Releases: openhealthcare/elcid
Releases · openhealthcare/elcid
0.5.2 (Bugfix Release)
Patient Notes View fixes
Minor fixes for if there is no date attached to the clinical advice
Confirmed Diagnosis dashboard
Better handling if the consultant has no patients
Behind the Scenes
Added in django cached loaders to our template loaders
Improved nginx logging
- opal -> v0.5.3
- opal-walk-in -> v0.2.3
- opal-dashboard -> v0.1.2
- bug fixes for saving synonyms
- improved logging middleware
- show discharge information in the patient detail (e.g. consultant at discharge)
0.5.0 Release
Patient Notes View
Creation of a new patient notes view, this will probably go into OPAL in the future but provides an overview of all a patients episodes.
User Testing
Introduction of BDD stories to allow thorough testing by clinical and technical testers prior to a release.
New Wardrounds
Addition of a consultant review wardrounds so consultants can sign off that the primary diagnosis is correct.
New Referrals.
A new referral for Micro Haem patients that allow the addition of diagnosis, along with the referral