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Mihir Hirave mihirhirave
🚀 Data Scientist | Conjuring Strategy from Chaos!

University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, Texas

ABCDAT warrior
Shubham Sharma booringreader
making a hobby out of programming, one day at a time

NIT Srinagar India

Hamid Rouhani hamid914
I'm a M.Sc student of Software Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. I'm working in Web Technology lab under supervision of Prof. Mohsen Kahani.

Tehran, Iran

Machine Learning Enthusiastic
Mert Mert-Cihangiroglu
Pursuing PhD in AI & Security

University of Pavia Italy

Daniel Suh danielsuhcompsci

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, TX

Akshat Sharma Akshat2k3

University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, TX

P B Sai Ramana ramanasai
Look the world for privacy...
Bryant Hargreaves bluestarburst
I have somewhat of an idea of what I'm doing.
Soroush Hashemifar soroushhashemifar
Machine Learning Engineer

Iran, Tehran

Morteza Zakeri m-zakeri
Ph.D., Computer Science, Member of ACM

@Micropedia, @iust-projects Planet Earth

My coding journey :)
Lerich Osay LerichO
B.S. Computer Science | UT Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas

George Contreras GeorgeLContreras
CS Student at UTD'25

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, TX

Seok-Ju Hahn (Adam) vaseline555
[Pronunciation: suck-zoo haan] Conscripted postdoctoral researcher (Date of Discharge: August 2025) atta-dipa dhamma-dipa

Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea

Aarian Ahsan Aarian-A
CS Student at UTD '24

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, Tx

Farman Ali Farmanmann
Excited to navigate Machine Learning, Robotics and Web Develpoment!

@ACM-Research @RoboSub-UTD

Pranav N pranavn21
Deloitte | UTD '24; Ex-Director of @ACM-Research

Tax Technology Consultant at Deloitte | Ex-SDE Intern @ Charles Schwab, Ex-IT Intern @ Brown & Brown Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

Michael A. Figueroa Raziel6174
Art and Tech nerd

University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX

Ian Welch ianwelch
My replacement github account for @Gwacter. Remember to download your one time codes if you setup 2FA kids!
utd cs '24 •ᴗ•

Dallas, TX

Logan LoganLieou
B.S. Computer Science @ University of Texas - Dallas (Work Acct: @llj190001)

University of Texas - Dallas Dallas TX

Venkatesh VenkiPhy6
Data Analyst | Policy enthusiast | UTD Graduate Student

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas

Roman Hauksson RomanHauksson
Trying to make the future go well

Portland, Oregon

Brad Johnson bradwj
Computer Science Student at UT Dallas
Jack Myrick jmyrick02
CS Student at UT Dallas

Dallas, Texas