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Stef Lhermitte steflhermitte
Associate professor @ KULeuven & TUDelft | satellite remote sensing | snow & ice | climate | big data mapplications | machine learning

KULeuven | TUDelft Leuven

Shike Zhang Shike1223
Ph.D. student at SEAS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI

Kang Wang wk1984

@permamodel, @csdms, University of Colorado Boulder United States

François-Nicolas Robinne FNRobinne

Pacific Salmon Foundation Edmonton, Canada

Pixels, bits and bots

Loveland CO

Thomas Estabrook tgestabrook
ORISE Landscape Ecology Fellow with the USDA Forest Service

Seattle, WA

Alberto Lozada Silva albertolozada

Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental - INGAM Colombia SAS Spain

Chihiro Haga hagachi

GE lab@Osaka Univ. Suita, Osaka, Japan

Jason Schatz jschatz50

SkyTruth Santa Fe, NM

Vivek Srivastava viveksrivastava09

University of British Columbia

Matthew Garcia megarcia
Earth sciences via Python. Strange duck. Also on twitter as @MGeosci.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Wesley Rancher wesranch
MS Student @ University of Oregon Terrestrial Ecosystems Ecology and Landscapes Lab

Eugene, Oregon

Polina po1line
Environmental scientist and data analyst. Passionate about ecosystems resilience, biodiversity conservation, climate change action, and geospatial data 🌸
Felipe Bravo Felipe-Bravo
Integro métodos cuantitativos en la Ingeniería Forestal para un mundo mejor | máster DATAFOREST Catedrático de Planificación Forestal

iuFOR-Universidad de Valladolid Palencia, España | Spain

Ecologist and forest modeller. Keen on data analysis and visualization.

University of Granada Granada

James Lamping jameslamping

University of Oregon Eugene, OR

Vanessa Murillo VanessaMurillo

Universidad de Valladolid Valladolid

Chang Gyo Jung eco-cgjung
University of New Mexico

University of New Mexico New Mexico