+ Required Format: yyyy/mm/dd +
++ The scheduled date for when the course run will be live and published. +
++ To publish as soon as possible, set the publish date to today. Please note that changes may take 48 hours to go live. +
++ If you don’t have a publish date yet, set to 1 year in the future. +
++ Course run dates are editable in Studio. +
++ Please note that changes in Studio may take up to a business day to be reflected here. For questions, contact your project coordinator. +
++ + Edit dates. + + . +
+ + } + name="test-course.start" + timeLabel="Start time (GMT)" + type="text" + /> ++ Course run dates are editable in Studio. +
++ Please note that changes in Studio may take up to a business day to be reflected here. For questions, contact your project coordinator. +
++ + Edit dates. + + . +
+ + } + name="test-course.end" + timeLabel="End time (GMT)" + type="text" + /> ++ Course run dates are editable in Studio. +
++ Please note that changes in Studio may take up to a business day to be reflected here. For questions, contact your project coordinator. +
++ + Edit dates. + + . +
+ + } + name="test-course.upgrade_deadline_override" + timeLabel="Upgrade deadline override time (UTC)" + type="date" + utcTimeZone={true} + /> + ++ The enrollment track determines whether a course run offers a paid certificate and what sort of verification is required. +
++ + Learn more. + +
+ + } + id="test-course.run_type.label" + optional={false} + text="Course run enrollment track" + /> + } + name="test-course.run_type" + options={ + [ + { + "label": "Select Course enrollment track first", + "value": "", + }, + ] + } + required={true} + /> ++ Course pacing is editable in Studio. +
++ Please note that changes in Studio may take up to a business day to be reflected here. For questions, contact your project coordinator. +
++ + Edit course pacing. + + . +
+ + } + id="test-course.pacing_type.label" + optional={false} + text="Course pacing" + /> + } + name="test-course.pacing_type" + options={ + [ + { + "label": "Self-paced", + "value": "self_paced", + }, + ] + } + type="text" + /> ++ The primary instructor or instructors for the course. +
++ The order that instructors are listed here is the same order they will be displayed on course pages. You can drag and drop to reorder instructors. +
+ + } + id="test-course.staff.label" + optional={true} + text="Staff" + /> ++ The minimum number of hours per week the learner should expect to spend on the course. +
++ The maximum number of hours per week the learner should expect to spend on the course. +
++ The estimated number of weeks the learner should expect to spend on the course, rounded to the nearest whole number. +
+ + } + id="test-course.weeks_to_complete.label" + optional={false} + text="Length" + /> + } + name="test-course.weeks_to_complete" + required={false} + type="number" + /> ++ If this Course Run will potentially be part of a Program, please set the expected program type here. +
+ + } + id="test-course.expected_program_type.label" + optional={true} + text="Expected Program Type" + /> + } + name="test-course.expected_program_type" + type="text" + /> ++ If this Course Run will potentially be part of a Program, please set the expected program name here. +
+ + } + id="test-course.expected_program_name.label" + optional={true} + text="Expected Program Name" + /> + } + name="test-course.expected_program_name" + type="text" + /> ++ Course embargo status for OFAC is managed internally, please contact support with questions. +