diff --git a/api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/fhir2/api/dao/impl/BaseDao.java b/api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/fhir2/api/dao/impl/BaseDao.java
index 417fff8e5..e107ad381 100644
--- a/api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/fhir2/api/dao/impl/BaseDao.java
+++ b/api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/fhir2/api/dao/impl/BaseDao.java
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
+import javax.persistence.criteria.From;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Join;
-import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Order;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Patient;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Practitioner;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.AdministrativeGender;
-import org.openmrs.PatientIdentifier;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir2.FhirConstants;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir2.api.search.param.PropParam;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir2.api.util.LocalDateTimeFactory;
@@ -160,1228 +159,1037 @@
public abstract class BaseDao {
- private static final BigDecimal APPROX_RANGE = new BigDecimal("0.1");
- @Autowired
- private LocalDateTimeFactory localDateTimeFactory;
- @Autowired
- @Getter(AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
- @Setter(AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
- @Qualifier("sessionFactory")
- protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;
- /**
- * Converts an {@link Iterable} to a {@link Stream}
- *
- * @param iterable the iterable
- * @param any type
- * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterable
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- protected static Stream stream(Iterable iterable) {
- return stream(iterable.iterator());
- }
- /**
- * Converts an {@link Iterator} to a {@link Stream}
- *
- * @param iterator the iterator
- * @param any type
- * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterator
- */
- protected static Stream stream(Iterator iterator) {
- return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), false);
- }
- /**
- * Converts an {@link Iterable} to a {@link Stream} operated on in parallel
- *
- * @param iterable the iterable
- * @param any type
- * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterable
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- protected static Stream parallelStream(Iterable iterable) {
- return parallelStream(iterable.iterator());
- }
- /**
- * Converts an {@link Iterator} to a {@link Stream} operated on in parallel
- *
- * @param iterator the iterator
- * @param any type
- * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterator
- */
- protected static Stream parallelStream(Iterator iterator) {
- return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), true);
- }
- /**
- * Determines whether the given criteria object already has a given alias. This is useful to
- * determine whether a mapping has already been made or whether a given alias is already in use.
- *
- * @param alias the alias to look for
- * @return true if the alias exists in this criteria object, false otherwise
- */
- protected boolean lacksAlias(@Nonnull OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, @Nonnull String alias) {
- return !criteriaContext.hasAlias(alias);
- }
- /**
- * Determines whether any of the {@link CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria} objects returned by a given
- * iterator are mapped to the specified alias.
- *
- * @param subcriteriaIterator an {@link Iterator} of {@link CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria} to check for
- * the given alias
- * @param alias the alias to look for
- * @return true if any of the given subcriteria use the specified alias, false otherwise
- */
- protected boolean containsAlias(Iterator subcriteriaIterator, @Nonnull String alias) {
- return stream(subcriteriaIterator).noneMatch(sc -> sc.getAlias().equals(alias));
- }
- /**
- * A generic handler for any subtype of {@link IQueryParameterAnd} which creates a criterion that
- * represents the intersection of all of the parameters contained
- *
- * @param andListParam the {@link IQueryParameterAnd} to handle
- * @param handler a {@link Function} which maps a parameter to a {@link Criterion}
- * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterOr} that this {@link IQueryParameterAnd} contains
- * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterType} for this parameter
- * @return the resulting criterion, which is the intersection of all of the unions of contained
- * parameters
- */
- protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParam(
- IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function> handler) {
- if (andListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaBuilder.and(
- toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(orListParam -> handleOrListParam(orListParam, handler)))));
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParamBy(
- IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function, Optional> handler) {
- if (andListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and((toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(handler)))));
- }
- protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParamAsStream(
- IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function>> handler) {
- if (andListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and((toCriteriaArray(
- handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(orListParam -> handleOrListParamAsStream(orListParam, handler))))));
- }
- /**
- * A generic handler for any subtype of {@link IQueryParameterOr} which creates a criterion that
- * represents the union of all the parameters
- *
- * @param orListParam the {@link IQueryParameterOr} to handle
- * @param handler a {@link Function} which maps a parameter to a {@link Criterion}
- * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterType} for this parameter
- * @return the resulting criterion, which is the union of all contained parameters
- */
- protected Optional handleOrListParam(IQueryParameterOr orListParam,
- Function> handler) {
- if (orListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(orListParam).map(handler))));
- }
- protected Optional handleOrListParamAsStream(IQueryParameterOr orListParam,
- Function>> handler) {
- if (orListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(orListParam).flatMap(handler))));
- }
- /**
- * Handler for a {@link IQueryParameterAnd} of {@link TokenParam}s where tokens should be grouped
- * and handled according to the system they belong to This is useful for queries drawing their
- * values from CodeableConcepts
- *
- * @param andListParam the {@link IQueryParameterAnd} to handle
- * @param systemTokenHandler a {@link BiFunction} taking the system and associated list of
- * {@link TokenParam}s and returning a {@link Criterion}
- * @return a {@link Criterion} representing the intersection of all produced {@link Criterion}
- */
- protected > Optional handleAndListParamBySystem(
- IQueryParameterAnd andListParam,
- BiFunction, Optional> systemTokenHandler) {
- if (andListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and(toCriteriaArray(
- handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(param -> handleOrListParamBySystem(param, systemTokenHandler)))));
- }
- /**
- * Handler for a {@link IQueryParameterOr} of {@link TokenParam}s where tokens should be grouped and
- * handled according to the system they belong to This is useful for queries drawing their values
- * from CodeableConcepts
- *
- * @param orListParam the {@link IQueryParameterOr} to handle
- * @param systemTokenHandler a {@link BiFunction} taking the system and associated list of
- * {@link TokenParam}s and returning a {@link Criterion}
- * @return a {@link Criterion} representing the union of all produced {@link Criterion}
- */
- protected Optional handleOrListParamBySystem(IQueryParameterOr orListParam,
- BiFunction, Optional> systemTokenHandler) {
- if (orListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- EntityManager entityManager = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
- return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder
- .or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(orListParam).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(this::groupBySystem))
- .entrySet().stream().map(e -> systemTokenHandler.apply(e.getKey(), e.getValue())))));
- }
- /**
- * Handler for a {@link TokenOrListParam} that represents boolean values
- *
- * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
- * @param booleanToken the {@link TokenOrListParam} to handle
- * @return a {@link Criterion} to be added to the query indicating that the property matches the
- * given value
- */
- protected Optional handleBoolean(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName,
- TokenAndListParam booleanToken) {
- if (booleanToken == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- // note that we use a custom implementation here as Boolean.valueOf() and Boolean.parse() only determine whether
- // the string matches "true". We could potentially be passed a non-valid Boolean value here.
