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Threads WG Meeting 12 10 2019

Naveen Namashivayam Ravichandrasekaran edited this page Dec 12, 2019 · 4 revisions



  • Naveen (Cray/HPE), Jim, Dave, Wasi (Intel), and Min (ANL)


  • Recap on what is Memory Spaces and Why do we need to support Team-based SHEAP
  • Proposed two different options for introducing Memory Spaces in OpenSHMEM
  • Option:1 extend shmem_team_config_t structure to include SHEAP information
  • Option:2 introduce new APIs and decouple team-creation and space-creation operations
  • Discussed pros and cons on the two design options
  • Min Si suggested to change the names of the new APIs in Option:2 to include Teams

Followup Questions to the Users

  • Do we need to support multiple SHEAPs in a Team?
  • Do we need to support the semantics where child team can access parent teams space?
  • Do we need to break compatibility in the shmem_team_create_ctx API?

General Conclusion

  • Looks like decoupling spaces and memory kinds concepts are useful


Slides used for the discussion are available as part of this comment

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