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Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot

Satin Wuker SatinWukerORIG
Father of the Rickroll Programming Language. Head of TheAlgorithms Fortran & Mojo projects. Researching at RelinkAI.

@Relink-Inc @Rick-Lang, @LLVM, @TheAlgorithms, @Cantonese-community Orange County, California, USA

🍌Shawn StepfenShawn
🦀Rust & OCaml lover. Building cool stuff for ​humans​. Part-time quant dev.

Guangzhou, China

Cantonese-bot xjkun1
If you are interested in the Cantonese programming language, Welcome to join us!