- return handleAndListParam(booleanToken, token -> {
- if (token.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
- return handleBooleanProperty(criteriaContext, propertyName, true);
- } else if (token.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
- return handleBooleanProperty(criteriaContext, propertyName, false);
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- });
- }
- protected Optional handleBooleanProperty(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- String propertyName, boolean booleanVal) {
- return Optional
- .of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), booleanVal));
- }
- /**
- * A handler for a {@link DateRangeParam}, which represents an inclusive set of {@link DateParam}s
- *
- * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
- * @param dateRangeParam the {@link DateRangeParam} to handle
- * @return a {@link Criterion} to be added to the query for the indicated date range
- */
- protected Optional handleDateRange(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName,
- DateRangeParam dateRangeParam) {
- if (dateRangeParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .and(toCriteriaArray(Stream.of(handleDate(criteriaContext, propertyName, dateRangeParam.getLowerBound()),
- handleDate(criteriaContext, propertyName, dateRangeParam.getUpperBound())))));
- }
- /**
- * A handler for a {@link DateParam}, which represents a day and an comparator
- *
- * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
- * @param dateParam the {@link DateParam} to handle
- * @return a {@link Predicate} to be added to the query for the indicate date param
- */
- protected Optional handleDate(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName,
- DateParam dateParam) {
- if (dateParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- int calendarPrecision = dateParam.getPrecision().getCalendarConstant();
- if (calendarPrecision > Calendar.SECOND) {
- calendarPrecision = Calendar.SECOND;
- }
- // TODO We may want to not use the default Calendar
- Date dateStart = DateUtils.truncate(dateParam.getValue(), calendarPrecision);
- Date dateEnd = DateUtils.ceiling(dateParam.getValue(), calendarPrecision);
- // TODO This does not properly handle FHIR Periods and Timings, though its unclear if we are using those
- // see https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#date
- switch (dateParam.getPrefix()) {
- case EQUAL:
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- dateStart),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd)));
- case NOT_EQUAL:
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().not(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- dateStart),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd))));
- case LESSTHAN:
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateStart));
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- protected Optional handleQuantity(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName,
- QuantityParam quantityParam) {
- if (quantityParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- BigDecimal value = quantityParam.getValue();
- if (quantityParam.getPrefix() == null || quantityParam.getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.APPROXIMATE) {
- String plainString = quantityParam.getValue().toPlainString();
- int dotIdx = plainString.indexOf('.');
- BigDecimal approxRange = APPROX_RANGE.multiply(value);
- if (dotIdx == -1) {
- double lowerBound = value.subtract(approxRange).doubleValue();
- double upperBound = value.add(approxRange).doubleValue();
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().between(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- lowerBound, upperBound));
- } else {
- int precision = plainString.length() - (dotIdx);
- double mul = Math.pow(10, -precision);
- double val = mul * 5.0d;
- double lowerBound = value.subtract(new BigDecimal(val)).doubleValue();
- double upperBound = value.add(new BigDecimal(val)).doubleValue();
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().between(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- lowerBound, upperBound));
- }
- } else {
- double val = value.doubleValue();
- switch (quantityParam.getPrefix()) {
- case EQUAL:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- case NOT_EQUAL:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().notEqual(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- case LESSTHAN:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
- }
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- protected Optional handleQuantity(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String propertyName, QuantityAndListParam quantityAndListParam) {
- if (quantityAndListParam == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParam(quantityAndListParam,
- quantityParam -> handleQuantity(criteriaContext, propertyName, quantityParam));
- }
- protected void handleEncounterReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam encounterReference, @Nonnull String encounterAlias) {
- handleEncounterReference(criteriaContext, encounterReference, encounterAlias, "encounter");
- }
- protected void handleEncounterReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam encounterReference, @Nonnull String encounterAlias, @Nonnull String associationPath) {
- if (encounterReference == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, encounterAlias)) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join(associationPath).alias(encounterAlias);
- }
- handleAndListParam(encounterReference, token -> {
- if (token.getChain() != null) {
- switch (token.getChain()) {
- case Encounter.SP_TYPE:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "et")) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join(String.format("%s.encounterType", encounterAlias)).alias("et");
- }
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, "et.uuid", new StringParam(token.getValue(), true));
- }
- } else {
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.uuid", encounterAlias)), token.getIdPart()));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }).ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- }
- protected Optional handleGender(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String propertyName, TokenAndListParam gender) {
- if (gender == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParam(gender, token -> {
- try {
- AdministrativeGender administrativeGender = AdministrativeGender.fromCode(token.getValue());
- if (administrativeGender == null) {
- return Optional
- .of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName)));
- }
- switch (administrativeGender) {
- case MALE:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), "M"));
- case FEMALE:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), "F"));
- case OTHER:
- case UNKNOWN:
- case NULL:
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName)));
- }
- }
- catch (FHIRException ignored) {}
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), token.getValue()));
- });
- }
- protected Optional handleLocationReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String locationAlias, ReferenceAndListParam locationReference) {
- if (locationReference == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParam(locationReference, token -> {
- if (token.getChain() != null) {
- switch (token.getChain()) {
- case Location.SP_NAME:
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.name", locationAlias), token.getValue());
- case Location.SP_ADDRESS_CITY:
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.cityVillage", locationAlias),
- token.getValue());
- case Location.SP_ADDRESS_STATE:
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.stateProvince", locationAlias),
- token.getValue());
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.postalCode", locationAlias),
- token.getValue());
- case Location.SP_ADDRESS_COUNTRY:
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.country", locationAlias), token.getValue());
- }
- } else {
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.uuid", locationAlias)), token.getValue()));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- });
- }
- protected void handleParticipantReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam participantReference) {
- if (participantReference != null) {
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ep")) {
- return;
- }
- handleAndListParam(participantReference, participantToken -> {
- if (participantToken.getChain() != null) {
- switch (participantToken.getChain()) {
- case Practitioner.SP_IDENTIFIER:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "p")) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ep.provider").alias("p");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("p.identifier"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_GIVEN:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pro")
- && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn"))))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ep.provider").alias("pro");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("pro.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.givenName"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_FAMILY:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pro")
- && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn"))))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ep.provider").alias("pro");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("pro.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.familyName"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_NAME:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pro")
- && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn"))))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ep.provider").alias("pro");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("pro.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- List> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String token : StringUtils.split(participantToken.getValue(), " \t,")) {
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.givenName", token));
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.middleName", token));
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.familyName", token));
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(toCriteriaArray(predicateList)));
- }
- } else {
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pro")) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ep.provider").alias("pro");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pro.uuid"),
- participantToken.getValue()));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }).ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- criteriaContext.finalizeQuery();
- }
- }
- //Added this method to allow handling classes with provider instead of encounterProvider
- protected void handleProviderReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam providerReference) {
- if (providerReference != null) {
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery().select(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("orderer"));
- handleAndListParam(providerReference, participantToken -> {
- if (participantToken.getChain() != null) {
- switch (participantToken.getChain()) {
- case Practitioner.SP_IDENTIFIER:
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("or.identifier"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_GIVEN:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("or.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.givenName"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_FAMILY:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("or.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.familyName"), participantToken.getValue()));
- case Practitioner.SP_NAME:
- if ((lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "ps") && (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")))) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("or.person").alias("ps");
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("ps.names").alias("pn");
- }
- List> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String token : StringUtils.split(participantToken.getValue(), " \t,")) {
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.givenName", token));
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.middleName", token));
- predicateList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.familyName", token));
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(toCriteriaArray(predicateList)));
- }
- } else {
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("ro.uuid"),
- participantToken.getValue()));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }).ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- }
- }
- protected Optional handleCodeableConcept(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- TokenAndListParam concepts, @Nonnull String conceptAlias, @Nonnull String conceptMapAlias,
- @Nonnull String conceptReferenceTermAlias) {
- if (concepts == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParamBySystem(concepts, (system, tokens) -> {
- if (system.isEmpty()) {
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .literal(tokensToParams(tokens).map(NumberUtils::toInt).collect(Collectors.toList()));
- return Optional.of(
- criteriaContext
- .getCriteriaBuilder().or(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .in(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.conceptId", conceptAlias))
- .in(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .literal(tokensToParams(tokens).map(NumberUtils::toInt)
- .collect(Collectors.toList())))),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .in(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.uuid", conceptAlias))
- .in(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().literal(tokensToList(tokens))))));
- } else {
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, conceptMapAlias)) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join(String.format("%s.conceptMappings", conceptAlias)).alias(conceptMapAlias);
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join(String.format("%s.conceptReferenceTerm", conceptMapAlias))
- .alias(conceptReferenceTermAlias);
- }
- return Optional
- .of(generateSystemQuery(criteriaContext, system, tokensToList(tokens), conceptReferenceTermAlias));
- }
- });
- }
- protected void handleNames(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, StringAndListParam name,
- StringAndListParam given, StringAndListParam family) {
- handleNames(criteriaContext, name, given, family, null);
- }
- protected void handleNames(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, StringAndListParam name,
- StringAndListParam given, StringAndListParam family, String personAlias) {
- if (name == null && given == null && family == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")) {
