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MDS Vehicles

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 20 revisions

A guide for how the real-time MDS Provider Vehicles status endpoint can be used to help cities manage fleets of devices anywhere in the public right of way.

Using Vehicles

MDS is a modular 'kit of parts' standard and cities can choose to use the only parts they need.

A city can choose to use just Vehicles as its only MDS tool.

Vehicles is authenticated and secure between the mobility service provider and the city agency, so it contains some more information than GBFS (like static vehicle IDs).

Field Mapping to GBFS

How the MDS vehicles fields map to the GBFS free bike status fields.

Real-time Status Differences

Chart of items that are significantly divergent between GBFS and MDS’s real-time status endpoints.

MDS - Provider vehicles v1.0.0 GBFS - free_bike_status v2.1rc
Identifier Unchanging ID Randomized ID
Status 12 types/reasons including user/company drop-offs, maintenance, rebalancing. 4 possible types (available, disabled)
Visibility Private: for internal city management and policy enforcement Public: visible to all

For a full chart of all fields with more details, and a link to presentation slides, see this supporting MDS / GBFS Real-time Status Comparison Document.

Additional Information

There are some fields that are included with Vehicles that are not in Free Bike Status:

  • Static vehicle ID
  • More vehicle information around non-public operations (company drop off, maintenance, rebalance, missing)
  • Battery percent (instead of estimated range)

For general differences between MDS and GBFS, see our detailed guide.

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