diff --git a/translations/tutor-contrib-aspects/tutoraspects/templates/aspects/apps/superset/conf/locale/fr_CA/locale.yaml b/translations/tutor-contrib-aspects/tutoraspects/templates/aspects/apps/superset/conf/locale/fr_CA/locale.yaml index 6119bb9b86e..6bd776ae3f3 100644 --- a/translations/tutor-contrib-aspects/tutoraspects/templates/aspects/apps/superset/conf/locale/fr_CA/locale.yaml +++ b/translations/tutor-contrib-aspects/tutoraspects/templates/aspects/apps/superset/conf/locale/fr_CA/locale.yaml @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ en: so if a learner upgraded from Audit to Verified they will only be counted once as Verified. Learners who have un-enrolled in the course are not counted. : "Le nombre actuel d'inscriptions actives par type d'inscription le plus récent. Ainsi, si un apprenant passe d'Audit à Vérifié, il ne sera compté qu'une seule fois comme Vérifié. Les apprenants désinscrits au cours ne sont pas comptabilisés." - The distribution of grades for a course, out of 100%. Grades are grouped in ranges of 10%.: "" + The distribution of grades for a course, out of 100%. Grades are grouped in ranges of 10%.: "La répartition des notes d'un cours, sur 100 %. Les notes sont regroupées par tranches de 10 %." ? The number of students who have responded to a question, and whether they have ever answered correctly. Students can answer some questions multiple times, but this chart counts each student only once per question.