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The TCP connection algorithm tuner sets congestion control algorithm on TCP sockets. Linux uses cubic by default, and it works well in a wide range of settings.
However, in situations where losses are observed, it can underestimate network capacity and as a result throughput can drop excessively. In such cases, BBR is a good fit since it continuously estimates bottleneck bandwidth and attempts to fit the congestion algorithm to it.
When we have limited information about a destination - i.e. we have not had > REMOTE_HOST_MIN_INSTANCES connections involving it, the only auto-selection involved is to use BBR in cases where loss rates exceed 1/(2^DROP_SHIFT) (1.5%) of the packet sent rate - in such cases, BBR performs better than other congestion control algorithms.
For cases where we connect multiple times we can try different algorithms to select the best.
In selecting the appropriate congestion control algorithm, a reinforcement learning-based method is used whereby we choose the congestion control algorithm that best fits the optimal bandwidth delay product (BDP):
BDP = BottleneckBandwidth * MinRoundTripTimeThe algorithm works as follows; BPF maintains a map of metrics keyed by remote gateway. For each remote gateway, we track the minimum RTT observed across all TCP connections and the max bandwidth observed. The former tells us - as closely as we can determine - what the true RTT of the link is. The latter estimates the bandwidth limit of the link. Knowing both of these allows us to determine the optimum operating state for a congestion control algorithm, where we feed the pipe enough to reach bandwidth limits but do not overwhelm it.
Tracking both of these allows us to determine that optimum BDP, so any loss function we use for optimization should drive us towards congestion control algorithms that realize that optimal BDP by being as close as possible to the minimum RTT and as close as possible to the maximum packet delivery rate. We cannot use raw BDP alone because it is composed of the delivery rate and the RTT, so instead the metric used is:
(current_min_rtt - overall_min_rtt)*S/overall_min_rtt + (overall_max_delivery_rate - cong_alg_max_delivery_rate)*S/overall_max_delivery_rateBoth denominators are scaled by a scaling factor S to ensure integer division yields nonzero values. See ../src/tcp_conn_tuner.h for the metric compuatation.
Note that while we use the current RTT for the connection, we use the maximum delivery rate observed for the congestion algorithm to compare with the overall maximum. The reasoning here is that because the delivery rate fluctuates so much for different connections (depending on service type etc), it is too unstable to use it on a per-connection basis. RTT is less variable across connections so we can use the current RTT in metric calcuation.
For a TCP connection with optimal BDP (minimum RTT + max delivery rate), the loss function yields 0. Otherwise it yields a positive cost. This is used to update the cost for that congestion control algorithm via the usual reinforcement learning algorithm, i.e.:
cong_alg_cost = cong_alg_cost + learning_rate*(curr_cost - cong_alg_cost)We use an epsilon-greedy approach, whereby the vast majority of the time the lowest-cost algorithm is used, but 5% of the time we randomly select an algorithm. This ensures that if network conditions change we can adapt accordingly - without this, we can get stuck and never discover that another algorithm is doing better.
How does this work in practice? To benchmark this we tested iperf3 performance between network namespaces on the same system, with a 10% loss rate imposed via netem. What we see is that bpftune converges to using BBR:
IPAddress CongAlg Metric Count Greedy MinRtt MaxRtDlvr cubic 2338876 9 9 3 1737 bbr 923173 61 59 3 10024 htcp 2318283 5 4 3 620 dctcp 3506360 3 1 9 160Note that we selected the BBR congestion control algorithm 61 out of 78 times and its associated cost was less than half of that of other algorithms. This due to it exhibiting the maximum delivery rate and lowest RTT.
iperf3 performance also improved as a result of selecting BBR, from a baseline of 58MBit/Sec (running the Linux default cubic algorithm) to 490MBit/Sec running bpftune and auto-selecting BBR.
So this approach appears to find the right answer and converge quickly under loss conditions; what about normal network conditions?
We might worry that grounding our model in assumptions closely tied to BBR's design might unduly favour BBR in all circumstances; do we see this in practice outside of conditions where BBR is optimal?
Thankfully no; we see a convergence to dctcp as the optimal congestion control algorithm; again it has the maximum delivery rate and minimum RTT:
IPAddress CongAlg Metric Count Greedy MinRtt MaxRtDlvr cubic 1710535 6 4 3 8951 bbr 2309881 1 1 7 206 htcp 3333333 3 3 3 8784 dctcp 1466296 71 70 3 9377Note however that it is a close-run thing; the metric for cubic is close and it matches dctcp for minimum RTT (3us) and maximum delivery rate is close (9377 for dctcp, 8951 for cubic).
In addition, when retransmits occur for a TCP connection, we enable TCP thin linear timeouts to improve responsiveness for thin TCP connections.
BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control