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Mohsen Amiri mhsnar
PhD student in Mechanical Engineering - Robotics

Washington State University US

Francesco Mecatti mc-cat-tty

@mmr-driverless Modena, IT

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Abhimanyu Bhowmik abhimanyubhowmik
Masters in Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics | Erasmus Mundus Scholar 2023

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


perception | autonomous driving | mobile robotics
Yazan yazanmaalla
Robotics Engineer, @be2rlab .

ITMO university Saint Petersburg

Ahmed Emad Ahmed67124
R&D Robotics Engineer


Adithya Balaji adithyab94
Reasearch Engineer - AI & Robotics

Munich, Germany

enesavcu avcuenes
An autonomous robotics engineer #C++ #ROS #MATLAB #Python #Robotics #AutonomousDriving #Optimization #ModelPredictiveControl #PX4 #NavigationaandGuidance
吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

John sokol johnsokol

Video Technology United States

RossBots ARLunan
Robot Builder with ROS Turtlebot , Turtlebot3 Burger, Phantom Pincher Arm, using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AI & Deep Learning with Jetson Nano, Nanosaur

Lunan Design Studio Markham, ON, Canada

Samy Mohamed SamyMohamed1
ADAS Model-based Software Engineer


Xinchao Wei hunter55555
My name is Xinchao Wei. Master of AI, Northwest Polytechnical University in Xi'an. Research interest: Reinforcement Learning

Northwest Polytechnical University Xi'an china

zt_bit zt-BIT
Ph.D. in Beijing Institute of Technology, major in 'local path planning based on prediction'.