diff --git a/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js b/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js
index 01a0a5d93d1..02f2d1b83cf 100644
--- a/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js
+++ b/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js
@@ -37,24 +37,15 @@ import { setKeyValue } from '../libraries/gptUtils/gptUtils.js';
 export const MOBIAN_URL = 'https://prebid.outcomes.net/api/prebid/v1/assessment/async';
-export const AP_VALUES = 'apValues';
-export const CATEGORIES = 'categories';
-export const EMOTIONS = 'emotions';
-export const GENRES = 'genres';
-export const RISK = 'risk';
-export const SENTIMENT = 'sentiment';
-export const THEMES = 'themes';
-export const TONES = 'tones';
 export const CONTEXT_KEYS = [
-  RISK,
+  'apValues',
+  'categories',
+  'emotions',
+  'genres',
+  'risk',
+  'sentiment',
+  'themes',
+  'tones'
 const AP_KEYS = ['a0', 'a1', 'p0', 'p1'];
@@ -82,24 +73,6 @@ function makeMemoizedFetch() {
 export const getContextData = makeMemoizedFetch();
-const entriesToObjectReducer = (acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key]: value });
-export function makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer(config) {
-  const { prefix } = config;
-  return function contextDataToKeyValuesReducer(keyValues, [key, value]) {
-    if (key === AP_VALUES) {
-      AP_KEYS.forEach((apKey) => {
-        if (!value?.[apKey]?.length) return;
-        keyValues.push([`${prefix}_ap_${apKey}`, value[apKey].map((v) => String(v))]);
-      });
-    }
-    if (value?.length) {
-      keyValues.push([`${prefix}_${key}`, value]);
-    }
-    return keyValues;
-  }
 export async function fetchContextData() {
   const pageUrl = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
   const requestUrl = `${MOBIAN_URL}?url=${pageUrl}`;
@@ -128,22 +101,33 @@ export function getConfig(config) {
- * @param {MobianConfig} config
+ * @param {MobianConfigParams} parsedConfig
  * @param {MobianContextData} contextData
+ * @returns {function}
-export function setTargeting(config, contextData) {
+export function setTargeting(parsedConfig, contextData) {
+  const { publisherTargeting, prefix } = parsedConfig;
   logMessage('context', contextData);
-  const keyValues = Object.entries(contextData)
-    .filter(([key]) => config.publisherTargeting.includes(key))
-    .reduce(makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer(config), [])
-  keyValues.forEach(([key, value]) => setKeyValue(key, value));
+  CONTEXT_KEYS.forEach((key) => {
+    if (!publisherTargeting.includes(key)) return;
+    if (key === 'apValues') {
+      AP_KEYS.forEach((apKey) => {
+        if (!contextData[key]?.[apKey]?.length) return;
+        logMessage(`${prefix}_ap_${apKey}`, contextData[key][apKey]);
+        setKeyValue(`${prefix}_ap_${apKey}`, contextData[key][apKey]);
+      });
+      return;
+    }
+    if (contextData[key]?.length) {
+      logMessage(`${prefix}_${key}`, contextData[key]);
+      setKeyValue(`${prefix}_${key}`, contextData[key]);
+    }
+  });
- * @param {Object|string} contextData
- * @returns {MobianContextData}
- */
 export function makeDataFromResponse(contextData) {
   const data = typeof contextData === 'string' ? safeJSONParse(contextData) : contextData;
   const results = data.results;
@@ -151,57 +135,50 @@ export function makeDataFromResponse(contextData) {
     return {};
   return {
-    [AP_VALUES]: results.ap || {},
-    [CATEGORIES]: results.mobianContentCategories,
-    [EMOTIONS]: results.mobianEmotions,
-    [GENRES]: results.mobianGenres,
-    [RISK]: results.mobianRisk || 'unknown',
-    [SENTIMENT]: results.mobianSentiment || 'unknown',
-    [THEMES]: results.mobianThemes,
-    [TONES]: results.mobianTones,
+    apValues: results.ap || {},
+    categories: results.mobianContentCategories,
+    emotions: results.mobianEmotions,
+    genres: results.mobianGenres,
+    risk: results.mobianRisk || 'unknown',
+    sentiment: results.mobianSentiment || 'unknown',
+    themes: results.mobianThemes,
+    tones: results.mobianTones,
- * @param {Object} bidReqConfig
- * @param {MobianContextData} contextData
- * @param {MobianConfig} config
- */
-export function extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, contextData, config) {
+export function extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, contextData) {
   logMessage('extendBidRequestConfig', bidReqConfig, contextData);
