Releases: openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication
OpenstudioApplication v1.1.0-rc2
Change since rc1:
- Update OS SDK v3.1.0-rc2: (NREL/OpenStudio@5279675).
- #247 - Fix #203 - Disable dark mode on mac
- Export a new version of openstudio-standards OSM libraries
- Update all libraries to 3.1.0
Date Range: 2020-04-27 (v1.0.0) - 2020-10-08:
New Issues: 48 (#106, #108, #109, #177, #178, #179, #180, #181, #183, #184, #188, #189, #190, #192, #194, #199, #200, #201, #202, #203, #205, #206, #207, #209, #210, #212, #213, #214, #215, #217, #218, #219, #220, #222, #223, #224, #225, #226, #228, #230, #231, #232, #233, #234, #235, #238, #239, #242)
Closed Issues: 24
- ✔️ #32, Add github pages CI
- ✔️ #59, App Crash During OSM File Save
- ✔️ #62, 2019 SketchUp Plugin for OSX
- ✔️ #85, Bool button doesn't display on Apply Measure Now measure argument
- ✔️ #91, OpenStudio v1.0.0 Application Release Checklist
- ➕ #102, add ability to edit Schedule Set Name from Space Types tab
- ✔️ #106, OpenStudioPolicy.xml isn't enforced in openstudioapplication-1.0.0
- ✔️ #109, Air to Water Heat Pump has draft level strictness of 23F on Min Inlet Air Temp Compressor Operation.
- ✔️ #163, Apply Measures Now dialog taking 5 seconds to Open on my computer
- ✔️ #177, OpenStudioApp Windows crashed during save attempt
- ➕ #180, Upgrade to Qt 5.15 LTS
- ✔️ #183, Cannot open osms with a version Identifier greater than 3 or a pre-release identifier
- ➕ #184, Support WaterCooled VRF in OS App
- ➕ #192, Add new fields for SimulationControl: DoHVACSizingSimulationforSizingPeriods and MaximumNumberofHVACSizingSimulationPasses
- ➕ #194, Add Output:JSON to the GUI
- ➕ #201, Add Check For Update functionality to OS App
- ✔️ #203, [Mac] UI is unreadable with white font on grey background
- ✔️ #209, Update OpenStudio Application Wiki - Add version compatibility info, update build docs, remove dead pages
- ✔️ #212, Plenums with doors
- ✔️ #214, North Axis not synchronized between OSM and Floorspace JSON
- ✔️ #222, utilities.Transformation - Cannot compute outward normal for vertices
- ➕ #225, Update CI
- ✔️ #226, OpenStudio Results don't include boiler or infrared sizing
- ✔️ #242, Geometry Shading:Building Bug
Accepted Pull Requests: 28
- ✔️ #13, Os app killswitch conan qt
- ✔️ #49, Test code reuse
- ✔️ #63, Move PathWatcher / WorkspaceWatcher tests to OpenStudioApplication
- ✔️ #107, Fix #106 - OpenStudioPolicy.xml couldn't be loaded correctly due to deprecated IDD object
- ✔️ #182, Fix linking error in openstudio_lib_tests
- ✔️ #185, Fix #184 - Support WaterCooled VRFs in OSApp
- ✔️ #186, Master
- ➕ #187, Add CI via GitHub Actions - cross platform, github-hosted.
- ✔️ #191, Update gh-pages markdown docs
- ➕ #193, Add new field for SimulationControl:
- ➕ #195, Fix #194 - Add OutputJSON to the OpenStudioApplication
- ✔️ #196, Run clangformat accross all code base
- ✔️ #197, Fixes crash on save when model directory is open in Explorer on Windows
- ✔️ #198, Fixes crash on save when model directory is open in Explorer on Windows
- ✔️ #204, Add check for update to the OpenStudio Application
- ✔️ #208, Allow pulling openstudio archives from either the official release page or the nightly develop builds. Update workflow to use that.
- ✔️ #211, merge develop into master
- ✔️ #216, Merge pull request #211 from openstudiocoalition/develop
- ✔️ #221, North angle
- ✔️ #227, Upgrade to Qt 5.15.0
- ✔️ #229, Fix cppcheck warnings
- ✔️ #240, Update to 3.1.0 SDK - punt on new shading controls UI
- ✔️ #241, Update to OpenStudio-3.1.0-alpha+063b2ca937
- ✔️ #243, Add script to generate release notes changelog
- ✔️ #244, Update standards
- ✔️ #245, Add a manual workflow dispatch file for updating standards files
- ✔️ #246, Update export openstudio-standards action until it works
- ✔️ #247, Fix #203 - Disable dark mode on mac
Total Open Issues: 106 (#130, #131, #110, #132, #111, #112, #142, #113, #143, #158, #133, #134, #173, #172, #135, #136, #162, #139, #174, #157, #166, #175, #138, #167, #137, #121, #176, #114, #144, #152, #171, #141, #115, #140, #122, #116, #164, #170, #165, #151, #154, #148, #117, #150, #149, #123, #169, #153, #124, #160, #155, #125, #156, #105, #159, #161, #120, #126, #127, #118, #119, #128, #129, #145, #146, #11, #147, #168, #19, #42, #71, #78, #101, #96, #104, #108, #178, #179, #181, #188, #189, #190, #199, #200, #202, #205, #206, #207, #210, #213, #215, #217, #218, #219, #220, #223, #224, #228, #230, #231, #232, #233, #234, #235, #238, #239)
OpenstudioApplication v1.1.0-rc1
OpenstudioApplication v1.1.0-rc1 uses Openstudio v3.1.0-rc1, which itself is based on EnergyPlus v9.4.0 Official.