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(personAlias)) {
- criteriaContext.getRoot()
- .join(String.format("%s.names", personAlias), javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType.INNER).alias("pn");
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.voided"), false);
- } else {
- criteriaContext.getRoot().join("names", javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType.INNER).alias("pn");
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.voided"), false);
- }
- }
- if (name != null) {
- handleAndListParamAsStream(name,
- (nameParam) -> Arrays.stream(StringUtils.split(nameParam.getValue(), " \t,"))
- .map(token -> new StringParam().setValue(token).setExact(nameParam.isExact())
- .setContains(nameParam.isContains()))
- .map(tokenParam -> Arrays.asList(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.givenName", tokenParam),
- propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.middleName", tokenParam),
- propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.familyName", tokenParam)))
- .flatMap(Collection::stream)).ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- criteriaContext.finalizeQuery();
- }
- if (given != null) {
- handleAndListParam(given, (givenName) -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.givenName", givenName))
- .ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- criteriaContext.finalizeQuery();
- }
- if (family != null) {
- handleAndListParam(family, (familyName) -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.familyName", familyName))
- .ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- criteriaContext.finalizeQuery();
- }
- }
- protected void handlePatientReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam patientReference) {
- handlePatientReference(criteriaContext, patientReference, "patient");
- }
- protected void handlePatientReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- ReferenceAndListParam patientReference, String associationPath) {
- if (patientReference != null) {
- criteriaContext.addJoin(associationPath,"p").finalizeQuery();
- handleAndListParam(patientReference, patientToken -> {
- if (patientToken.getChain() != null) {
- switch (patientToken.getChain()) {
- case Patient.SP_IDENTIFIER:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pi")) {
- criteriaContext.addJoin("p.identifiers","pi").finalizeQuery();
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pi.identifier"), patientToken.getValue()));
- case Patient.SP_GIVEN:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")) {
- criteriaContext.addJoin("p.names","pn").finalizeQuery();
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.givenName"), patientToken.getValue()));
- case Patient.SP_FAMILY:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")) {
- criteriaContext.addJoin("p.names","pn").finalizeQuery();
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("pn.familyName"), patientToken.getValue()));
- case Patient.SP_NAME:
- if (lacksAlias(criteriaContext, "pn")) {
- criteriaContext.addJoin("p.names","pn").finalizeQuery();
- }
- List> criterionList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String token : StringUtils.split(patientToken.getValue(), " \t,")) {
- criterionList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.givenName", token));
- criterionList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.middleName", token));
- criterionList.add(propertyLike(criteriaContext, "pn.familyName", token));
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(toCriteriaArray(criterionList)));
- }
- } else {
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("p.uuid"),
- patientToken.getValue()));
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }).ifPresent(criteriaContext::addPredicate);
- }
- }
- protected Optional handleCommonSearchParameters(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- List> theCommonParams) {
- List> criterionList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PropParam> commonSearchParam : theCommonParams) {
- switch (commonSearchParam.getPropertyName()) {
- case FhirConstants.ID_PROPERTY:
- criterionList.add(handleAndListParam((TokenAndListParam) commonSearchParam.getParam(),
- param -> Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("uuid"), param.getValue()))));
- break;
- case FhirConstants.LAST_UPDATED_PROPERTY:
- criterionList.add(handleLastUpdated(criteriaContext, (DateRangeParam) commonSearchParam.getParam()));
- break;
- }
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(toCriteriaArray(criterionList.stream())));
- }
- /**
- * This function should be overridden by implementations. It is used to return a criterion for
- * _lastUpdated from resources where there are multiple properties to be considered.
- *
- * @param param the DateRangeParam used to query for _lastUpdated
- * @return an optional criterion for the query
- */
- protected abstract Optional handleLastUpdated(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- DateRangeParam param);
- protected Optional handlePersonAddress(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String aliasPrefix,
- StringAndListParam city, StringAndListParam state, StringAndListParam postalCode, StringAndListParam country) {
- if (city == null && state == null && postalCode == null && country == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- List> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (city != null) {
- predicateList.add(handleAndListParam(city,
- c -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.cityVillage", aliasPrefix), c)));
- }
- if (state != null) {
- predicateList.add(handleAndListParam(state,
- c -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.stateProvince", aliasPrefix), c)));
- }
- if (postalCode != null) {
- predicateList.add(handleAndListParam(postalCode,
- c -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.postalCode", aliasPrefix), c)));
- }
- if (country != null) {
- predicateList.add(handleAndListParam(country,
- c -> propertyLike(criteriaContext, String.format("%s.country", aliasPrefix), c)));
- }
- return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(toCriteriaArray(predicateList.stream())));
- }
- protected Optional handleMedicationReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String medicationAlias, ReferenceAndListParam medicationReference) {
- if (medicationReference == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParam(medicationReference, token -> Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.uuid", medicationAlias)), token.getIdPart())));
- }
- protected Optional handleMedicationRequestReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String drugOrderAlias, ReferenceAndListParam drugOrderReference) {
- if (drugOrderReference == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return handleAndListParam(drugOrderReference, token -> Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.uuid", drugOrderAlias)), token.getIdPart())));
- }
- /**
- * Use this method to properly implement sorting for your query. Note that for this method to work,
- * you must override one or more of: {@link #paramToProps(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext, SortState)},
- * {@link #paramToProps(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext, String)}, or
- * {@link #paramToProp(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext, String)}.
