Releases: openshift-pipelines/opc
Releases · openshift-pipelines/opc
- 61f4828: 0.15.2 pac (@chmouel)
- 4f0dad4: Add auto merge action for dependabot (@chmouel)
- ff77072: Add windows support (@chmouel)
- a1f601f: Adding results cli to opc (#55) (@rupalibehera)
- 2ae1e16: Brew formula update for opc version v1.10.0-rc1 (@goreleaserbot)
- 2a1079c: Brew formula update for opc version v1.9.0-rc1-2 (@goreleaserbot)
- 216fc59: Bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (@dependabot[bot])
- 88e33b7: Bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 5ed3908: Bump (@dependabot[bot])
- e3a3f45: Bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 156892b: Bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 70fdd1e: Bump from 0.29.0 to 0.29.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 0880844: Bump from 0.30.1 to 0.31.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 54c1024: Bump go to 1.19 on github workflows (#58) (@vdemeester)
- 5d40837: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3.2.0 to 4.1.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 3f15852: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 18d31af: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 011f9eb: Bump openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code to 0.19.0 (#59) (@vdemeester)
- af3701f: Bump pipelines-as-code to 0.15.3 (@vdemeester)
- 2337da0: Bump tektoncd/cli to 0.29.0 and openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code to 0.15.1 (@vdemeester)
- 055cb4f: Define versions and opc binary name for pac from Makefile (@chmouel)
- a569c88: Detect version from Makefile (@chmouel)
- 3e3f386: Fix Commandline help for Results (#56) (@khrm)
- 4eb12da: Fix opc pac command to show the help message (@pratap0007)
- f11fdc0: Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/go_modules/ (@chmouel)
- 3fa19c5: Merge pull request #22 from chmouel/never-gonna-give-you (@chmouel)
- 7b6bd59: Merge pull request #23 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/github_actions/goreleaser/goreleaser-action-4.1.0 (@vdemeester)
- 471b572: Merge pull request #27 from vdemeester/bump-pac-and-cli (@chmouel)
- 7000fad: Merge pull request #31 from vdemeester/bump-pac (@chmouel)
- cefbdcc: Merge pull request #32 from chmouel/makefile-stuff (@chmouel)
- d5d3afb: Merge pull request #36 from chmouel/ci-fixes (@chmouel)
- 4eaf68d: Merge pull request #40 from pratap0007/fix-opc-pac-command (@chmouel)
- ef4b7fa: Merge pull request #48 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/go_modules/ (@chmouel)
- 90e2553: Merge pull request #49 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/go_modules/ (@dependabot[bot])
- b738bd2: Merge pull request #53 from vdemeester/workflows-on-release-branches (@chmouel)
- c395343: Merge pull request #57 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/go_modules/ (@dependabot[bot])
- 72926e3: Run workflows on release branches as well (@vdemeester)
- ff0aacf: Update README with package information (@chmouel)
- db6b976: Update pkg/version.json from dependencies (@vdemeester)
- 933b2b0: add a .golangci.yaml (@chmouel)
- b88a74c: fix linting (@chmouel)
- 5275f6d: go out of the loop if we are in version (@chmouel)
- 6bfa2e6: go.mod: update to v0.30.1 (@vdemeester)
- 457f25b: make sure we build the binary (@chmouel)
- 5c0aa2b: make sure we do go mod vendor when updating version (@chmouel)
- 3eec603: pac 0.17.1 (@chmouel)
- 6609757: show opc version with opc pac version (@chmouel)
- ae03cb6: v0.17.0 and use mais for tkncli (@chmouel)
- 61f4828: 0.15.2 pac (@chmouel)
- ff77072: Add windows support (@chmouel)
- 2a1079c: Brew formula update for opc version v1.9.0-rc1-2 (@goreleaserbot)
- 216fc59: Bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (@dependabot[bot])
- 156892b: Bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 70fdd1e: Bump from 0.29.0 to 0.29.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 5d40837: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3.2.0 to 4.1.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 3f15852: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 18d31af: Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- af3701f: Bump pipelines-as-code to 0.15.3 (@vdemeester)
- 2337da0: Bump tektoncd/cli to 0.29.0 and openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code to 0.15.1 (@vdemeester)
- 055cb4f: Define versions and opc binary name for pac from Makefile (@chmouel)
- a569c88: Detect version from Makefile (@chmouel)
- 4eb12da: Fix opc pac command to show the help message (@pratap0007)
- 3fa19c5: Merge pull request #22 from chmouel/never-gonna-give-you (@chmouel)
- 7b6bd59: Merge pull request #23 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/github_actions/goreleaser/goreleaser-action-4.1.0 (@vdemeester)
- 471b572: Merge pull request #27 from vdemeester/bump-pac-and-cli (@chmouel)
- 7000fad: Merge pull request #31 from vdemeester/bump-pac (@chmouel)
- cefbdcc: Merge pull request #32 from chmouel/makefile-stuff (@chmouel)