OpenstudioApplication v1.1.0-alpha2
Update to last night's develop (NREL/OpenStudio@f434840) which is based on EnergyPlus v9.4.0-RC11 which just became v9.4.0 official.
OpenstudioApplication v1.1.0-alpha1
This is a pre-release to test major changes:
- Upgrade to Qt 5.15
- Upgrade to OpenStudio SDK 3.1.0-alpha based on E+ v9.4.0-RC1
Please test and report any issues you find. Thank you!
OpenStudio Application v1.0.1
Update OpenStudio Application to support the new OpenStudio SDK v3.0.1
OpenStudio Application v1.0.0
OpenStudio Application Version 1.0.0
Release Notes - 4/24/2020
These release notes describe version 1.0.0 of the OpenStudio Application developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Buildings and Thermal Systems, Commercial Buildings Research Group, Tools Development Section, and associated collaborators. The notes are organized into the following sections:
- Overview
- Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation
- Installation Notes
- OpenStudio Application: Changelog
Following an important announcement related to future development of the OpenStudio Application released in September 2019 (A Shift in BTO’s BEM Strategy: A New Future for the OpenStudio Application), this release marks the last NREL planned software distribution of the OpenStudio Application.
Below is the list of components that is included in this SDK installer:
OpenStudio Application 1.0.0
- Application Resources (Includes EnergyPlus & Radiance)
- Ruby API
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- OpenStudio Application
Note that PAT and DView are not included in the OpenStudio Application installer. You will need to install PAT separately which is distributed on the OpenStudio-PAT GitHub page and DView at the Dview home page.
Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation
- OpenStudio release documentation, including these release notes, tutorials, and other user documentation, is available at
- C++ API documentation is available at
- OpenStudio Application Developer docs at
- OpenStudio Application User docs at
- Measure development documentation is available at
- A roadmap for planned features is available at
Installation Notes
OpenStudio Application 1.0.0 is supported on 64-bit Windows 7 – 10, OS X 10.12 – 10.15, and Ubuntu 18.04.
OpenStudio Application 1.0.0 supports EnergyPlus Release 9.3, which is bundled with the OpenStudio installer.
OpenStudio Application 1.0.0 supports Radiance 5.0.a.12, which is bundled with the OpenStudio installer; users no longer must install Radiance separately, and OpenStudio will use the included Radiance version regardless of any other versions that may be installed on the system.
OpenStudio Application 1.0.0 now uses Ruby 2.5.5 as the supported version (2.2.4 previously).
Installation Steps
- Download and install OpenStudioApplication. Select components for installation. Note that OpenStudio Application is a standalone app and does not require you to install OpenStudio SDK.
- Setup a Building Component Library (BCL) account to access online building components and measures. View instructions on how to setup your account and configure the key in OpenStudio.
- The OpenStudio Application SketchUp Plug-in requires SketchUp 2019 (not available for Linux). The OpenStudio Application SketchUp Plug-in does not support older versions of SketchUp. SketchUp must be installed before OpenStudio Application to automatically activate the plugin. If you install SketchUp after OpenStudio Application, simply rerun the OpenStudio Application installer. Please see the installation guide on OpenStudio Application SketchUp Plugin.
OpenStudio Application: Changelog
The 1.0.0 is a major release
The 1.0.0 release updates OpenStudio SDK to 3.0.0 and to use EnergyPlus 9.3. This update includes several new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. You can find the list of Pull Requests that got into this release here.
New Features and Fixes
These are specific to the Application. Please refer to the release notes for OpenStudio SDK for 3.0.0 release to see what has
changed with the SDK.
Updated OpenStudio SDK from v2.9.1 to v3.0.0
Updated EnergyPlus from v9.2.0 to v9.3.0
#100 - Properly register the OS:Construction:AirBoundary in OS App
#98 - Make Geometry Editor work on Ubuntu (including in local build folder)
#94 - Add cmake macro to find SDK for published s3 bucket
#93 - Restore the style of the OSApp on Windows
#90 - Fix Download progress bar cleared when finished downloading
#89 - Enable MP builds and link to ruby lib for bindings (Windows)
#88 - Improve reporting for Import SDD Xml file to include Logger errors/warnings
#86 - Fix need to showControls when switching tabs
#84 - Fix Refrigeration Grid should be declared unavailable for all but "Refigeration"
#82 - Fix purge on Facility > Shading subtab should delete empty shading surface groups and shading surfaces without groups
#75 - Application can now use the OpenStudio SDK to build vs having to build the submodule first, which simplifies the build process.
#73 - Fix Blacked Out User Selection within Dropdown Menus on Ubuntu
#72 - Add Fan:SystemModel to OpenStudioApplication
#69 - Fix Sketchup 2019 plugin for Mac osx
#61 - Fix crash in Schedule tab
#60 - Support holidays in schedule GUI
Issue Statistics Since Previous Release
47 new issues were filed since 2020-01-01 (not including opened pull requests)
34 issues were closed since the 2020-01-01