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OPM Data Sets Repository

Nicolas Manaud edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 13 revisions

All OPM data sets are available from:

OPM Datasets

Below is the list of the OPM CARTO datasets used for the creating of the OPM Mars Basemap v0.1.

  • You can view and import each of dataset, to create your own map, from this URL:{table_name}/public

  • You can make SQL API call following this general pattern: * from nmanaud.{table_name}

Using the CARTO SQL API you can perform any SQL query to either yours or other users tables.

Dataset Description Source

More data sets are available from:

"Where On Mars?" datasets

Below is the list of CARTO datasets used for the "Where On Mars?" interactive map. More about the visualisation here.

  • You can view and import each of dataset, to create your own map, from this URL:{table_name}/public

  • You can make SQL API call following this general pattern: * from public.{table_name}

Note: They are intended to migrate to the OPM Datasets repository.

Landing Sites and Context

Name table_name cartodb_id
ExoMars 2018 Landing Sites exols_exomars_landing_sites_eight *
Mars Nomenclature exols_mars_nomenclature *
Previous Mars Landing Sites mars_landing_sites *

Landing ellipses

Name table_name cartodb_id
Aram Dorsum exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_union 1
exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_2018 (1,6)
Hypanis Vallis exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_union 12
exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_2018 (14,15)
Oxia Planum exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_union 13
exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_2018 (16,17)
Mawrth Vallis exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_union 4
exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_2018 (5,9)

SQL API call example: * from public.exols_exomars_landing_sites_ellipses_2018 where id in (1,6)

Landing Site Constraints

Name table_name cartodb_id
Elevation constraint exols_elevation_constraint *
Latitude constraint exols_lat_constraints *
Geological constraint exols_geological_age_not_ok *
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