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Elmer Alosnos elmeralosnos
Geospatial Crop Modeler | RS-GIS Specialist | Data Scientist

DA-PhilRice Philippines

Luis Calisto lcalisto
GIS, geospatial and data. All about data and geo.


Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes igorkf
Graduate Research Assistant at University of Arkansas Center for Agricultural Data Analytics (CADA) Lab | Statistician

University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR

Oluwafemi OYEDELE BB1464
📊 🌐 🧑‍🏫I am an agronomist and data scientist with an interest in bayesian statistics, machine learning, crop modelling and geospatial analysis.

Research Assistant at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan

Iacopo iacopoff

EURAC Research Milan (IT)

Alexander Schönafinger aschoenafinger
Junior Research (Climate Change, Land Use Change, Landscape Ecology, Agriculture

@euracresearch (Institute for Alpine Environment) Bolzano, Italy

Christos Charmatzis
Hi, my name is Christos and I am GIS Solution Architect. My passion is designing and developing GIS solutions.

@TA-Geoforce Athens, Greece

Ruhollah Taghizadeh RuhollahTaghizadeh

Yara International Dülmen, Germany

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

Bryden Wayne brydenwaynedoned
💽 Software Engineer, 🧭 Adventurer, 🍷Wine & 📜 Wine History, Enthusiast 🐕 Dachshund Lover

DirectOneDesign Cleveland, OH