   const { site: ortb2Site } = bidReqConfig.ortb2Fragments.global;
-  const keyValues = Object.entries(contextData)
-    .filter(([key]) => config.advertiserTargeting.includes(key))
-    .reduce(makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer(config), [])
-    .reduce(entriesToObjectReducer, {});
   ortb2Site.ext = ortb2Site.ext || {};
   ortb2Site.ext.data = {
     ...(ortb2Site.ext.data || {}),
-    ...keyValues
+    ...contextData
   return bidReqConfig;
- * @param {MobianConfig} rawConfig
+ * @param {MobianConfig} config
  * @returns {boolean}
-function init(rawConfig) {
-  logMessage('init', rawConfig);
-  const config = getConfig(rawConfig);
-  if (config.publisherTargeting.length) {
-    getContextData().then((contextData) => setTargeting(config, contextData));
+function init(config) {
+  logMessage('init', config);
+  const parsedConfig = getConfig(config);
+  if (parsedConfig.publisherTargeting.length) {
+    getContextData().then((contextData) => setTargeting(parsedConfig, contextData));
   return true;
-function getBidRequestData(bidReqConfig, callback, rawConfig) {
+function getBidRequestData(bidReqConfig, callback, config) {
   logMessage('getBidRequestData', bidReqConfig);
-  const config = getConfig(rawConfig);
-  const { advertiserTargeting } = config;
+  const { advertiserTargeting } = getConfig(config);
   if (!advertiserTargeting.length) {
@@ -210,7 +187,7 @@ function getBidRequestData(bidReqConfig, callback, rawConfig) {
     .then((contextData) => {
-      extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, contextData, config);
+      extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, contextData);
     .catch(() => {})
     .finally(() => callback());
diff --git a/modules/mobianRtdProvider.md b/modules/mobianRtdProvider.md
index 48e7a1c6cec..100e529143f 100644
--- a/modules/mobianRtdProvider.md
+++ b/modules/mobianRtdProvider.md
@@ -14,139 +14,91 @@ The Mobian Real-Time Data (RTD) Module is a plug-and-play Prebid.js adapter that
 Navigate to https://docs.prebid.org/download.html and check the box labeled Mobian Prebid Contextual Evaluation. If you have installed Prebid.js on your site previously, please be sure to select any other modules and adaptors to suit your needs. When clicking the "Get Prebid.js" button at the bottom of the page, the site will build a version of Prebid.js with all of your selections.
-Direct link to the Mobian module in the Prebid.js repository: https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js/blob/master/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js
+Direct link to the Mobian module in the Prebid.js repository: https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js/blob/a9de3c15ac9a108b43a1e2df04abd6dfb5297530/modules/mobianRtdProvider.js
 The client will need to provide Mobian with all the domains that would be using the prebid module so that Mobian can whitelist those domains. Failure to whitelist the domains will yield a 404 when making a request to the Mobian Contextual API at https://prebid.outcomes.net/.
-## Configuration Highlight
-Below is Mobian's suggested default for configuration:
-  realTimeData: {
-    dataProviders: [{
-      name: 'mobianBrandSafety',
-      params: {
-        // Prefix for the targeting keys (default: 'mobian')
-        prefix: 'mobian',
-        // Enable targeting keys for advertiser data
-        advertiserTargeting: true,
-        // Or set it as an array to pick specific targeting keys:
-        // advertiserTargeting: ['genres', 'emotions', 'themes'],
-        // Available values: 'apValues', 'categories', 'emotions', 'genres', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones'
-        // Enable targeting keys for publisher data
-        publisherTargeting: true,
-        // Or set it as an array to pick specific targeting keys:
-        // publisherTargeting: ['tones', 'risk'],
-        // Available values: 'apValues', 'categories', 'emotions', 'genres', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones'
-      }
-    }]
-  }
 ## Functionality
 At a high level, the Mobian RTD Module is designed to call the Mobian Contextal API on page load, requesting the Mobian classifications and results for the URL. The classifications and results are designed to be picked up by any SSP or DSP in the Prebid.js ecosystem. The module also supports placing the Mobian classifications on each ad slot on the page, thus allowing for targeting within GAM.
