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Lukman Edwindra ledwindra
A student at Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago (MPP '26) who likes to code and learn languages for fun.

Chicago, IL

George Marbuah GMarbuah
Research Economist | African Development Bank
Evelyn Campbell, Ph.D. campbelle1
A polymath who is a mucosal immunologist by training that is applying analytical and computational skills within the social and biological sciences.
Sou o Igor, nascido em Goiânia - GO, formado em Economia pela UFPel e mestrando em economia aplicada pelo PPGOM da UFPEL

UFPEL Pelotas

Favio LEIVA Favioleiva
I am a PhD Student at the Graduate School of International Development at Nagoya University where I also got my Master of Arts in International Development


Phan Anh anhp95

Nagoya, Japan

Shuangbin Xu xiangpin

Southern Medical University GuangZhou,China

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Suho Bak SeaViewer91
Remote Sensing Engineer

IREM Tech. Busan, South Korea

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Keon Monroe kdmonroe
Geospatial Enthusiast

Philadelphia, PA

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Jufeng Lu IvanLJF
interested in monitoring land-surface for motion risks with InSAR

piesat Beijing China

Maodoumama sharonsunpeng

Christchurch, New Zealand

Dave George SeaWombat
Nerd, kayaker, and part-time apprentice of Thoth.

Clearwater, FL

Daniel Marc dela Torre delatorredm
Science and Data Lead | PhD

SERVIR Southeast Asia & Spatial Informatics Group

Alamin Molla AlaminMolla-Geospatial
Alamin Molla - a seasoned Geospatial Data Scientist with more than 5 years of experience dealing with geospatial data for producing scientific results.
Taylor B. Alarcon thisistayloraye
sociology phd student @ columbia university. causal inference, spatial analysis, networks, computational social science.

Columbia University Brooklyn, NY

cvs0 cvs0
Full-Stack Dev, Minecraft modding enthusiast.

@LockScript-Solutions Canada

Deniz Aycan aycande
UChicago Harris MPP'24 Koç'22
Julie Gravier JGravier
Permanent Researcher at CNRS, ThéMA Research Lab

CNRS Besançon

Eric Robsky Huntley ericrobskyhuntley
Lecturer in Urban Science and Planning, MIT DUSP (Director, @mit-spatial-action). Founder and Principal, @ographiesresearch.

MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning Cambridge, MA

h7ml h7ml
@h7ml Full-stack developer

@DTStack HangZhou, Zhejiang, China

Merve Gamze Çınar mgamzec
Data science | Remote Sensing | Open Data | Geo-statistics | GIS | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence


Matthew matthewmeadows81
Scientist, wanderer, and new to programming.
Shamil Khedgikar shamilkhedgikar
A programmer in the social sciences.

Chicago, IL

Adam Cox mradamcox

Healthy Regions & Policies Lab, UIUC New Orleans, Louisiana

chenchen yan-yuchen

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, China