Updates to Opal 0.9.0
Advanced Search interface rewrite
Updates to Opal 0.8.2
Adds tabbed list groups for OPAT and Walkin teams Remove unused Iframeapi plugin
Add episode is moved in to modals/add_episode to keep it inline with opal 0.8.1
Adds back in date of admission into the add episode modal
Adds an additional session logger that logs session information.
Updates to the email logger providing system information.
The Weekend patient list, allowing the doctors covering weekends to have a patient list covering patients from multiple departments.
We now use the field='modelName.field' api for all our forms, this lets us infer attributes such as max length
We use a custom angular service on the models for investigation, diagnosis and other models to put in intelligent defaults.
We have started the process of moving away from options to using reference data and meta data services.
Category on the episode has changed to category_name as part of the v0.7.0 release
OPAT, research and Walkin have been folded into the elcid repository. Haem and infectiousdiseases have been broken up into their own apps, OPAL is bumped to v0.6.0.
We change how we handle tags, we no longer delete them, we just archive them
Wardrounds have been completely rewritten with local storage caching on the client side
Create a fully populated heroku instance, populate a database or checkout an whole opal dependency tree just from an elcid project
opal -> v0.5.4 opal-wardround -> v0.4
Minor fixes for if there is no date attatched to the clinical advice
Better handling if the consultant has no patients
added in django cached loaders to our template loaders improved nginx logging
opal -> v0.5.3 opal-walk-in -> v0.2.3 opal-dashboard -> v0.1.2
- bug fixes for saving synonyms
- improved logging middleware
- show discharge information in the patient detail (e.g. consultant at discharge)
opal -> v0.5.2 opal-walk-in -> v0.2.2 opal-opat -> v0.2.1
Creation of a new patient notes view, this will probably go into OPAL in the future but provides an overview of all a patients episodes.
Introduction of BDD stories to allow thorough testing by clinical and technical testers prior to a release.
Addition of a consultant review wardrounds so consultants can sign off that the primary diagnosis is correct.
A new referral for Micro Haem patients that allow the addition of diagnosis, along with the referral
opal -> v0.5.0 opal-walk-in -> v0.2.1
Minor release, mostly formatting and data capture updates to improve outcome reporting compliance.
Updates dependencies (Most of the changes in this release are in these modules):
opal -> 0.4.3 opal-walk-in -> 0.1.3 opal-opat -> 0.2
Upgrades to Django 1.8.3
Major release - incorporates complete redesign as part of OPAL 0.4