 ## Available Classifications
-NOTE: The examples below for targetable keys for GAM or otherwise in the ortb2 object assume that your prefix is the default of "mobian". The prefix in the targetable key will change based on your settings.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianRisk
-Targetable Key: mobian_risk
+Key: mobianRisk
 Possible values: "none", "low", "medium" or "high"
-Description: This category assesses whether content contains any potential risks or concerns to advertisers and returns a determination of Low Risk, Medium Risk, or High Risk based on the inclusion of sensitive or high-risk topics. Content that might be categorized as unsafe may include violence, hate speech, misinformation, or sensitive topics that most advertisers would like to avoid. Content that is explicit or overly graphic in nature will be more likely to fall into the High Risk tier compared to content that describes similar subjects in a more informative or educational manner.
+Description: Risk will contain Mobian’s brand safety assessment of the page. Brand Safety is determined via the Mobian AI models taking into account a semantic analysis of the content while understanding the context. A more detailed description of the reasoning for a given URL can be observed by going to mbs.themobian.com and entering the URL.
 Content Categories:
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianContentCategories
-Targetable Key: mobian_categories
+Key: mobianContentCategories
 Possible values: "adult_content", "arms", "crime", "death_injury", "debated_issue", "hate_speech", "drugs_alcohol", "obscenity", "piracy", "spam", "terrorism"
-Description: Brand Safety Categories contain categorical results for brand safety when relevant (e.g. Low Risk Adult Content). Note there can be Medium and High Risk content that is not associated to a specific brand safety category.
+Description: Content Categories contain results based on the legacy GARM framework. GARM no longer is a standard and does not factor into our risk assessment but is included for posterity.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianSentiment
-Targetable Key: mobian_sentiment
+Key: mobianSentiment
 Possible values: "negative", "neutral" or "positive"
-Description: This category analyzes the overall positivity, negativity, or neutrality of a piece of content. This is a broad categorization of the content’s tone; every piece of content receives one of three possible sentiment ratings: Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
+Description: Sentiment can only be one of the three values listed, and is determined via the Mobian AI analyzing the content and making one of these three determinations.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianEmotions
+Key: mobianEmotions
-Targetable Key: mobian_emotions
+Possible values: "love", "joy", "surprise", "anger", "sadness", "fear"
-Possible values: Various but some examples include "love", "joy", "surprise", "anger", "sadness", "fear"
-Description: This category represents the specific feelings expressed or evoked through the content. Emotions are the reactions tied to the content’s presentation. Multiple emotions may be evoked by a single piece of content as this category reflects the way humans engage with the content.
+Description: The Mobian AI assesses the emotions exuded from the content, taking into account the context. A given piece of content can have multiple emotions. The current list of emotions is all possible emotions available but this will be updated to be more freeform and varied in a future release.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianTones
-Targetable Key: mobian_tones
+Key: mobianTones
 Possible values: Various, but some examples include "comedic", "serious" or "emotional"
-Description: This category represents the content’s stylistic attitude or perspective that is being conveyed. If the Genre classification above represents the more objective structure, the Tone classification represents the subjective form. This categorization influences the way audiences may receive the piece of content and how they could be impacted by it.
+Description: While the Mobian emotion classification looks at the emotions exuded from the content, tone examines the overall presentation of the content and determines the overall mood of the work. A given piece of content can have multiple tones.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianThemes
-Targetable Key: mobian_themes
+Key: mobianThemes
 Possible values: Various, but some examples include "skincare", "food" and "nightlife"
-Description: This category includes broad conceptual ideas or underlying topics that form the foundation of the content. Themes represent the central message or idea conveyed throughout, rather than the specific details of the subject. Themes are intended to be broad and high-level, describing the overall purpose and intent of the content, and can connect multiple pieces of content, even if they are not from the same property.
+Description: Themes are a wide classification of content categorization, taking into account the content and context to label the content with a theme. A given piece of content can have multiple themes.
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: mobianGenres
-Targetable Key: mobian_genres
+Key: mobianGenre
 Possible values: Various, but some examples include "journalism", "gaming" or "how-to"
-Description: This category represents the type or style of the content, focusing on the purpose, format, or presentation of the content. Genres group pieces of content into recognizable categories based on style and provide a framework for understanding the structure of the content.
+Description: Genres are a more narrow classification of content categorization, aiming to label the content towards its overall purpose and audience. A given piece of content can have multiple genres.
 AP Values
-Prebid.outcomes.net endpoint key: ap (an array, containing values of a0, a1, p0, p1)
+Keys: ap_a0, ap_a1, ap_p0, ap_p1
-Targetable Keys: mobian_ap_a0, mobian_ap_a1, mobian_ap_p0, mobian_ap_p1
-Possible values: Various, numerically id-based and customizable based on Mobian Context Settings.
+Possible values: Various, numerically id-based and customizable based on Mobian Persona Settings.
