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Ravi Panchumarthy edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

Instructions to Run the OpenVINO Notebooks in Amazon SageMaker Studio

The steps below assume that you have an AWS account and access to Amazon SageMaker Studio. The entire one-time setup process may take up to 15 minutes.

Pre-requisites: Launch Amazon SageMaker Studio Environment.

  • Log into your Amazon SageMaker Studio Environment and Add user
  • Choose desired user profile name
  • Choose Jupyter Lab version 3.0
  • Choose the remaining default setting and click Submit to Add user.
  • Click "Open Studio" to Launch the Amazon SageMaker Studio environment.

Note: The Amazon SageMaker free tier usage per month for the first 2 months is 250 hours of ml.t3.medium instance on Studio notebook. In this example, we are using an ml.t3.medium instance.

  • Allow a couple of minutes for your environment to spin up. You should see the following loading screen:
  • Then, Choose Data Science 3.0 in "select a SageMaker image" drop-down under Notebooks and compute resources
  • Then, Click on **+** on Image Terminal to open a terminal session:

OpenVINO Notebooks Setup.

  • Inside the terminal, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Install few system dependencies

apt update
apt install build-essential -y
apt install libpython3.9-dev -y
apt install libgl1-mesa-glx -y

Step 2: Setup OpenVINO conda environment.

conda create --name openvino_env python=3.9
conda activate openvino_env
conda install ipykernel
set PATH="/anaconda/envs/openvino_env/bin;%PATH%"

Step 3: Setup OpenVINO Notebooks

git clone
cd openvino_notebooks
# Install OpenVINO and OpenVINO notebook Requirements
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Run the Notebooks!

  • To run the notebooks, click on the top level ‘openvino_notebooks’ folder and navigate to your example:
  • Choose Image - Data Science 3.0, Kernel - Python [conda env:openvino_env], Instance type - your desired compute instance.
Choose Image Choose Kernel Choose Compute

Note: Please also ensure you use the Python [conda env:openvino_env] environment (not Python 3).

  • Next, run the cells of the notebook. Try other notebooks to explore OpenVINO features and examples !!
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