diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json index 029e3caa..f1ba97e7 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "سجلاتي التعلّمية | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "تم التحصيل", "not.earned.status.badge": "لم يتم التحصيل", "partially.completed.status.badge": "مكتمل جزئيًا", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json index 6285c5df..f7201afb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "Mis registros de alumno | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "Mis Registros de Estudiante", + "verifiableCredentials": "Credenciales verificables", + "certificate.card.name": "Certificado del programa", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "Desde", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "Sin organización", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Otorgado el {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Crear", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Crear con", + "credentials.modal.title": "Credencial verificable", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Cerrar ventana modal", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancelar", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "Para descargar una credencial verificable a su aplicación de billetera móvil, siga las instrucciones a continuación.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Descargar la aplicación móvil desde la App Store de Apple", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Descargar la aplicación móvil desde Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Siga las instrucciones a continuación para obtener una credencial verificable:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Descargue e instale la aplicación de billetera en su teléfono inteligente.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Registrarse en la aplicación para su identificación.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Abrir la aplicación y seleccionar la opción \"Escanear código QR\". Escanear el código proporcionado.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Una vez que lo haya hecho con éxito, cierre la ventana modal.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Descargar Credencial", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Cargando...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "Código QR para obtener la credencial comprobable", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copiar link", + "credentials.modal.error": "Se produjo un error al intentar recuperar el certificado de su programa. Por favor, intentarlo de nuevo más tarde.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Volver a Mi Perfil", + "credentials.list.empty": "No hay certificado disponible. Terminar el primer programa para obtener un certificado.", + "credentials.list.error": "Se produjo un error al intentar recuperar los certificados de su programa. Por favor, intentar de nuevo más tarde.", + "credentials.header": "Credenciales verificables", + "credentials.description": "Un certificado para un programa aparecerá en la lista una vez que haya obtenido todos los certificados de curso en un programa.", + "credentials.help.header": "¿Preguntas sobre credenciales verificables?", + "credentials.help.description": "Para obtener más información sobre las credenciales verificables, puede", + "credentials.help.link": "leer en nuestra página de soporte de credenciales verificables.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "No se pudieron obtener los certificados del programa", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "No se pudieron obtener los almacenamientos disponibles", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "No se pudo iniciar la línea de emisión", "earned.status.badge": "Realizado", "not.earned.status.badge": "No aprobado", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Parcialmente Completado", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json b/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json index 6ad754eb..7dc6e113 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fr_CA.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "Mes dossiers d'apprenant | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "Mes dossiers d'apprenant", + "verifiableCredentials": "Informations d'identification vérifiables", + "certificate.card.name": "Certificat de programme", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "De", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "Aucune organisation", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Attribué le {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Créer", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Créer avec", + "credentials.modal.title": "Identifiant vérifiable", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Fermer la fenêtre modale", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Annuler", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "Pour télécharger un identifiant vérifiable sur votre application de portefeuille mobile, veuillez suivre les instructions ci-dessous.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Téléchargez l'application mobile depuis l'App Store d'Apple", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Téléchargez l'application mobile depuis Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour obtenir un identifiant vérifiable :", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Téléchargez et installez l'application portefeuille sur votre téléphone intelligent.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Inscrivez-vous à l'application pour vous identifier.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Ouvrez l'application portefeuille et sélectionnez l'option \"Balayer le code QR\". Balayez ensuite l'image du code QR.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Une fois que vous avez réussi, fermez la fenêtre modale.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Télécharger les informations d'identification", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Chargement...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "Code QR pour obtenir l'information d'identification vérifiable", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copier le lien", + "credentials.modal.error": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de récupération de votre certificat de programme. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Retour à mon profil", + "credentials.list.empty": "Aucun certificat disponible. Terminez votre premier programme pour obtenir un certificat.", + "credentials.list.error": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de récupération des certificats de votre programme. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.", + "credentials.header": "Informations d'identification vérifiables", + "credentials.description": "Un certificat pour un programme apparaîtra dans la liste une fois que vous aurez obtenu tous les certificats de cours d'un programme.", + "credentials.help.header": "Des questions sur les informations d'identification vérifiables?", + "credentials.help.description": "Pour en savoir plus sur les informations d'identification vérifiables, vous pouvez", + "credentials.help.link": "lire dans notre page d'assistance sur les informations d'identification vérifiables.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Impossible de récupérer les certificats du programme", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Impossible de récupérer les espaces de stockage disponibles", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Impossible de lancer la ligne d'émission", "earned.status.badge": "Obtenu", "not.earned.status.badge": "Non obtenu", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partiellement achevé", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json index b42b454a..50cfe9d2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json @@ -1,49 +1,84 @@ { - "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", - "earned.status.badge": "Earned", - "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", - "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", - "link.back.to.records": "Back to My Records", - "records.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program records. Please try again later.", - "page.notfound.message": "The page you're looking for is unavailable or there's an error in the URL. Please check the URL and try again.", - "download.button.default": "Download program record", - "download.button.pending": "Downloading program record", - "download.button.complete": "Download complete", - "send.program.record": "Send program record", - "copy.link.tooltip.message": "Link copied!", - "copy.program.record.link": "Copy program record link", - "create.program.record.link": "Create program record link", - "send.program.record.popover.heading": "Sending your Program Record", - "send.program.record.popover.content": "Pursue deeper learning. Send your record to universities that accept this program for credit. You can send your record to multiple universities at once. Once sent, the records cannot be unsent.", - "share.program.record.popover.heading": "Sharing your Program Record", - "share.program.record.popover.content": "Showcase your progress! Share this record publicly with universities and employers. Create a 'public program record link' to give people access to your record.", - "download.program.record": "Download program record", - "successful.record.download.toast.message": "Program record sucessfullly downloaded", - "program.record.type": "{program_type} Program Record", - "program.record.name": "{program_name} Record", + "PageTitle": "Meus registros de estudante | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", + "earned.status.badge": "Ganhou", + "not.earned.status.badge": "Não Concedido", + "partially.completed.status.badge": "Concluído Parcialmente", + "link.back.to.records": "Voltar aos Meus Registos", + "records.list.error": "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar recuperar os registros do programa. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.", + "page.notfound.message": "A página que procura não está disponível ou há um erro no URL. Por favor, verifique o URL e tente novamente.", + "download.button.default": "Transferir registo do programa", + "download.button.pending": "Transferindo registo do programa", + "download.button.complete": "Transferência completa", + "send.program.record": "Enviar registo do programa", + "copy.link.tooltip.message": "Link copiado!", + "copy.program.record.link": "Copiar link de gravação do programa", + "create.program.record.link": "Criar link de gravação de programa", + "send.program.record.popover.heading": "Envio do seu registo do programa", + "send.program.record.popover.content": "Prosseguir uma aprendizagem mais profunda. Envie o seu registo para as universidades que aceitem este programa para obter equivalência. Pode enviar o seu registo para várias universidades ao mesmo tempo. Uma vez enviados, os registos não podem ser não enviados.", + "share.program.record.popover.heading": "Partilhar o seu registo de programa", + "share.program.record.popover.content": "Mostre o seu progresso! Partilhe este registo publicamente com universidades e empregadores. Crie uma 'ligação pública de registo do programa' para dar às pessoas acesso ao seu registo.", + "download.program.record": "Transferir registo do programa", + "successful.record.download.toast.message": "Registo do programa descarregado com sucesso", + "program.record.type": "{program_type} Registo do programa", + "program.record.name": "{program_name} Registo", "platform.and.school.name": "{platform} | {school}", - "last.updated.date": "Last Updated {date}", + "last.updated.date": "Última Atualização em {date}", "learner.username": "{username}", "learner.email": "{email}", - "help.section.header": "Questions about Learner Records?", - "help.section.content.with.link": "To learn more about records you can {link}", - "send.records.try.again.button": "Try Again", - "send.failure.alert.heading": "We were unable to send your program record", - "send.failure.alert.message": "You can try to send your record to the {pathway_name} pathway again. If this issue persists {link}", - "send.success.alert.heading": "You have successfully sent your program record", - "send.success.alert.message": "{pathway_name} has received your record. Check with the school to learn more about their application process.", - "send.record.modal.header": "Send Program Record to {platform} Credit Partner", - "send.record.modal.description": "You can directly share your program record with {platform} partners that accept credit for this {programType} Program. Once you send your record you cannot unsend it.", - "send.record.modal.form.header": "Select the organization(s) you wish to send this record to:", - "send.record.modal.cancel.button": "Cancel", - "send.record.modal.send.button": "Send program record", - "records.