'usage_key_string' raises Http404.
-        usage_key_string = "i4x://InvalidOrg/InvalidCourse/vertical/static/InvalidContent"
-        url = self._get_reverse_url(usage_key_string)
+        usage_key_string = (
+            "i4x://InvalidOrg/InvalidCourse/vertical/static/InvalidContent"
+        )
+        url = self.get_reverse_url(usage_key_string)
         response = self.client.get(url)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/vertical_block.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/vertical_block.py
index 42d751c64f06..cbd90c81ef41 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/vertical_block.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/rest_api/v1/views/vertical_block.py
@@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
 """ API Views for unit page """
 import edx_api_doc_tools as apidocs
-from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseBadRequest
-from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
-from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
+from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest
 from rest_framework.request import Request
 from rest_framework.response import Response
 from rest_framework.views import APIView
 from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.utils import get_container_handler_context
 from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.views.component import _get_item_in_course
-from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.rest_api.v1.serializers import ContainerHandlerSerializer
+from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.xblock_storage_handlers.view_handlers import get_xblock
+from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.rest_api.v1.serializers import (
+    ContainerHandlerSerializer,
+    VerticalContainerSerializer,
 from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import view_auth_classes
 from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
 from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
+from cms.djangoapps.contentstore.rest_api.v1.mixins import ContainerHandlerMixin
-class ContainerHandlerView(APIView):
+class ContainerHandlerView(APIView, ContainerHandlerMixin):
     View for container xblock requests to get vertical data.
-    def get_object(self, usage_key_string):
-        """
-        Get an object by usage-id of the block
-        """
-        try:
-            usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key_string)
-        except InvalidKeyError:
-            raise Http404  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
-        return usage_key
@@ -146,3 +140,73 @@ def get(self, request: Request, usage_key_string: str):
             serializer = ContainerHandlerSerializer(context)
             return Response(serializer.data)
+class VerticalContainerView(APIView, ContainerHandlerMixin):
+    """
+    View for container xblock requests to get vertical state and children data.
+    """
+    @apidocs.schema(
+        parameters=[
+            apidocs.string_parameter(
+                "usage_key_string",
+                apidocs.ParameterLocation.PATH,
+                description="Vertical usage key",
+            ),
+        ],
+        responses={
+            200: VerticalContainerSerializer,
+            401: "The requester is not authenticated.",
+            404: "The requested locator does not exist.",
+        },
+    )
+    def get(self, request: Request, usage_key_string: str):
+        """
+        Get an object containing vertical state with children data.
+        **Example Request**
+            GET /api/contentstore/v1/container/vertical/{usage_key_string}/children
+        **Response Values**
+        If the request is successful, an HTTP 200 "OK" response is returned.
+        The HTTP 200 response contains a single dict that contains keys that
+        are the vertical's container children data.
+        **Example Response**
+        ```json
+        {
+            "children": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Drag and Drop",
+                    "block_id": "block-v1:org+101+101+type@drag-and-drop-v2+block@7599275ace6b46f5a482078a2954ca16"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Video",
+                    "block_id": "block-v1:org+101+101+type@video+block@0e3d39b12d7c4345981bda6b3511a9bf"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Text",
+                    "block_id": "block-v1:org+101+101+type@html+block@3e3fa1f88adb4a108cd14e9002143690"
+                }
+            ],
+            "is_published": false
+        }
+        ```
+        """
+        usage_key = self.get_object(usage_key_string)
+        current_xblock = get_xblock(usage_key, request.user)
+        with modulestore().bulk_operations(usage_key.course_key):
+            children = [
+                modulestore().get_item(child) for child in current_xblock.children
+            ]
+            is_published = not modulestore().has_changes(current_xblock)
+            container_data = {"children": children, "is_published": is_published}
+            serializer = VerticalContainerSerializer(container_data)
+            return Response(serializer.data)
diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/xblock_storage_handlers/view_handlers.py b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/xblock_storage_handlers/view_handlers.py
index 535e930cc09a..bcfe015f03e5 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/xblock_storage_handlers/view_handlers.py
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/xblock_storage_handlers/view_handlers.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.video_config.toggles import PUBLIC_VIDEO_SHARE
 from openedx.core.lib.gating import api as gating_api
 from openedx.core.lib.cache_utils import request_cached
+from openedx.core.lib.xblock_utils import get_icon
 from openedx.core.toggles import ENTRANCE_EXAMS
 from xmodule.course_block import DEFAULT_START_DATE
 from xmodule.modulestore import EdxJSONEncoder, ModuleStoreEnum
@@ -1095,6 +1096,7 @@ def create_xblock_info(  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=too-many-statements
                 "show_correctness": xblock.show_correctness,
                 "hide_from_toc": xblock.hide_from_toc,
                 "enable_hide_from_toc_ui": settings.FEATURES.get("ENABLE_HIDE_FROM_TOC_UI", False),
+                "xblock_type": get_icon(xblock),
diff --git a/xmodule/split_test_block.py b/xmodule/split_test_block.py
index 88b51db19b3b..05ca3a5db454 100644
--- a/xmodule/split_test_block.py
+++ b/xmodule/split_test_block.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from web_fragments.fragment import Fragment
 from webob import Response
 from xblock.core import XBlock
+from xblock.exceptions import NoSuchServiceError
 from xblock.fields import Integer, ReferenceValueDict, Scope, String
 from xmodule.mako_block import MakoTemplateBlockBase
 from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import UserPartitionList
@@ -172,10 +173,20 @@ def child_block(self):
     def child(self):
         Return the user bound child block for the partition or None.
+        Handles the AttributeError exception that may occur when attempting to retrieve
+        an icon for the split_test xblock within the CMS.
-        if self.child_block is not None:
-            return self.runtime.get_block_for_descriptor(self.child_block)
-        else:
+        try:
+            if self.child_block is not None:
+                return self.runtime.get_block_for_descriptor(self.child_block)
+            else:
+                return None
+        except AttributeError:
+            log.warning(
+                "Error while getting block instance for descriptor with location: [%s]",
+                self.location
+            )
             return None
     def get_child_block_by_location(self, location):
@@ -212,13 +223,31 @@ def get_content_titles(self):
     def get_child_blocks(self):
         For grading--return just the chosen child.
+        Handles the NoSuchServiceError and ValueError exception that may occur when attempting to retrieve
+        an icon for the split_test xblock within the CMS.
-        group_id = self.get_group_id()
+        try:
+            group_id = self.get_group_id()
+        except NoSuchServiceError:
+            log.warning(
+                "Error while getting user service in runtime with location: [%s]",
+                self.location
+            )
+            return []
+        except ValueError:
+            log.warning(
+                "Error while getting group ID for partition with location: [%s]",
+                self.location
+            )
+            return []
         if group_id is None:
             return []
         # group_id_to_child comes from json, so it has to have string keys
         str_group_id = str(group_id)
+        child_block = None
         if str_group_id in self.group_id_to_child:
             child_location = self.group_id_to_child[str_group_id]
             child_block = self.get_child_block_by_location(child_location)