diff --git a/examples/google-map-set-style.html b/examples/google-map-set-style.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ac2a3cb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/google-map-set-style.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ OpenLayers 2 Google (v3) Layer With Custom Styled Map Example
+ Google (v3) Layer Example With Custom Styled Map Example
+ Google, api key, apikey, light
+ Demonstrate use the Google Maps v3 API to apply styling on Map.
diff --git a/examples/google-map-set-style.js b/examples/google-map-set-style.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fde3b7dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/google-map-set-style.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+var map;
+function init() {
+ var googleLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
+ "Google Physical",
+ { type: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }
+ );
+ map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
+ projection: 'EPSG:3857',
+ layers: [
+ googleLayer
+ ],
+ center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(10.2, 48.9)
+ // Google.v3 uses web mercator as projection, so we have to
+ // transform our coordinates
+ .transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
+ zoom: 5
+ });
+ //style copied from https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling for testing purpose
+ googleLayer.setStyle([
+ { elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{ color: '#242f3e' }] },
+ { elementType: 'labels.text.stroke', stylers: [{ color: '#242f3e' }] },
+ { elementType: 'labels.text.fill', stylers: [{ color: '#746855' }] },
+ {
+ featureType: 'administrative.locality',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#d59563' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'poi',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#d59563' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'poi.park',
+ elementType: 'geometry',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#263c3f' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'poi.park',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#6b9a76' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road',
+ elementType: 'geometry',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#38414e' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road',
+ elementType: 'geometry.stroke',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#212a37' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#9ca5b3' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road.highway',
+ elementType: 'geometry',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#746855' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road.highway',
+ elementType: 'geometry.stroke',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#1f2835' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'road.highway',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#f3d19c' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'transit',
+ elementType: 'geometry',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#2f3948' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'transit.station',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#d59563' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'water',
+ elementType: 'geometry',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#17263c' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'water',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#515c6d' }]
+ },
+ {
+ featureType: 'water',
+ elementType: 'labels.text.stroke',
+ stylers: [{ color: '#17263c' }]
+ }
+ ]);
diff --git a/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js b/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js
index 07be02f78f..6ccdf66105 100644
--- a/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js
+++ b/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js
@@ -359,6 +359,22 @@ OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3 = {
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function(x, y) {
return new google.maps.Point(x, y);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setStyle
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * mapStyle: Array which has customm styles information, Refer the sample JSON from
+ * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling
+ *
+ * Returns: Nothing
+ */
+ setStyle: function (mapStyle) {
+ this.type = 'styled';
+ var styledMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(mapStyle, { name: "styled" });
+ this.mapObject.mapTypes.set('styled', styledMapType);
+ this.mapObject.setMapTypeId('styled');