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", - "records.list.empty": "No records yet. Program records are created once you have earned at least one course\n certificate in a program.", - "records.subheader": "Program Records", - "records.description": "A program record is created once you have earned at least one course certificate\n in a program.", - "records.record.view.link": "View Program Record", - "records.help.header": "Questions about Learner Records?", - "records.help.description": "To learn more about records you can ", - "records.help.link": "read more in our records help area.", - "records.header": "My Learner Records" + "help.section.header": "Tem questões relativas aos 'Registos de Estudante'?", + "help.section.content.with.link": "Para saber mais sobre os registos, pode {link}", + "send.records.try.again.button": "Tente Novamente", + "send.failure.alert.heading": "Não nos foi possível enviar o seu registo do programa", + "send.failure.alert.message": "Pode tentar enviar novamente o seu registo para o caminho {pathway_name}. Se esta questão persistir {link}.", + "send.success.alert.heading": "Enviou com sucesso o seu registo do programa", + "send.success.alert.message": "{pathway_name} recebeu o seu registo. Verifique com a escola para saber mais sobre o seu processo de candidatura.", + "send.record.modal.header": "Enviar registo do programa para o parceiro de equivalência da {platform}", + "send.record.modal.description": "Pode partilhar directamente o seu registo de programa com parceiros {plataform} que aceitem equivalência para este programa {programType}. Uma vez enviado o seu registo, não pode cancelar o envio.", + "send.record.modal.form.header": "Seleccione a(s) organização(ões) a que deseja enviar este registo:", + "send.record.modal.cancel.button": "Cancelar", + "send.record.modal.send.button": "Enviar registo do programa", + "records.profile.link": "Voltar ao Meu Perfil", + "records.list.empty": "Ainda não há registos. Os registos do programa são criados depois de se ter ganho pelo menos um certificado de curso num programa.", + "records.subheader": "Registos de Programa", + "records.description": "É criado um registo do programa depois de ter obtido pelo menos um certificado de curso num programa.", + "records.record.view.link": "Ver Registo do Programa", + "records.help.header": "Tem questões relativas aos 'Registos de Estudante'?", + "records.help.description": "Para saber mais sobre os registos, pode", + "records.help.link": "leia mais na nossa área de ajuda dos registos.", + "records.header": "Meus Registos de Estudante" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json index b42b454a..8f0b09ff 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ { "PageTitle": "My Learner Records | {siteName}", + "learnerRecords": "My Learner Records", + "verifiableCredentials": "Verifiable Credentials", + "certificate.card.name": "Program Certificate", + "certificate.card.organization.label": "From", + "certificate.card.noOrg.text": "No organization", + "certificate.card.date.label": "Awarded on {date}", + "certificate.card.action.label": "Create", + "certificate.card.multiAction.label": "Create with", + "credentials.modal.title": "Verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.close.button": "Close modal window", + "credentials.modal.close.mobile.button": "Cancel", + "credentials.modal.mobile.title": "To download a verifiable credential to your mobile wallet application, please follow the instructions below.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.appStore.button": "Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store", + "credentials.modal.instruction.googlePlay.button": "Download the mobile app from the Google Play", + "credentials.modal.instruction.title": "Follow the instructions below to get a verifiable credential:", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step1": "Download and install the wallet app on your smartphone.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step2": "Sign up for the app to identify yourself.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step3": "Open the wallet application and select the option \"Scan QR code\". Then scan the image of QR code.", + "credentials.modal.instruction.step4": "Once you have successfully done - close modal window.", + "credentials.modal.deeplink": "Download Credential", + "credentials.modal.loading": "Loading...", + "credentials.modal.qrCode.label": "QR code to obtain the verifiable credential", + "credentials.modal.copyLink.label": "Copy link", + "credentials.modal.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificate. Please try again later.", + "credentials.profile.link": "Back to My Profile", + "credentials.list.empty": "No certificate available. Finish your first program to get a certificate.", + "credentials.list.error": "An error occurred attempting to retrieve your program certificates. Please try again later.", + "credentials.header": "Verifiable Credentials", + "credentials.description": "A certificate for a program will appear in the list once you have earned all course certificates in a program.", + "credentials.help.header": "Questions about Verifiable Credentials?", + "credentials.help.description": "To learn more about Verifiable Credentials you can ", + "credentials.help.link": "read in our Verifiable Credentials Support Page.", + "credentials.error.fetch.certificates": "Could not fetch program certificates", + "credentials.error.fetch.storages": "Could not fetch available storages", + "credentials.error.issuance.init": "Could not initiate issuance line", "earned.status.badge": "Earned", "not.earned.status.badge": "Not Earned", "partially.completed.status.badge": "Partially Completed",