This is the workflow that generates OPERA's DIST-S1 product. This workflow is designed to delineate generic disturbance from a time-series of OPERA Radiometric and Terrain Corrected Sentinel-1 (OPERA RTC-S1) products. The output DIST-S1 product is resampled to a 30 meter Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) tile. Below is a sample product (T11SLT from data acquired January 21, 2025) subset over impacted areas of wildfires in Los Angeles, CA 2024-2025.
We have a command line interface (CLI) and python interface.
All the examples below generate the full sample product above.
We only expose the required paramters below.
See the examples directory for additional parameters available.
For a description about the organization of the repository see the Design/Organization of the Repository section.
To determine the relevant parameters for DIST-S1
submission, please see the repository dist-s1-enumerator and the notebooks within it.
A variation of the script below can be found in examples/ It is possible to run steps of the workflow after the runconfig data has been created (primarily for debugging a step of the workflow). An example of this step-wise execution can be found in examples/ The same scripts are also found in the notebooks directory.
from pathlib import Path
from dist_s1 import run_dist_s1_workflow
# Parameters for DIST-S1 submission
mgrs_tile_id = '11SLT' # MGRS tile ID
post_date = '2025-01-21' # date of recent pass of Sentinel-1
track_number = 71 # Sentinel-1 track number
dst_dir = Path('out') # directory to save the intermediate and output DIST-S1 product
# Run the workflow
The main entrypoint mirrors the python interface above and localizes all the necessary RTC-S1 inputs.
dist-s1 run \
--mgrs_tile_id '11SLT' \
--post_date '2025-01-21' \
--track_number 71
See the examples/ script for an example of how to run the DIST-S1 workflow as a SDS Science Application Software (SAS) with a preparation script to localize the necessary RTC-S1 inputs.
dist-s1 run_sas --runconfig_yml_path run_config.yml
There sample run_config.yml
file is provided in the examples directory from this prepatory step.
We recommend using the mamba/conda package manager and conda-forge
distributions to install the DIST-S1 workflow, manage the environment, and install the dependencies.
mamba env create -f environment.yml # or use mamba env create -f environment_gpu.yml for GPU installation with CUDA 11.8
conda activate dist-s1-env
mamba install -c conda-forge dist-s1
python -m ipykernel install --user --name dist-s1-env
The last 2 commands are optional, but will allow this project to be imported into a Jupyter notebook using the examples in this repository (see below for more details).
If you are using the primary workflow that downloads all the necessary RTC-S1 inputs, you will need to create ~/.netrc
file with your earthdata login credentials that can be used at the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) data portal to download data. The netrc
file should have the following entry:
login <username>
password <password>
We have tried to make the environment as open, flexible, and transparent as possible.
However, ensuring that the GPU is accessible within a Docker container and is consistent with our OPERA GPU server requires us to fix the CUDA version.
We are able to use the conda-forge
distribution of the required libraries, including pytorch (even though pytorch is no long supported officially on conda-forge).
We have provided such an environment file as environment_gpu.yml
which fixes the cudatoolkit
version to ensure on our GPU systems that GPU is accessible.
This will not be installable on non-Linux systems.
The library cudatoolkit
is the conda-forge
distribution of NVIDIA's cuda tool kit (see here).
We have elected to use the distribution there because we use conda to manage our virtual environments andour library relies heavily on gdal, which has in our experience been most easily installed via conda-forge.
There are likely many ways to accomplish GPU pass through to the container, but this approach has worked for us.
Our approach is also motivated to ensure our local server environment is compatible with our docker setup (so we can confidently run the test within a workstation rather than a docker container).
Regarding the environment, we highlight that we can force cuda builds of pytorch using regex versions: pytorch>=*=cuda118*
There are other conda-forge packages such as pytorch-gpu
that may also be effectively utilizing the same libaries, but we have not compared or looked into the exact differences.
To resolve environment issues related to having access to the GPU, we successfully used conda-tree
to identify CPU bound dependencies.
For example,
mamba install -c conda-forge conda-tree
conda-tree -n dist-s1-env deptree
We then identified packages with mkl
and cpu
in their distribution names.
There may be other libraries or methods of using conda-tree
that are more elegant and efficient.
That said, the above provides an avenue for identifying such issues with the environment.
As noted above, we install the kernel dist-s1-env
using the environment above via:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name dist-s1-env
We also recommend installing the jupyter dependencies:
mamba install jupyterlab ipywidgets black isort jupyterlab_code_formatter
As above, we recommend using the mamba/conda package manager to install the DIST-S1 workflow, manage the environment, and install the dependencies.
mamba env create -f environment_gpu.yml
conda activate dist-s1-env
pip install -e .
# Optional for Jupyter notebook development
python -m ipykernel install --user --name dist-s1-env
docker pull<tag>
Where <tag>
is the semantic version of the release you want to download.
- The containers are meant for
architecture and may not work as expected on Mac ARM64 (i.e. M1) architecture. - There is still more work to be done in order to support GPU processing utilizing the docker image.
Make sure you have Docker installed for Mac or Windows. We call the docker image dist_s1_img
for the remainder of this README.