- *
- * @param criteriaContext The {@link OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext} for the current query
- * @param sort the {@link SortSpec} which defines the sorting to be translated
- */
- protected void handleSort(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, SortSpec sort) {
- handleSort(criteriaContext, sort, this::paramToProps)
- .ifPresent(l -> l.forEach(criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery()::orderBy));
- }
- protected Optional> handleSort(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- SortSpec sort,
- BiFunction, SortState, Collection> paramToProp) {
- List orderings = new ArrayList<>();
- SortSpec sortSpec = sort;
- while (sortSpec != null) {
- SortState state = SortState.builder().criteriaBuilder(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder())
- .sortOrder(sortSpec.getOrder()).parameter(sortSpec.getParamName().toLowerCase()).build();
- Collection orders = paramToProp.apply(criteriaContext, state);
- if (orders != null) {
- orderings.addAll(orders);
- }
- sortSpec = sortSpec.getChain();
- }
- if (orderings.isEmpty()) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return Optional.of(orderings);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- protected Predicate generateSystemQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String system,
- List codes, String conceptReferenceTermAlias) {
- //detached criteria
- Specification spec = (root, query,
- cb) -> (Predicate) query.select(root.get("conceptSource")).where(cb.equal(root.get("url"), system));
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery().where(spec.toPredicate((Root) criteriaContext.getRoot(),
- (CriteriaQuery) criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery(), criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()));
- if (codes.size() > 1) {
- return criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(
- criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.conceptSource", conceptReferenceTermAlias)),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery()),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().in(criteriaContext.getRoot()
- .get(String.format("%s.code", conceptReferenceTermAlias)).get(codes.toString())));
- } else {
- return criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(
- criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.conceptSource", conceptReferenceTermAlias)),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaQuery()),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(
- criteriaContext.getRoot().get(String.format("%s.code", conceptReferenceTermAlias)), codes.get(0)));
- }
- }
- protected Predicate generateActiveOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String path,
- Date onDate) {
- // ACTIVE = date activated null or less than or equal to current datetime, date stopped null or in the future, auto expire date null or in the future
- return criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateActivated")),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateActivated"),
- onDate)),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateStopped")),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateStopped"),
- onDate)),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("autoExpireDate")),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("autoExpireDate"),
- onDate)));
- }
- protected Predicate generateActiveOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String path) {
- return generateActiveOrderQuery(criteriaContext, path, new Date());
- }
- protected Predicate generateActiveOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, Date onDate) {
- return generateActiveOrderQuery(criteriaContext, "", onDate);
- }
- protected Predicate generateActiveOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext) {
- return generateActiveOrderQuery(criteriaContext, new Date());
- }
- protected Predicate generateNotCancelledOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext) {
- return generateNotCancelledOrderQuery(criteriaContext, "");
- }
- protected Predicate generateNotCancelledOrderQuery(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String path) {
- Date now = new Date();
- return criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().or(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateStopped")),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().join(path).get("dateStopped"), now));
- }
- protected TokenOrListParam convertStringStatusToBoolean(TokenOrListParam statusParam) {
- if (statusParam != null) {
- return handleOrListParam(statusParam).map(s -> {
- switch (s.getValue()) {
- case "active":
- return Optional.of("false");
- case "inactive":
- return Optional.of("true");
- default:
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- }).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(TokenOrListParam::new,
- (tp, v) -> tp.add(String.valueOf(v)), (tp1, tp2) -> tp2.getListAsCodings().forEach(tp1::add));
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected TokenAndListParam convertStringStatusToBoolean(TokenAndListParam statusParam) {
- if (statusParam != null) {
- return handleAndListParam(statusParam).map(this::convertStringStatusToBoolean).collect(TokenAndListParam::new,
- TokenAndListParam::addAnd, (tp1, tp2) -> tp2.getValuesAsQueryTokens().forEach(tp1::addAnd));
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * This function should be overridden by implementations. It is used to map FHIR parameter names to
- * their corresponding values in the query.
- *
- * @param sortState a {@link SortState} object describing the current sort state
- * @return the corresponding ordering(s) needed for this property
- */
- protected Collection paramToProps(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull SortState sortState) {
- Collection prop = paramToProps(criteriaContext, sortState.getParameter());
- if (prop != null) {
- switch (sortState.getSortOrder()) {
- case ASC:
- return prop.stream().map(s -> criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().asc(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(s)))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- case DESC:
- return prop.stream()
- .map(s -> criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().desc(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(s)))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * This function should be overridden by implementations. It is used to map FHIR parameter names to
- * properties where there is only a single property.
- *
- * @param param the FHIR parameter to map
- * @return the name of the corresponding property from the current query
- */
- protected Collection paramToProps(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, @Nonnull String param) {
- String prop = paramToProp(criteriaContext, param);
- if (prop != null) {
- return Collections.singleton(prop);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * This function should be overridden by implementations. It is used to map FHIR parameter names to
- * properties where there is only a single property.
