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Gregor Kržmanc gregorkrz
Physics student at ETH Zürich

ETH Zürich Zürich / Geneva

Benjamin Lawrence-Sanderson benjaminls
Ph.D. student at Northwestern University in particle physics. B.S. Physics & B.A. Plan II Honors UT Austin '23.
Irene Zoi IreneZoi
Postdoc @ Fermilab on the CMS experiment. Working on searches for new physics and on the outer tracker phase-2 upgrade

Fermilab (US)

Soumyadip Barman soumyadipbarman
Research Fellow, CMS collaboration, CERN

Visva Bharati University India

Guillermo A. Fidalgo-Rodríguez GuillermoFidalgo
Graduate Physics Student at the University of Alabama @iris-hep @hsf-training Interests: Machine Learning and HEP

Tuscaloosa, AL