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Batirov Saparboy sbotirov
Senior Backend/Mobile developer. Technical director at

Bulavka Biznes Ltd Uzbekistan


Tampa, FL

mathe0_MB m4t30615
soy un un estudiante que apenas esta comenzando en este asombroso mundo de la programación, cualquier aporte lo agradesco.
Baris Sonmez sbarissonmez
DevOps Engineer


Raphael Rott rottifant

student @ htl mistelbach Austria

eg canering

Tampa, FL

ᚣᚳᛊᚷ ᐖ iiSH0RTY1999
Peu importe que vous ayez du style, une réputation, ou de l'argent, si vous n'avez pas bon cœur, vous ne valez rien. -Louis de Funès




zhou0244 zhou0244

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Kirill Voynov cyrilvoynov
hi there! i’m qa engineer, pc enthusiast, high ranked dota 2 player and commercial photographer
周雨豪 krzhck

Tsinghua University Singapore

Mikołaj vertyll
Engineer, specializing in programming. First year master's degree, specializing in low-level programming and IoT.


Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

MAPKIN nampingg
MAPKIN name of two brothers who fascinated with electronic dance music. Member are consist of Mark (Producer) And Ping (DJ) are KINship, since 2017.

MAPKIN Thailand

Vicky Kumar pseudovicky
on the way of Searching, Connecting the dots.


Jeongwoo Kim mochafreddo
🧑‍💻 Software Engineer

Freelancer Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Matthias Kerbl MatthiasKerbl

AppHouseKitchen Vienna