diff --git a/src/tim/engine/compilers/html.nim b/src/tim/engine/compilers/html.nim
index a3b49b6..435b230 100755
--- a/src/tim/engine/compilers/html.nim
+++ b/src/tim/engine/compilers/html.nim
@@ -390,6 +390,40 @@ proc infixEvaluator(c: var HtmlCompiler, lhs, rhs: Node,
let x = c.dotEvaluator(lhs, scopetables)
result = c.infixEvaluator(x, rhs, infixOp, scopetables)
else: discard
+ of NE:
+ case lhs.nt:
+ of ntLitBool:
+ case rhs.nt
+ of ntLitBool:
+ result = lhs.bVal != rhs.bVal
+ else: discard
+ of ntLitString:
+ case rhs.nt
+ of ntLitString:
+ result = lhs.sVal != rhs.sVal
+ else: discard
+ of ntLitInt:
+ case rhs.nt
+ of ntLitInt:
+ result = lhs.iVal != rhs.iVal
+ of ntLitFloat:
+ result = toFloat(lhs.iVal) != rhs.fVal
+ else: discard
+ of ntLitFloat:
+ case rhs.nt
+ of ntLitFloat:
+ result = lhs.fVal != rhs.fVal
+ of ntLitInt:
+ result = lhs.fVal != toFloat(rhs.iVal)
+ else: discard
+ of ntIdent:
+ let lhs = c.getValue(lhs, scopetables)
+ if likely(lhs != nil):
+ return c.infixEvaluator(lhs, rhs, infixOp, scopetables)
+ of ntDotExpr:
+ let x = c.dotEvaluator(lhs, scopetables)
+ result = c.infixEvaluator(x, rhs, infixOp, scopetables)
+ else: discard
of GT:
case lhs.nt:
of ntLitInt: