Releases: openshift/addon-operator
Releases · openshift/addon-operator
- refactor: new sub-reconciler for namespace reconciliation by @mayankshah1607 in #188
- refactor: new sub-reconciler for OLM reconciliation by @mayankshah1607 in #189
- Refactor logger to be a part of context by @thetechnick in #190
- refactor: new sub-reconciler for monitoring federation by @mayankshah1607 in #191
- Fixed the update of Namespace and PullSecretName in every iteration. by @Ankit152 in #194
- Container runtime auto detection by @thetechnick in #195
- Unit test for function parseAddonInstallConfigForAdditionalCatalogSources by @Ankit152 in #196
- unit test for parse addon install config function by @Ankit152 in #199
- Added unit test for monitoring federation and additional catalogsources by @Ankit152 in #200
- Unit test for validateAddon and validateSecretPropagation for weebhoks. by @Ankit152 in #202
- prepare release 1.3.1 by @sandhyadalavi in #204
- [MTSRE-528] Fix serviceMonitor bearerTokenFile and make portName configurable. by @Ajpantuso in #201
- Added unit test for phase_ensure_subscription.go by @Ankit152 in #205
file cleanup by @Ajpantuso in #206- [MTSRE-557] feat: reconcile network policies for explicit ingress to catalog sources by @Ajpantuso in #197
- refactor: merge sub-reconcilers into a single slice of sub-reconcilers by @mayankshah1607 in #198
- Update golangci-lint to support Go 1.18 by @thetechnick in #207
- refactor and change name of HasEqualControllerRef by @garrettthomaskth in #210
- [Hypershift] Leader Election to use ADDON_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE by @apahim in #213
- Remove adoption runtime configuration CatalogSource and Subscription by @garrettthomaskth in #208
- Added better code readability by @Ankit152 in #215
- Some nit fixes to redundant assignment by @Ankit152 in #216
- added unit-test for getDestinationSecretWithoutNamespace function by @Ankit152 in #209
- Added mock unit test for phase_observe_csv.go by @Ankit152 in #217
- catalogsource object and subscription object name change by @ashishmax31 in #220
Signed-off-by: ashish [email protected]
- release v1.3.0
- MTSRE-498 from Ashish
- MTSRE-523 from Nico
- servicemonitor cleaned up from Sandhya
- Feature: ServiceMonitor added for in-cluster monitoring by Sandhya
- Cleanup: Added unittests and metrics documentation by Ankit
- Bugfix: MTSRE-505: OperatorGroup name diverges from mtsre-tooling by Nico
Addon health metrics by Mayank [MTSRE-434]
Fixing CSVs by updating the base image from Amador [MTSRE-492]
Fixing env config not mutable [MTSRE-486]
A bit of code cleanup by Ankit
And a few bugfixes from me [MTSRE-491], objects not labeled [no-ticket]
v1.0.1 - bump manager memory
Merge pull request #166 from apahim/bump_manager_resources Bump manager resources
v1.0.0 - on prod \o/
Merge pull request #161 from apahim/webhook_resources_bumb Releasing v1.0.0
v0.7.0 - on the road to prod
Merge pull request #151 from apahim/0.7.0 Bumpimp OLM version
v0.4.0 - AddonOperator CR
Merge pull request #64 from mayankshah1607/addonoperator-crd [MTSRE-57] Add AddonOperator API
v0.3.0 - Webhooks!