- *
- * @param param the FHIR parameter to map
- * @return the name of the corresponding property from the current query
- */
- protected String paramToProp(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, @Nonnull String param) {
- return null;
- }
- protected Optional propertyLike(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String propertyName, String value) {
- if (value == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- return propertyLike(criteriaContext, propertyName, new StringParam(value));
- }
- protected Optional propertyLike(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String propertyName, StringParam param) {
- if (param == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- Predicate likePredicate;
- if (param.isExact()) {
- likePredicate = criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- param.getValue());
- } else if (param.isContains()) {
- likePredicate = criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- "%" + param.getValue() + "%");
- } else {
- likePredicate = criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().like(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName),
- param.getValue() + "%");
- }
- return Optional.of(likePredicate);
- }
- protected List tokensToList(List tokens) {
- return tokensToParams(tokens).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- protected Stream tokensToParams(List tokens) {
- return tokens.stream().map(TokenParam::getValue);
- }
- private String groupBySystem(@Nonnull TokenParam token) {
- return StringUtils.trimToEmpty(token.getSystem());
- }
- protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Stream handleAndListParam(
- IQueryParameterAnd andListParameter) {
- return andListParameter.getValuesAsQueryTokens().stream();
- }
- protected Stream handleOrListParam(IQueryParameterOr orListParameter) {
- return orListParameter.getValuesAsQueryTokens().stream();
- }
- @SafeVarargs
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- protected final Predicate[] toCriteriaArray(Optional extends Predicate>... predicate) {
- return toCriteriaArray(Arrays.stream(predicate));
- }
- protected Predicate[] toCriteriaArray(Collection> collection) {
- return toCriteriaArray(collection.stream());
- }
- protected Predicate[] toCriteriaArray(Stream> predicateStream) {
- return predicateStream.filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).toArray(Predicate[]::new);
- }
- /**
- * This object is used to store the state of the sorting
- */
- @Data
- @Builder
- @EqualsAndHashCode
- public static final class SortState {
- private CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder;
- private SortOrderEnum sortOrder;
- private String parameter;
- }
- protected Optional handleAgeByDateProperty(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext,
- @Nonnull String datePropertyName, @Nonnull QuantityParam age) {
- BigDecimal value = age.getValue();
- if (value == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age value should be provided in " + age);
- }
- String unit = age.getUnits();
- if (unit == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age unit should be provided in " + age);
- }
- LocalDateTime localDateTime = localDateTimeFactory.now();
- TemporalAmount temporalAmount;
- TemporalUnit temporalUnit;
- // TODO check if HAPI FHIR already defines these constant strings. These are mostly from
- // http://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-age-units.html with the exception of "s" which is not
- // listed but was seen in FHIR examples: http://www.hl7.org/fhir/datatypes-examples.html#Quantity
- switch (unit) {
- case "s":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS;
- temporalAmount = Duration.ofSeconds(value.longValue());
- break;
- case "min":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.MINUTES;
- temporalAmount = Duration.ofMinutes(value.longValue());
- break;
- case "h":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.HOURS;
- temporalAmount = Duration.ofHours(value.longValue());
- break;
- case "d":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.DAYS;
- temporalAmount = Period.ofDays(value.intValue());
- break;
- case "wk":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.WEEKS;
- temporalAmount = Period.ofWeeks(value.intValue());
- break;
- case "mo":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.MONTHS;
- temporalAmount = Period.ofMonths(value.intValue());
- break;
- case "a":
- temporalUnit = ChronoUnit.YEARS;
- temporalAmount = Period.ofYears(value.intValue());
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Invalid unit " + unit + " in age " + age + " should be one of 'min', 'h', 'd', 'wk', 'mo', 'a'");
- }
- localDateTime = localDateTime.minus(temporalAmount);
- ParamPrefixEnum prefix = age.getPrefix();
- if (prefix == null) {
- prefix = ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL;
- }
- if (prefix == ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL || prefix == ParamPrefixEnum.NOT_EQUAL) {
- // Create a range for the targeted unit; the interval length is determined by the unit and
- // its center is `offsetSeconds` in the past.
- final long offset;
- // Duration only supports hours as a chunk of seconds
- if (temporalUnit == ChronoUnit.HOURS) {
- offset = temporalAmount.get(ChronoUnit.SECONDS) / (2 * 3600);
- } else {
- offset = temporalAmount.get(temporalUnit) / 2;
- }
- LocalDateTime lowerBoundDateTime = LocalDateTime.from(localDateTime).minus(Duration.of(offset, temporalUnit));
- Date lowerBound = Date.from(lowerBoundDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
- LocalDateTime upperBoundDateTime = LocalDateTime.from(localDateTime).plus(offset, temporalUnit);
- Date upperBound = Date.from(upperBoundDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
- if (prefix == ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL) {
- return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(datePropertyName), lowerBound),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(datePropertyName),
- upperBound)));
- } else {
- return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .not(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(datePropertyName), lowerBound),
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder()
- .lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(datePropertyName), upperBound))));
- }
- }
- switch (prefix) {
- case LESSTHAN:
- return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(
- criteriaContext.getRoot().get("datePropertyName"),
- Date.from(localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant())));
- return Optional.ofNullable(
- criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get("datePropertyName"),
- Date.from(localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant())));
- // Ignoring ENDS_BEFORE as it is not meaningful for age.
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- protected OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext createCriteriaContext(Class super T> rootType) {
- EntityManager em = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
- CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- CriteriaQuery cq = (CriteriaQuery) cb.createQuery(rootType);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Root root = (Root) cq.from(rootType);
- return new OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext<>(em, cb, cq, root);
- }
- protected interface Specification {
- /**
- * Creates a WHERE clause for a query of the referenced entity in form of a {@link Predicate} for
- * the given {@link Root} and {@link CriteriaQuery}.