- d5d3afb: Merge pull request #36 from chmouel/ci-fixes (@chmouel)
- 4eaf68d: Merge pull request #40 from pratap0007/fix-opc-pac-command (@chmouel)
- ff0aacf: Update README with package information (@chmouel)
- be22ace: Update pkg/version.json from dependencis (@vdemeester)
- 871e9de: Update pkg/version.json to reflect dependecies (@vdemeester)
- 933b2b0: add a .golangci.yaml (@chmouel)
- b88a74c: fix linting (@chmouel)
- 5275f6d: go out of the loop if we are in version (@chmouel)
- 98d8446: go.mod: update tektoncd/cli to v0.30.1 and pipelines-as-code to v0.17.2 (@vdemeester)
- 457f25b: make sure we build the binary (@chmouel)
- 5c0aa2b: make sure we do go mod vendor when updating version (@chmouel)
- 3eec603: pac 0.17.1 (@chmouel)
- 6609757: show opc version with opc pac version (@chmouel)
- ae03cb6: v0.17.0 and use mais for tkncli (@chmouel)
- a152093: Add AUR and brew packages to releases (@chmouel)
- 643f558: Add AUR_PRIVATE_KEY to release workflow (@chmouel)
- 72a7778: Add cache to goreleaser github actions (@chmouel)
- 591c5ac: Add versions (@chmouel)
- f95c085: Brew formula update for opc version v1.9.0-rc1-2 (@goreleaserbot)
- 21a462a: Bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 3d25c7b: Merge pull request #17 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/go_modules/ (@vdemeester)
- caa395a: Merge pull request #18 from chmouel/add-aur-brew (@chmouel)
- 51d18c7: Merge pull request #19 from chmouel/add-versions-to-opc (@chmouel)
- 74d7470: Merge pull request #20 from chmouel/add-cache-to-goreleaser (@vdemeester)
- 4e5d1ae: Merge pull request #21 from chmouel/update-readme (@chmouel)
- 5dfe53d: Use arkade to get golangci-lint (@chmouel)
- 7ed167e: markdownlint (@chmouel)
- fb883c0: regenerate version.json on release (@chmouel)
- 014faf7: update README (@chmouel)
- 3d56656: .github/workflows: increase timeout (@vdemeester)
- b809292: .github/workflows: remove lint dependency on build (@vdemeester)
- 82f256d: .github/workflows: use go command directly (@vdemeester)
- b2d27fb: Add Makefile (@chmouel)
- 0d323c7: Add a release workflow… (@vdemeester)
- e544786: Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 (@dependabot[bot])
- a7d992c: Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 3 (@dependabot[bot])
- 9d140f7: Bump actions/setup-go from 1 to 3 (@dependabot[bot])
- 09926a3: Bump tektoncd/cli to 0.28.0 and openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code to 0.14.2 (@vdemeester)
- 2c889a6: Compile with verbose (@vdemeester)
- 7496c1c: Merge pull request #1 from openshift-pipelines/siamaksade-patch-1 (@chmouel)
- 8c3dee5: Merge pull request #10 from vdemeester/github-workflows-and-release (@vdemeester)
- 186e56f: Merge pull request #11 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-go-3 (@vdemeester)
- d5b7d66: Merge pull request #12 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/github_actions/actions/checkout-3 (@vdemeester)
- b9320f7: Merge pull request #13 from openshift-pipelines/dependabot/github_actions/actions/cache-3 (@vdemeester)
- 9992b59: Merge pull request #14 from vdemeester/fix-push-pull-workflow (@vdemeester)
- 1a7068f: Merge pull request #15 from vdemeester/fix-goreleaser (@vdemeester)
- 906ccd1: Merge pull request #16 from vdemeester/increase-gorelease-timeout (@vdemeester)
- 9e8cc90: Merge pull request #5 from chmouel/tektoncd-cli-0.27 (@vdemeester)
- 9bdcfe9: Merge pull request #7 from vdemeester/bump-pac (@vdemeester)
- 91ae3ff: Merge pull request #8 from vdemeester/pac-0.13.1 (@vdemeester)
- 7ce7af9: Merge pull request #9 from vdemeester/bump-cli-pac (@vdemeester)
- 7a98774: Only run the go workflow on main and PR targeting main. (@vdemeester)
- 510213c: Remove golangci-lint pinned version (@chmouel)
- 7532575: Rename POC tktpoto to opc (@chmouel)
- df8764c: Update (@chmouel)
- 1065ae6: Update (@chmouel)
- 2a1ffea: Update (@chmouel)
- e144f17: Update (@chmouel)
- 6419d28: Update (@siamaksade)
- faff427: Update go.yml (@chmouel)
- d892932: Update openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code to 0.13.0 (@vdemeester)
- 88f5e75: Update pipelines-as-code v0.13.0 to v0.13.1 (@vdemeester)
- 2b8ec87: Update to latest cobra and latest pipelines-as-code (@chmouel)
- c8d372d: Update to tekton cli 0.26.0 (@chmouel)
- 1d112c0: Update to tektoncd cli v0.27.0 (@chmouel)
- 85cd35e: add github workflow for building and checking at least (@chmouel)
- 6ee5f44: add license (@chmouel)
- 049e1ef: add lint-go target, remove unused function (@chmouel)
- 9899873: add support for plugins (@chmouel)
- e57dbda: call binary name tktpoto (@chmouel)
- cd9238b: cosmetics (@chmouel)
- ff0033d: cosmetics (@chmouel)
- fce0591: cosmetics (@chmouel)
- ec5a5f8: exclude pac from plugin list if binary is in path (@chmouel)
- 5bcbc57: goreleaser: fix the main "package" (@vdemeester)
- 3da959b: readme update (@chmouel)
- e95fddc: rename binary (@chmouel)
- fc6b57e: rename to tktpoto (@chmouel)
- e0424b0: some version experimentation (@chmouel)