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Xiong Xiong-biomech
Ph.D. (c) at Movement Biomechanics and Analytics Lab, University of Ottawa, Canada; Co-founder @ AccMov Health Inc.

University of Ottawa 200 Lees,Ottawa,ON,Canada

likai likaisun

123 shanghai

Gabriel Antonio Gazziero Moraca gabrimoraca
👨🏻‍🔬Pesquisador e entusiasta em análise de dados / Researcher and data analysis enthusiast 📊🔎

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / São Paulo State University Rio Claro, Brasil

Pierre Puchaud Ipuch
Post-doctoral fellow in Biomechanics @s2mLab.

S2M lab Montréal

Matija Pavlovic matijapavlovic
S&C Coach & Sports Scientist
Pedro Pires phps-28
Graduated in Biomedical Engineering and Bachelor in Science and Technology at the Federal University of ABC. Master's student in machine learning techniques.
Mitchell Tillman, Ph.D. mtillman14
Ph.D. in biomedical engineering developing tools to analyze data at the speed of thought.

Chicago, IL

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Emanuel Rocha evrocha

Flexopower Diadema

Henrique Marques Santos Silva Henrique123-Marques
Amateur Astronomer, Bachelor of Science and Technology university student, and Python development learner.

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Reginaldo Fukuchi regifukuchi
Researcher enthusiast in Biomechanics and Python user.

Biomechanics and Motor Control Laboratory Canada