We have two dockerfiles: Dockerfile
and Dockerfile.nvidia
They both utilize miniforge
, but the former has a base from conda-forge
and the latter has a base from nvidia
that includes a nvidia cuda base image.
To build the image on Linux, run:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t dist-s1-img .
On Mac ARM, you can specify the target platform via:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile -t dist-s1-img .
The docker image will be tagged with dist-s1-img
in the above examples.
To generate a sample product via a docker container (e.g. the one built above), run:
docker run -ti --rm dist-s1-img --mgrs_tile_id '11SLT' --post_date '2025-01-21' --track_number 71
See the src/dist_s1/etc/
file for the entrypoint of the container. It runs dist-s1 run...
Getting docker to work with a GPU enabled container is a work in progress, i.e. docker run --gpus all ...
The image utilizes the Dockerfile.nvidia
file to ensure a specific CUDA version is utilized.
See issue #22 for more details and discussion.
To run the container interactively:
docker run -ti --rm --entrypoint "/bin/bash" dist-s1-img # assuming the image is tagged as dist-s1-img
Within the container, you can run the CLI commands and the test suite.
The --rm
ensures that the container is removed after we exit the shell.
The bash shell should automatically activate the dist-s1-env
associated with the environment_gpu.yml
There are certain releases associated with OPERA project deliveries. Here we provide instructions for how to run and verify the DIST-S1 workflow.
We have included sample input data, associated a Docker image via the Github registry, and run tests via github actions all within this repository.
docker pull
If a specific version is required (or assumed for a delivery), then you use docker pull<version>
docker pull
The command will pull the latest released version of the Docker image. To run the test suite, run:
docker run --rm --entrypoint '/bin/bash' -c -l 'cd dist-s1 && pytest tests'
Note we have to use the --entrypoint
flag to overwrite the entrypoint of the container which is python -um dist_s1 run
by default.
We have a comprehensive test suite that is run via the CI/CD pipeline with each PR to dev
To run the test suite locally, run:
pytest tests
You can also run individual tests by specifying the test file:
pytest tests/
or via a specific test name:
pytest tests/
There is a lot of data used to test the workflows in expedient ways. This is described in the file.
This is an open-source plugin and we welcome contributions and issue tickets.
Because we use this plugin for producing publicly available datasets, we are heavily reliant on utilizing our test suite and CI/CD pipeline for more rapid development. If you are apart of the OPERA project, please ask to be added to the Github organization so you can create a PR via branch in this repository. That way, you will have access to the secrets needed to run the test suite and build the Docker image. That said, a maintainer can always integrate a PR from a fork to ensure the automated CI/CD is working as expected.
There are two main components to the DIST-S1 workflow:
- Curation and localization of the OPERA RTC-S1 products. This is captured in the
function within
file. - Application of the DIST-S1 algorithm to the localized RTC-S1 products. This is captured in the
function within
These two steps can be run serially as a single workflow via run_dist_s1_workflow
in the
file. There are associated CLI entrypoints to the functions via the dist-s1
main command (see SAS usage or the script).
In terms of design, each step of the workflow relies heavily on writing its outputs to disk. This allows for testing of each step by staging the relevant inputs on disk. It also provides a means to visually inspect the outputs of a given step (e.g. via QGIS) without additional boilerplate code to load/serialize in-memory data. There is a class RunConfigData
(that can be serialized as a run_config.yml
) that functions to validate the inputs provided by the user and store the necessary paths for intermediate and output products (including those required for each of the workflow's steps). Storing these paths is quite tedious and each run config instance stores these paths via tables or dictionaries to allow for efficient lookup (e.g. find all the paths of for RTC-S1 despeckled inputs by jpl_burst_id
There are also important libraries used to do the core of the disturbance detections including:
which provides an easy interface to compute the disturbance metrics as they relate to a baseline of RTC-S1 inputs and a recent set of acquisition data.dist-s1-enumerator
which provides the functionality to query the OPERA RTC-S1 catalog and localize the necessary RTC-S1 inputs.tile-mate
which provides the functionality to localize static tiles including the UMD GLAD data used for the water mask.
These are all available via conda-forge
and maintained by the DIST-S1 team.
The final DIST-S1 product consists of a directory with GeoTiff and a png browse image. Here, here we define equality of products if the generated products contain the same numerical arrays (within the GeoTiff layers), are georeferenced consistently, and utilized the same inputs. It's worth noting that even if the arrays within the GeoTiff layers are the same, the product directories will have different names due to the differences in processing time (which is a token in the product name). Similarly, there are some gdal tags that reference local file systems and so will be different between identical products depending on where they were generated. All that said, the notion of equality may evolve as the product becomes more structured. Below is an example of how to check if two products are equal within python.
from dist_s1.data_models.output_models import ProductDirectoryData
product_1 = ProductDirectoryData.from_product_path('path/to/product_1')
product_2 = ProductDirectoryData.from_product_path('path/to/product_2')
product_1 == product_2
Warnings will be raised regarding what data is not consistent between the two products.