Releases: openedx/xblock-image-explorer
Releases · openedx/xblock-image-explorer
Fix triggers on mobile (#58)
v1.1.4 [MCKIN-10542] Fix triggers on mobile (#58)
Mark visited hotspots
v1.1.3 BB-1025 Add visited hotspots styling (#56)
Add 'visited' class to clicked hotspots
v1.1.2 To differentiate popups that has been visited/clicked by a user. (#55)
Fix max_score bug
v1.1.1 MCKIN-8752: Make max_score a method instead of a property. (#53)
Complete on submission
v1.1.0 Merge pull request #52 from edx-solutions/cliff/mckin-8752-complete-o…
Static url transformation to absolute for student view data
v1.0.2 Merge pull request #48 from LanghaniKuldeep/Kuldeep/MCKIN-7824-change…
Hotspots feedback design fix on Studio
Merge pull request #42 from edx-solutions/aamishbaloch/YONK-950B YONK-950: Hotspots feedback is showing properly on Studio