- Thank you for joining today!
- Purpose: This is a forum to learn from each other about the benefits of sharing and open sourcing software.
- Next meeting is May 21st (Always 3rd Thursday of the month.).
- Meeting information sent via Code.gov listserv.
- Sign up for CODE listserv - [email protected]. Leave the subject and body blank.
- We have the #code-gov-partners Slack channel for real-time collaboration. Anyone with a .gov and .mil email address can join. Send an email addition request to Amin Mehr ([email protected]).
- Here is our current agency liaison list.
- Adding swing resources - 18F engineer, Code It Forward Fellow.
- Updating front-end to USWDS. About 80% finished.
- Various component and vulnerability updates.
- Updated Development Roadmap is in the works.
- Future items: Updated metadata schema, M-16-21 compliance metrics, engagement metrics based on agency inventory and GH API.
By Nicole Williams, Code.gov’s Comms Chief.
- SSA Hackathon blog.
- Upcoming blog - Meet our new fellow Anna Zhang.
- Crowdsourcing for Code Webinar.
- Follow Us on Twitter, Linkedin, Medium.
- Federal Source Code Study is now live!
- Three year study of agency implementation of the Federal Source Code Policy (FSCP).
- Findings show agencies struggle with technology and policy implementation do to organizational factors.
- Code.gov is planning future blog posts and speaking engagements presenting the study.
- Software Productivity and Quality Working Group (SPSQ) coordinated by OSTP/NITRD.
- Includes participants from NSF, NIST, DOD/NRL, DOD/ARL, NIH, GSA.
- Monthly calls often with presentations on gov-funded software engineering research or economics of software.
- Contact Peter Meyer ([email protected]) if interested in joining.
- Federal Source Code Toolkit.
- Looking for contributions on current documents.
Federal Source Code Summit - Postponed to Oct. 8th
- DOE, CFPB, NASA for working with the Code.gov team on new Spotlight Stories.
- USCIS for moving Tech Talks virtually and hosting Code.gov soon.
- SSA and USDA for participating in GSA customer listening sessions.
Taylor Yates ([email protected]) from NASA presented a demo for aggregating agency source code metrics via the GitHub API.
- Agency GH admins are encouraged to export repo and member lists for creating better metrics around GH code.
- Code.gov is working on similar solution - Public Engagement Metrics - and plan to have something tangible by the end of the year.