diff --git a/XML/cslc-s1.xml b/XML/cslc-s1.xml index 766a9dc..d625646 100644 --- a/XML/cslc-s1.xml +++ b/XML/cslc-s1.xml @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ title="OPERA L2_CSLC_S1 Product" institution="NASA JPL" mission_name="OPERA" - reference_document="TBD" - contact="operaops@jpl.nasa.gov"/> + reference_document="JPL-108278" + contact="opera-sds-opss@jpl.nasa.gov"/> @@ -154,7 +154,14 @@ signed="false" width="32"> Projection system + lang="en" + ellipsoid="Projection ellipsoid" + epsg_code="Projection EPSG code" + grid_mapping_name="Grid mapping variable name" + inverse_flattening="Inverse flattening of the ellipsoidal figure" + semi_major_axis="Semi-major axis" + spatial_ref="Spatial reference" + utm_zone_number="UTM zone number">Projection system @@ -204,7 +211,14 @@ signed="false" width="32"> Projection system + lang="en" + ellipsoid="Projection ellipsoid" + epsg_code="Projection EPSG code" + grid_mapping_name="Grid mapping variable name" + inverse_flattening="Inverse flattening of the ellipsoidal figure" + semi_major_axis="Semi-major axis" + spatial_ref="Spatial reference" + utm_zone_number="UTM zone number">Projection system Geocoded digital number + lang="en">Geocoded DN Projection system + lang="en" + ellipsoid="Projection ellipsoid" + epsg_code="Projection EPSG code" + grid_mapping_name="Grid mapping variable name" + inverse_flattening="Inverse flattening of the ellipsoidal figure" + semi_major_axis="Semi-major axis" + spatial_ref="Spatial reference" + utm_zone_number="UTM zone number">Projection system Start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.6f) + lang="en">Start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.6f) Geocoded thermal noise look-up table + lang="en">Geocoded thermal noise LUT @@ -340,7 +361,7 @@ name="/metadata/orbit/orbit_type" shape="scalar"> PrOE (or) NOE (or) MOE (or) POE (or) Custom + lang="en">Type of orbit file used for processing. RESORB: restituted orbit ephemeris or POEORB: precise orbit ephemeris Runconfiguration file used for processing + lang="en">Run configuration file used to generate the CSLC-S1 product ISCE3 version used for processing S1 reader version used for processing @@ -429,7 +450,7 @@ name="/metadata/processing_information/algorithms/complex_data_geocoding_interpolator" shape="scalar"> DEM interpolation method + lang="en">Complex data geocoding interpolation method Instrument Processing Facility software version + lang="en">ESA Instrument Processing Facility software version Coefficients of the azimuth FM-rate polynomial + lang="en">Coefficients of the polynomial Mean of the azimuth FM-rate polynomial + lang="en">Mean of the polynomial Order of the azimuth FM-rate polynomial + lang="en">Order of the polynomial Standard deviation of the azimuth FM-rate polynomial + lang="en">Standard deviation of polynomial Doppler polynomial coefficients + lang="en">Coefficients of the polynomial Mean of the Doppler polynomial + lang="en">Mean of the polynomial Order of the Doppler polynomial + lang="en">Order of the polynomial Standard deviation of the Doppler polynomial + lang="en">Standard deviation of the polynomial Input calibration file used + lang="en">List of input calibration files used for processing Source DEM file + lang="en">Description of the DEM used for processing Input L1 RSLC file used + lang="en">List of input L1 RSLC file used for processing Input noise file used + lang="en">List of input noise files used for processing List of input orbit files used + lang="en">List of input orbit files used for processing Slant range vector of LUT data + units="meters">Slant range of LUT data Zero Doppler time vector of LUT data + units="seconds">Azimuth time of LUT data Azimuth FM-rate mismatch mitigation (azimuth) correction as a function of slant range and azimuth time + + Solid Earth tides (azimuth) correction as a function of slant range and azimuth time + @@ -879,7 +907,7 @@ name="/metadata/quality_assurance/orbit_information/orbit_type" shape="scalar"> Type of orbit file used in processing + lang="en">Type of orbit file used in processing. RESORB: restituted orbit ephemeris or POEORB: precise orbit ephemeris Max of the phase of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Max of phase of VV geocoded SLC Mean of the phase of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Mean of phase of VV geocoded SLC Min of the phase of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Min of phase of VV geocoded SLC STD of the phase of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">STD of phase of VV geocoded SLC Max of the power of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Max of power of VV geocoded SLC Mean of the power of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Mean of power of VV geocoded SLC Min of the power of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">Min of power of VV geocoded SLC STD of the power of VV geocoded SLC + lang="en">STD of power of VV geocoded SLC Max of the azimuth FM-rate mismatch + lang="en">Max of azimuth FM-rate mismatch Mean of the azimuth FM-rate mismatch + lang="en">Mean of azimuth FM-rate mismatch Min of the azimuth FM-rate mismatch + lang="en">Min of azimuth FM-rate mismatch STD of the azimuth FM-rate mismatch + lang="en">STD of azimuth FM-rate mismatch + + + Max of azimuth solid Earth tides + + + Mean of azimuth solid Earth tides + + + Min of azimuth solid Earth tides + + + STD of azimuth solid Earth tides Max of the bistatic delay + lang="en">Max of bistatic delay Mean of the bistatic delay + lang="en">Mean of bistatic delay Min of the bistatic delay + lang="en">Min of bistatic delay STD of the bistatic delay + lang="en">STD of bistatic delay Max of the range solid Earth tides + lang="en">Max of LOS solid Earth tides Mean of the range solid Earth tides + lang="en">Mean of LOS solid Earth tides Min of the range solid Earth tides + lang="en">Min of LOS solid Earth tides STD of the range solid Earth tides + lang="en">STD of LOS solid Earth tides Max of the geometry steering doppler + lang="en">Max of geometry steering doppler Mean of the geometry steering doppler + lang="en">Mean of geometry steering doppler Min of the geometry steering doppler + lang="en">Min of geometry steering doppler STD of the geometry steering doppler + lang="en">STD of geometry steering doppler - Max of the los ionosphere delay + lang="en">Max of los ionosphere delay - Mean of the los ionosphere delay + lang="en">Mean of los ionosphere delay - Min of the los ionosphere delay + lang="en">Min of los ionosphere delay - STD of the los ionosphere delay + lang="en">STD of los ionosphere delay