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SHH, quiet... this will destroy you. SHHSSH
¿ LexRank Journalist Æ Houdini Heuristic œ Dysfunctional Artist ¤ Rx Analyst -So busy, noone sees "it".
Rog rogxo
C/C++, Reverse Engineering, Disassembly, Windows/Android Internals & Low-level stuff, Exploitations, Penetration Test and more...

Reverse Engineering Co. Ltd. Metaverse

Charles Lomboni moval0x1
Malware Analyst who loves technology, music, nature and sleep.


Reverse Engineer & DevOps


landv landv
From China 技术是第一生产力; 他山之石可以攻玉。

landv beijing

Sanji Winaya Pratama aratane
if it's work, don't touch.

SnetX Tech Indonesia

LTears LTears
Simple but not simpler.

Abetsafe Security Lab Helsinki Finland

durandal gitdurandal
Hi I'm durandal. I make things that break things.

Hephaestus Security Consulting Group, Inc. Durandalingrad

Nick Renieris VelocityRa
Emulation, Reverse Engineering, Graphics.

@kryptoslogic Greece

th7 Tonyha7
Love C#, Python and reversing. Currently learning Android C and Rust.


LLM-powered mechanical monkey


Jumbo Jumbo-WJB


Maxim Avramenko BombasterMax
Cybersecurity third year student from SPbETU, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Interested in software reverse engineering and infrastructure security

SPbETU Saint-Petersburg

Taha Amin Ghafuri [T@G] tahaghafuri
@php(@laravel),C & C++ & C# & @python Developer & Go,Devops specialist

@tahaghafuri Iran

K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

Попов Сергей qa-brokek1d
Сколько еще лет работы над искусственным интеллектом нужно, чтобы заставить вас поверить в бога?


Marcel Azmy marcel-azmy
Computer Science student at Faculty of Science Alexandria university.
Hazem Ali DrHazemAli
MIT Certified AI & ML expert with 22+ years experience developing, testing, and maintaining enterprise software applications.

@Skytells Los Angeles, CA, United States

João Victor fonteeboa
Turning challenges into solutions with secure, innovative, and bug-free digital experiences.