 Description: Mobian AI Personas are custom created based on prompts to find a specific audience. Please contact your Mobian contact directly for more information on this tool. The difference between the keys is below:
@@ -171,6 +123,34 @@ window.googletag.cmd.push(() => {
 "key" and "value" will be replaced with the various classifications as described in the previous section. Notably, this function runs before ad calls are made to GAM, which enables the keys and value to be used for targeting or blocking in GAM.
-For more details on how to set up key-value pairs in GAM, please see this documentation from Google: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/9796369
+For more details on how to set up key-value pairs in GAM, please see this documentation from Google: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/9796369?sjid=12535178383871274096-NA
+For example, if you wanted to target articles where mobianRisk is "low", the key to set in GAM would be "mobianRisk" and the value would be "low". Once these keys and values are set within the Inventory section in GAM as listed by their documentation, you can then reference the key value pair in Custom Targeting for any line item you create.
+## Configuration Highlight
+  realTimeData: {
+    dataProviders: [{
+      name: 'mobianBrandSafety',
+      params: {
+        // Prefix for the targeting keys (default: 'mobian')
+        prefix: 'mobian',
+        // Enable targeting keys for advertiser data
+        advertiserTargeting: true,
+        // Or set it as an array to pick specific targeting keys:
+        // advertiserTargeting: ['genres', 'emotions', 'themes'],
+        // Available values: 'apValues', 'categories', 'emotions', 'genres', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones'
-For example, if you wanted to target articles where mobianRisk is "low", the key to set in GAM would be "mobian_risk" and the value would be "low". Once these keys and values are set within the Inventory section in GAM as listed by their documentation, you can then reference the key value pair in Custom Targeting for any line item you create.
+        // Enable targeting keys for publisher data
+        publisherTargeting: true,
+        // Or set it as an array to pick specific targeting keys:
+        // publisherTargeting: ['tones', 'risk'],
+        // Available values: 'apValues', 'categories', 'emotions', 'genres', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones'
+      }
+    }]
+  }
diff --git a/modules/smarthubBidAdapter.js b/modules/smarthubBidAdapter.js
index d6600b4afd5..5f24f432a13 100644
--- a/modules/smarthubBidAdapter.js
+++ b/modules/smarthubBidAdapter.js
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ const ALIASES = [
   {code: 'tredio'},
   {code: 'felixads'},
   {code: 'vimayx'},
-  {code: 'artechnology'},
 const BASE_URLS = {
   attekmi: 'https://prebid.attekmi.com/pbjs',
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ const BASE_URLS = {
   tredio: 'https://tredio-prebid.attekmi.com/pbjs',
   felixads: 'https://felixads-prebid.attekmi.com/pbjs',
   vimayx: 'https://vimayx-prebid.attekmi.com/pbjs',
-  artechnology: 'https://artechnology-prebid.attekmi.com/pbjs',
 const _getUrl = (partnerName) => {
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/mobianRtdProvider_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/mobianRtdProvider_spec.js
index 0794e99151d..796a79e4e1c 100644
--- a/test/spec/modules/mobianRtdProvider_spec.js
+++ b/test/spec/modules/mobianRtdProvider_spec.js
@@ -4,19 +4,10 @@ import * as ajax from 'src/ajax.js';
 import * as gptUtils from 'libraries/gptUtils/gptUtils.js';
 import {
-  RISK,
-  makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer,
 } from 'modules/mobianRtdProvider.js';
@@ -44,29 +35,14 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
   const mockContextData = {
-    [AP_VALUES]: { a0: [], a1: [2313, 12], p0: [1231231, 212], p1: [231, 419] },
-    [CATEGORIES]: [],
-    [EMOTIONS]: ['affection'],
-    [GENRES]: [],
-    [RISK]: 'low',
-    [SENTIMENT]: 'positive',
-    [THEMES]: [],
-    [TONES]: [],
-  }
-  const mockKeyValues = {
-    'mobian_ap_a1': ['2313', '12'],
-    'mobian_ap_p0': ['1231231', '212'],
-    'mobian_ap_p1': ['231', '419'],
-    'mobian_emotions': ['affection'],
-    'mobian_risk': 'low',
-    'mobian_sentiment': 'positive',
-  }
-  const mockConfig = {
-    prefix: 'mobian',
+    apValues: { a0: [], a1: [2313, 12], p0: [1231231, 212], p1: [231, 419] },
+    categories: [],
+    emotions: ['affection'],
+    genres: [],
+    risk: 'low',
+    sentiment: 'positive',
+    themes: [],
+    tones: [],
   beforeEach(function () {
@@ -103,6 +79,10 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
   describe('makeDataFromResponse', function () {
     it('should format context data response', async function () {
+      ajaxStub = sinon.stub(ajax, 'ajaxBuilder').returns(function(url, callbacks) {
+        callbacks.success(mockResponse);
+      });
       const data = makeDataFromResponse(mockResponse);
