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Releases: openzipkin/zipkin


16 Feb 18:23
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What's Changed

Zipkin now supports Apache Pulsar as a span transport, enabled by PULSAR_SERVICE_URL and documented here. Kudos to @CodePrometheus for all the work on this!

We also updated all libraries and docker base layers to latest, fixing all critical CVEs. Thanks to @reta on the continued help keeping things tidy and routinely released!

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.4.4...3.5.0


16 Feb 17:20
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What's Changed

  • Update Spring Boot to 3.4.1 and other dependency updates by @reta in #3787

Full Changelog: 3.4.3...3.4.4

Zipkin 3.4.3

06 Jan 22:48
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.4.2...3.4.3

Zipkin 3.4.2

08 Oct 12:46
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Zipkin 3.4.2 is a maintenance release, updating dependency versions to prevent problems such as bugs or CVEs.

Notable library updates:

  • Update Spring Boot (address CVEs) and few other dependencies by @reta in #3778
  • Update Spring / Netty /Micrometer related dependencies by @reta in #3779
  • Routine dependency updates by @reta in #3780

Full Changelog: 3.4.1...3.4.2

Zipkin 3.4.1

04 Aug 06:44
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Zipkin 3.4.1 is a maintenance release, updating dependency versions to prevent problems such as bugs or CVEs.

Notable library updates:

  • Spring Boot 3.3.0 -> 3.3.2
  • Armeria 1.28.4 -> 1.29.4

Notable Docker image updates:

  • Alpine 3.20.0 -> 3.20.2
  • JRE 21.0.3_p9 -> 21.0.4_p7

Thanks also @ceddy4395 for improving our CI setup.

For fine grained details, see the changes since 3.4.0.

Zipkin 3.4

26 May 02:06
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Zipkin 3.4 adds support for OpenSearch v2 using the same ES_ prefixed environment variables used for Elasticsearch. Thanks a lot to @reta for all the engineering that results in this being simple to use!

Note: Zipkin Dependencies 3.2 is the corresponding first release of the dependencies job that supports OpenSearch v2.

Zipkin 3.3.1

25 May 11:57
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Zipkin 3.3.1 is a maintenance release that notably updates to Spring Boot 3.3 and Alpine Linux 3.20.

This also adds the test docker image, which is used to test the upcoming Zipkin 3.4 release which will support OpenSearch 2 in addition to existing storage backends.

Notable thanks to @reta on this release!

Zipkin 3.3

16 Apr 17:01
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Zipkin 3.3 is maintenance only with no new features since the last release.

Notably, this raises the floor JRE version of libraries except core from 11 to 17. The only reason we had 11 in the past was due to Spark limitations that affected zipkin-dependencies. This was resolved by Spark 3.4, which we were recently able to upgrade to once libraries we used all became compatible with it.

Also, we now run Trivy security and misconfiguration scanner on every commit, in support of our new security policy. This policy was designed around the norms of our maintenance community, which is currently 100pct volunteers with no dedicated paid time for the project.

We appreciate Trivy adjusting the open source code for the somewhat unique needs of tracing projects: it requires running tests on old library versions. Their open mindedness in classification policy was critical in coming up with a policy at all. We need to focus the small amount of time we have available to the most important alerts, and not the noise: now we can.

Zipkin 3.2.1

13 Apr 18:22
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Zipkin 3.2.1 fixes a regression where libraries that improve network performance (netty-tcnative) were not included in the main zipkin jar, resulting in unpublished Docker images.

Zipkin 3.2

13 Apr 02:00
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Zipkin 3.2 improves accessibility blindness and language controls.

Before, there was no way to control "dark mode". Also, the color scheme lacked contrast and other features to support vision accessibility. @giaroc's first commit to zipkin knocked this out of the park, resulting in an easier to read and control UI.


Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 08 14 04


Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 08 12 40

Full Changelog: