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PhD student in medical image computing.

Medical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria

Armin PouyaniArmin
Web designer and developer skilled in PHP, SQL, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, and Laravel. Enthusiastic about using Docker and Linux environments
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sudhir (Sid) Malla sidmall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Computational Cancer Biologist)

Queen's University Belfast Belfast, Northern Ireland

Gilad Turok gil2rok
Machine learning, Bayesian statistics, & optimization.

Flatiron Institute NYC

PhD student in Chemical Biology at Imperial College London

Imperial College London

Joshua Rollins joshuaroll
Researcher for Graduate Center at City University of New York in Dr. Lei Xie's lab. Former software engineer in the Debora Marks Lab (@debbiemarkslab).

New York

Taras Savchyn trsvchn
PhD student at MDC-BIMSB @BIMSBbioinfo

@BIMSBbioinfo @pytorch-ignite Berlin, Germany

Andrew Chupakhin andxeg
Researcher by nature

ML Engineer at Align Technology USA, CT, New Haven

Dr. Lei Zhang lei-zhang
cognitive computational neuroscience Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH)

University of Birmingham Birmingham, UK

César Miguel Valdez Córdova cmvcordova
PhD Student - Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS)

McGill University/Mila Montreal, Canada

Zhiyuan stanfish06

University of Michigan

Rishabh Anand rish-16
AI4Science @ Yale • Prev @NUSSOC, @caraml-group • Open-source <3

@KrishnaswamyLab @Graph-and-Geometric-Learning New Haven, CT

Matthew Scicluna MattScicluna
Masters + PhD Student at Université de Montréal. University of Toronto MSc, BSc in Statistical Science

Montreal Heart Institute Montreal

Ben Christensen bdotchristensen


Shanshan He ShanshanHe-44
PhD student in Bioinformatic at University of Copenhagen
Jourmore jourmore
Ambition and Interest, Whatever Floats Your Boat!

SiChuan University China/Sichuan/ChengDu

Emily Hashimoto-Roth emihash
PhD student in Computational Biology and Molecular Genetics

University of Toronto Canada

Drew Wilimitis drewwilimitis
PhD Student, Vanderbilt University Biomedical Informatics

Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN

Jie Huang hjanime
Bioinformatican & Deep Learning & Graphing Scientist

Peking University Peking,China

Danqi Liao Danqi7
CS Ph.D. @ Yale University. CS, undergrad @ Northwestern University. SWE @ Meta. CS, Master @ Princeton University
Jon Michaux jmichaux
Working on neural implicit representation for safe robot learning.

Michigan Robotics Institute Ann Arbor

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Nils ngandlau

Frankfurt am Main

Sachin M SachinLearns
The Essence | Observer | Retainer | Emitter
smit kadvani smitkadvani
Machine learning Engineer | Software developer | C programmer

Los Angeles