@@ -123,14 +103,14 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
     it('should set targeting key-value pairs as per config', function () {
       const parsedConfig = {
         prefix: 'mobian',
+        publisherTargeting: ['apValues', 'emotions', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones', 'genres'],
       setTargeting(parsedConfig, mockContextData);
-      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_a1', ['2313', '12'])).to.equal(true);
-      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_p0', ['1231231', '212'])).to.equal(true);
-      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_p1', ['231', '419'])).to.equal(true);
+      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_a1', [2313, 12])).to.equal(true);
+      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_p0', [1231231, 212])).to.equal(true);
+      expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_ap_p1', [231, 419])).to.equal(true);
       expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_emotions', ['affection'])).to.equal(true);
       expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_risk', 'low')).to.equal(true);
       expect(setKeyValueSpy.calledWith('mobian_sentiment', 'positive')).to.equal(true);
@@ -144,7 +124,7 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
     it('should not set key-value pairs if context data is empty', function () {
       const parsedConfig = {
         prefix: 'mobian',
+        publisherTargeting: ['apValues', 'emotions', 'risk', 'sentiment', 'themes', 'tones', 'genres'],
       setTargeting(parsedConfig, {});
@@ -154,7 +134,7 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
     it('should only set key-value pairs for the keys specified in config', function () {
       const parsedConfig = {
         prefix: 'mobian',
-        publisherTargeting: [EMOTIONS, RISK],
+        publisherTargeting: ['emotions', 'risk'],
       setTargeting(parsedConfig, mockContextData);
@@ -175,8 +155,8 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
   describe('extendBidRequestConfig', function () {
     it('should extend bid request config with context data', function () {
-      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData, mockConfig);
-      expect(extendedConfig.ortb2Fragments.global.site.ext.data).to.deep.equal(mockKeyValues);
+      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData);
+      expect(extendedConfig.ortb2Fragments.global.site.ext.data).to.deep.equal(mockContextData);
     it('should not override existing data', function () {
@@ -184,17 +164,17 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
         existing: 'data'
-      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData, mockConfig);
+      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData);
         existing: 'data',
-        ...mockKeyValues
+        ...mockContextData
     it('should create data object if missing', function () {
       delete bidReqConfig.ortb2Fragments.global.site.ext.data;
-      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData, mockConfig);
-      expect(extendedConfig.ortb2Fragments.global.site.ext.data).to.deep.equal(mockKeyValues);
+      const extendedConfig = extendBidRequestConfig(bidReqConfig, mockContextData);
+      expect(extendedConfig.ortb2Fragments.global.site.ext.data).to.deep.equal(mockContextData);
@@ -204,14 +184,14 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
         name: 'mobianBrandSafety',
         params: {
           prefix: 'mobiantest',
-          publisherTargeting: [AP_VALUES],
-          advertiserTargeting: [EMOTIONS],
+          publisherTargeting: ['apValues'],
+          advertiserTargeting: ['emotions'],
         prefix: 'mobiantest',
-        publisherTargeting: [AP_VALUES],
-        advertiserTargeting: [EMOTIONS],
+        publisherTargeting: ['apValues'],
+        advertiserTargeting: ['emotions'],
@@ -219,12 +199,12 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
       const config = getConfig({
         name: 'mobianBrandSafety',
         params: {
-          publisherTargeting: [AP_VALUES],
+          publisherTargeting: ['apValues'],
         prefix: 'mobian',
-        publisherTargeting: [AP_VALUES],
+        publisherTargeting: ['apValues'],
         advertiserTargeting: [],
@@ -262,20 +242,4 @@ describe('Mobian RTD Submodule', function () {
-  describe('makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer', function () {
-    it('should format context data to key-value pairs', function () {
-      const config = getConfig({
-        name: 'mobianBrandSafety',
-        params: {
-          prefix: 'mobian',
-          publisherTargeting: true,
-          advertiserTargeting: true,
-        }
-      });
-      const keyValues = Object.entries(mockContextData).reduce(makeContextDataToKeyValuesReducer(config), []);
-      const keyValuesObject = Object.fromEntries(keyValues);
-      expect(keyValuesObject).to.deep.equal(mockKeyValues);
-    });
-  });