added remember sticky state of tools windows after reopening workspace/pw
added snapped subwindows stay by the main window if it moved
added support for collapsing Tools Window
modified execute form snapping for palette wndow like for other windows
modified use Arial in Display form
modified switch from colour to color in filenames and files
modified switch to Arial as default font
modified use lowercase pms file extension
modified replaced pwlib.dll with vb6 gif loading
modified refresh scenery reloads the complete scenery list not just the selected scenery
modified sort scenery in 'Scenery' panel
fixed make text in extended mode in preference form readable with arial font
fixed preferences dialog disappears and cannot be opened after save error popup
fixed error on startup due to uninitialized variables
fixed skipping detailed warning for invalid soldat directory setting/registry key
fixed position of texture window close button not all the way to the right
fixed missing textures reset polygons on maximize
fixed polyworks can't find Soldat directory
fixed text selection on focus doesn't work
fixed texture loading errors on startup
fixed error on missing undo folder
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