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Awais Khan awaisk65
Snr Embedded Sys Developer | Python | Robotics | PX4 | ROS

National Aerospace Science & Technology Park (NASTP) Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Reid Russell reidaruss
Rust | Python | C++


Krishaay kry0sc0pic
aerospace research intern @ IIT Bombay, dev lead @classifyorg


JP Johnston ME CSWP RogueRocketeer
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | L2 Rocketeer | TRA #21009 | NAR #111636 | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | ME | CWSP | US Army Ranger

Vector Engineering, LLC Woodburn, IN

Felipe W. ffwestin

São Paulo, SP - Brazil

eye naveen-nayan
Firmware Developer | Freelancer
Ramzi ramzibou0735
MSc in Aerial Robotics @NPU. Aspiring Robotics Software Engineer.
yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Ken Nickerson kcnickerson
Maker, Coder, Hacker, MaveriX, XanaduAI, HorizonIO, CDL, i6, xdTaz, xOmers, xFlixel, xRthm, xKobo, xOpenCola, xMicrosoft, xRogers, xBanks, xXs

iBinary LLC Toronto, ON

Tejal Ashwini Barnwal tejalbarnwal
Junior Robotics Engineer | GSoC@ Open Robotics | Mechanical Engg, IIT Bombay


Rodrigo Freire Bastos RodrigofrBastos
Electrical Engineer Student At Senai Cimatec Researcher in Aerial Robotics Systems
Karthik Arumugham KarthiAru
Robotics & AI


Serkan Mazlum serkanMzlm
Mechatronics Engineer


Yukon Yukonus

Canine Defense Technologies Huntsville, AL

Luke LukeBlueLOx
Luke From the Giant Mountains

BLOX - Solutions Forge Giant Mountains

Madman Cimos
I do stuff


Don Venable venabled
Navigation and computer vision researcher.

Dayton, OH

sanpérez 5anperez
UoM - EECS Fella

Ann Arbor, Michigan

mohan mohanbabi
Once a learner always a learner


Alex Klimaj AlexKlimaj
CEO/CTO of ARK Electronics

ARK Electronics Salt Lake City, Utah