- *
- * @param root must not be {@literal null}.
- * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
- * @param cb must not be {@literal null}.
- * @return a {@link Predicate}, may be {@literal null}. to
- * spring-data jpa implementation
- */
- Predicate toPredicate(@Nonnull Root root, @Nonnull CriteriaQuery query, @Nonnull CriteriaBuilder cb);
- }
+ private static final BigDecimal APPROX_RANGE = new BigDecimal("0.1");
+ @Autowired
+ private LocalDateTimeFactory localDateTimeFactory;
+ @Autowired
+ @Getter(AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
+ @Setter(AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
+ @Qualifier("sessionFactory")
+ protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;
+ /**
+ * Converts an {@link Iterable} to a {@link Stream}
+ *
+ * @param iterable the iterable
+ * @param any type
+ * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterable
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ protected static Stream stream(Iterable iterable) {
+ return stream(iterable.iterator());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts an {@link Iterator} to a {@link Stream}
+ *
+ * @param iterator the iterator
+ * @param any type
+ * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterator
+ */
+ protected static Stream stream(Iterator iterator) {
+ return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts an {@link Iterable} to a {@link Stream} operated on in parallel
+ *
+ * @param iterable the iterable
+ * @param any type
+ * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterable
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ protected static Stream parallelStream(Iterable iterable) {
+ return parallelStream(iterable.iterator());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts an {@link Iterator} to a {@link Stream} operated on in parallel
+ *
+ * @param iterator the iterator
+ * @param any type
+ * @return a stream containing the same objects as the iterator
+ */
+ protected static Stream parallelStream(Iterator iterator) {
+ return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the given criteria object already has a given alias. This is useful to
+ * determine whether a mapping has already been made or whether a given alias is already in use.
+ *
+ * @param alias the alias to look for
+ * @return true if the alias exists in this criteria object, false otherwise
+ */
+ protected boolean lacksAlias(@Nonnull OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, @Nonnull String alias) {
+ return !criteriaContext.hasAlias(alias);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether any of the {@link CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria} objects returned by a given
+ * iterator are mapped to the specified alias.
+ *
+ * @param subcriteriaIterator an {@link Iterator} of {@link CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria} to check for
+ * the given alias
+ * @param alias the alias to look for
+ * @return true if any of the given subcriteria use the specified alias, false otherwise
+ */
+ protected boolean containsAlias(Iterator subcriteriaIterator, @Nonnull String alias) {
+ return stream(subcriteriaIterator).noneMatch(sc -> sc.getAlias().equals(alias));
+ }
+ /**
+ * A generic handler for any subtype of {@link IQueryParameterAnd} which creates a criterion that
+ * represents the intersection of all the parameters contained
+ *
+ * @param andListParam the {@link IQueryParameterAnd} to handle
+ * @param handler a {@link Function} which maps a parameter to a {@link Criterion}
+ * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterOr} that this {@link IQueryParameterAnd} contains
+ * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterType} for this parameter
+ * @return the resulting criterion, which is the intersection of all the unions of contained
+ * parameters
+ */
+ protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParam(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function> handler) {
+ if (andListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaBuilder.and(toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(orListParam -> handleOrListParam(orListParam, handler)))));
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParamBy(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function, Optional> handler) {
+ if (andListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and((toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(handler)))));
+ }
+ protected , U extends IQueryParameterType> Optional handleAndListParamAsStream(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, Function>> handler) {
+ if (andListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and((toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(orListParam -> handleOrListParamAsStream(criteriaBuilder, orListParam, handler))))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * A generic handler for any subtype of {@link IQueryParameterOr} which creates a criterion that
+ * represents the union of all the parameters
+ *
+ * @param orListParam the {@link IQueryParameterOr} to handle
+ * @param handler a {@link Function} which maps a parameter to a {@link Criterion}
+ * @param the subtype of {@link IQueryParameterType} for this parameter
+ * @return the resulting criterion, which is the union of all contained parameters
+ */
+ protected Optional handleOrListParam(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterOr orListParam, Function> handler) {
+ if (orListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(criteriaBuilder, orListParam).map(handler))));
+ }
+ protected Optional handleOrListParamAsStream(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterOr orListParam, Function>> handler) {
+ if (orListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(criteriaBuilder, orListParam).flatMap(handler))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for a {@link IQueryParameterAnd} of {@link TokenParam}s where tokens should be grouped
+ * and handled according to the system they belong to This is useful for queries drawing their
+ * values from CodeableConcepts
+ *
+ * @param andListParam the {@link IQueryParameterAnd} to handle
+ * @param systemTokenHandler a {@link BiFunction} taking the system and associated list of
+ * {@link TokenParam}s and returning a {@link Criterion}
+ * @return a {@link Criterion} representing the intersection of all produced {@link Criterion}
+ */
+ protected > Optional handleAndListParamBySystem(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterAnd andListParam, BiFunction, Optional> systemTokenHandler) {
+ if (andListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.and(toCriteriaArray(handleAndListParam(andListParam).map(param -> handleOrListParamBySystem(criteriaBuilder, param, systemTokenHandler)))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for a {@link IQueryParameterOr} of {@link TokenParam}s where tokens should be grouped and
+ * handled according to the system they belong to This is useful for queries drawing their values
+ * from CodeableConcepts
+ *
+ * @param orListParam the {@link IQueryParameterOr} to handle
+ * @param systemTokenHandler a {@link BiFunction} taking the system and associated list of
+ * {@link TokenParam}s and returning a {@link Criterion}
+ * @return a {@link Criterion} representing the union of all produced {@link Criterion}
+ */
+ protected Optional handleOrListParamBySystem(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, IQueryParameterOr orListParam, BiFunction, Optional> systemTokenHandler) {
+ if (orListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.of(criteriaBuilder.or(toCriteriaArray(handleOrListParam(orListParam).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(this::groupBySystem)).entrySet().stream().map(e -> systemTokenHandler.apply(e.getKey(), e.getValue())))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for a {@link TokenOrListParam} that represents boolean values
+ *
+ * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
+ * @param booleanToken the {@link TokenOrListParam} to handle
+ * @return a {@link Criterion} to be added to the query indicating that the property matches the
+ * given value
+ */
+ protected Optional handleBoolean(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName, TokenAndListParam booleanToken) {
+ if (booleanToken == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ // note that we use a custom implementation here as Boolean.valueOf() and Boolean.parse() only determine whether
+ // the string matches "true". We could potentially be passed a non-valid Boolean value here.
+ return handleAndListParam(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder(), booleanToken, token -> {
+ if (token.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+ return handleBooleanProperty(criteriaContext, propertyName, true);
+ } else if (token.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
+ return handleBooleanProperty(criteriaContext, propertyName, false);
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ });
+ }
+ protected Optional handleBooleanProperty(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName, boolean booleanVal) {
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), booleanVal));
+ }
+ /**
+ * A handler for a {@link DateRangeParam}, which represents an inclusive set of {@link DateParam}s
+ *
+ * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
+ * @param dateRangeParam the {@link DateRangeParam} to handle
+ * @return a {@link Criterion} to be added to the query for the indicated date range
+ */
+ protected Optional handleDateRange(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName, DateRangeParam dateRangeParam) {
+ if (dateRangeParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return Optional.ofNullable(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(toCriteriaArray(Stream.of(handleDate(criteriaContext, propertyName, dateRangeParam.getLowerBound()), handleDate(criteriaContext, propertyName, dateRangeParam.getUpperBound())))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * A handler for a {@link DateParam}, which represents a day and an comparator
+ *
+ * @param propertyName the name of the property in the query to use
+ * @param dateParam the {@link DateParam} to handle
+ * @return a {@link Predicate} to be added to the query for the indicate date param
+ */
+ protected Optional handleDate(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName, DateParam dateParam) {
+ if (dateParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ int calendarPrecision = dateParam.getPrecision().getCalendarConstant();
+ if (calendarPrecision > Calendar.SECOND) {
+ calendarPrecision = Calendar.SECOND;
+ }
+ // TODO We may want to not use the default Calendar
+ Date dateStart = DateUtils.truncate(dateParam.getValue(), calendarPrecision);
+ Date dateEnd = DateUtils.ceiling(dateParam.getValue(), calendarPrecision);
+ // TODO This does not properly handle FHIR Periods and Timings, though its unclear if we are using those
+ // see https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#date
+ switch (dateParam.getPrefix()) {
+ case EQUAL:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateStart), criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd)));
+ case NOT_EQUAL:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().not(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().and(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateStart), criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd))));
+ case LESSTHAN:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateStart));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), dateEnd));
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ protected Optional handleQuantity(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, String propertyName, QuantityParam quantityParam) {
+ if (quantityParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ BigDecimal value = quantityParam.getValue();
+ if (quantityParam.getPrefix() == null || quantityParam.getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.APPROXIMATE) {
+ String plainString = quantityParam.getValue().toPlainString();
+ int dotIdx = plainString.indexOf('.');
+ BigDecimal approxRange = APPROX_RANGE.multiply(value);
+ if (dotIdx == -1) {
+ double lowerBound = value.subtract(approxRange).doubleValue();
+ double upperBound = value.add(approxRange).doubleValue();
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().between(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), lowerBound, upperBound));
+ } else {
+ int precision = plainString.length() - (dotIdx);
+ double mul = Math.pow(10, -precision);
+ double val = mul * 5.0d;
+ double lowerBound = value.subtract(new BigDecimal(val)).doubleValue();
+ double upperBound = value.add(new BigDecimal(val)).doubleValue();
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().between(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), lowerBound, upperBound));
+ }
+ } else {
+ double val = value.doubleValue();
+ switch (quantityParam.getPrefix()) {
+ case EQUAL:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ case NOT_EQUAL:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().notEqual(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ case LESSTHAN:
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThanOrEqualTo(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ return Optional.of(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder().greaterThan(criteriaContext.getRoot().get(propertyName), val));
+ }
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ protected Optional handleQuantity(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext criteriaContext, @Nonnull String propertyName, QuantityAndListParam quantityAndListParam) {
+ if (quantityAndListParam == null) {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ return handleAndListParam(criteriaContext.getCriteriaBuilder(), quantityAndListParam, quantityParam -> handleQuantity(criteriaContext, propertyName, quantityParam));
+ }
+ protected void handleEncounterReference(OpenmrsFhirCriteriaContext